Those Electric Cigarette Thingys

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Voice of the people
Its an awful lot of money. I try not to think of how much I have spent over 40 years
Best not to!
Does one every now and again do you much harm really?
I'd have to say I don't honestly know, but at the same time it can't do you any good can it?

My last set back was November 2012 when I probably went through about 20-40 over about 2 weeks, so hardly chain smoking, and then when I got my head together I just knocked it on the head. Hopefully it won't happen again, but as WD says that susceptibility will always be there.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I'd have to say I don't honestly know, but at the same time it can't do you any good can it?

My last set back was November 2012 when I probably went through about 20-40 over about 2 weeks, so hardly chain smoking, and then when I got my head together I just knocked it on the head. Hopefully it won't happen again, but as WD says that susceptibility will always be there.

You have far more willpower than I would. Well done for knocking it on the head
Personally, for me I could not take 1 cigarette. It would turn into another, and another and......
I know what you mean WD, but what amazes me is I'd guarantee if you had a drag on one it would taste $hite and make you light headed and probably not want another.

So, how and why do people, (and I include us), ever get past that point and become hopeless addicts, or recovering addicts at least?

It really illustartes the power of nicotine doesn't it?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I don't know if I would have given cigarettes up either it ecigs had been around. I would probably have just continued to smoke them.. again, its all or nothing for me.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I know what you mean WD, but what amazes me is I'd guarantee if you had a drag on one it would taste $hite and make you light headed and probably not want another.

So, how and why do people, (and I include us), ever get past that point and become hopeless addicts, or recovering addicts at least?

It really illustartes the power of nicotine doesn't it?

indeed it does. I have tried to give up before, and after a few days gave in, and boy did it make me light headed, but being a drug, well I just had to have another. Stupid woman
Its an awful lot of money. I try not to think of how much I have spent over 40 years
Very true, as for me Mrs Smoo used to smoke as well, not as many as me but never the less :eek:
OMG? Scary
What is scary is we'd have an ashtray in the bedroom as well, and last thing at night before going to sleep we'd both be sat up in bed and smoking our last fags of the day. Then we'd go to sleep with all that stale smoke hanging in the air as well xx(

We were forever decorating as well when we smoked, it's amazing how much longer decor lasts when it's not being enveloped by smoke and tar ;)

Tell you what, it's good therapy this thread, these memory's are certainly not making me want a fag now ^_^


What is scary is we'd have an ashtray in the bedroom as well, and last thing at night before going to sleep we'd both be sat up in bed and smoking our last fags of the day. Then we'd go to sleep with all that stale smoke hanging in the air as well xx(

We were forever decorating as well when we smoked, it's amazing how much longer decor lasts when it's not being enveloped by smoke and tar ;)

Tell you what, it's good therapy this thread, these memory's are certainly not making me want a fag now ^_^

I used to wake up in the middle of the night and light up then fall asleep with one in my hand so many times I burnt my fingers the duvet or the carpet I'm amazed I didn't burn the house down to be honest.
Looking back the smart thing would have been to leave them in another room but I wasn't very smart back then.^_^

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
At least I never smoked in bed, thank god. And yes it is good therapy. There is a smoking no more thread for people to have a look at as well.
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