Tour of Britain 2012

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Internet Marketing bod
The slow motion replay of Cav's final sprint shows just how much his bike was counting on the cobbles, his chain looked all over the place!


Couldn't watch today as I was grilling fish in the garden, but I'm chuffed for JTL - crowns a great season.
Last win for cav in the rainbow - he's done the jersey proud.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2

At Ranmore today...


I've watched many of the stages 'live' on the telly - yet not seen a single CycleChat jersey at the roadside. :angry:

I guess they must have been hidden under the thermals :cold: , rain-jackets :rain: etc ^_^

A good race, amazing crowds, first British winner and Cav winning his final race in the rainbow jersey. :thumbsup:

[was it a 'fix' ??? :evil:]


The slow motion replay of Cav's final sprint shows just how much his bike was counting on the cobbles, his chain looked all over the place!
Did you see how much Russell Downing's bike was jumping around on the cobbles ? I reckon he must have lost lots of traction in his final 20-30 metres. He seemed to be pulling the bike around, as opposed to letting the bike stay still under him.
i was at the 100m sign and Cav came past so fast i didn't see him! only realised who it was when i looked up the hill and saw the rainbow bands.

i can been seen on the coverage... one of the advantages of wearing an Euskaltel cap is it shows up well.

really great day on the High Street. the hill climb competition was fun and the crowds were huge. i arrived just after 11am and couldn't get near the barriers after 100m.


Über Member
I would love to write something profound about how this years ToB has been a microcosm of the development in the growth of cycle racing in the UK, not to mention the TdF, Olympics etc etc, but being out on the road, watching todays stage and then watching hi lights tonight of the race on roads I have raced and ridden for leisure on over many years has left me a bit emotional (again)
I was with a mate who rode for GB many years ago and he reminded me of when I used to ask if I could have one of his GB jerseys, I remembered him saying at the time, "your joking, they gave us 2 jerseys for a 5 day race, use your own shorts etc, gave us some dodgy tubs to use on our own wheels and never had enough to eat etc". "And we had to give the jerseys back when the race was over", how times have changed, thank God.
Bloody marvelous .


Good show all round! :thumbsup:
At first I thought TOB was a bit on the dull side. But have really enjoyed the last couple of days racing.
Well done JTL and Cav.


Was at the start in Reigate today about 500m from the start line and impressive crowds there. Was thinking of going to the start line for the rider registration/pre-race interviews but was about 15-20 mins before the start when I got there so didn't want to wander around too much looking for a spot. Anyone else been there for the pre-race activities? Would like to hear thoughts on if they are worth turning up for in future.


Hello there
Most importantly though, did anyone else hear the commentator say that he thought team net app had blown their load?


Failed Tech Bro
The family Bollo made a day of it, but by the time we'd worked through passport control on the Surrey-Hampshire border at about 2pm, we could only get to the barrier at the 350m mark, right at the point where the cobbles started. It turned out to be a good spot, as you could see all the way back to the final bend before the bridge and a fair way up the high street to the finish. By the time it kicked off at 4pm, the crowds were five deep. Here are some photos. Sorry if they're sh1te, but I didn't want to watch the finish through a camera.

New doping side-effects revealed.


Knees way in front?


Cav blasting out of shot. He kicked just before the cobbles and I wish I'd caught his expression. Pure aggression.


House enjoys the view from the back


Bernie Eisel - we could hear him ask the moto-rider who'd won. Why can you not buy a Bernie t-shirt? Why?
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