Turbo Club - Meet Ups / Events

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Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
The Alp is one of the easier climbs. Croix de fer, Glandon, Telegraphe/Galibier are the monsters. Then there are some much less publicised climbs which I have been told averaged 10% for 15k hidden away. That booklet I posted, I believe has them listed.

Didn’t look that easy going from your stats :tongue:

Seriously though. We’ll be doing a few other climbs too no doubt. But because some of us have done d’huez dozens of times on Bkool, and also because of its iconic nature. That is what we’re building the trip around. It’s very possible we’re heading back to the alps next summer so we’ll get another bite of the cherry then and possibly some more interesting climbs.


Don't get me wrong, The Alp, it's iconic, just not as bad compared to some others. Also from the guys who have been a few times before there are some much prettier climbs and views
I think @keithaitch is going next week. Also @Add is going there. At this rate it will be just a few of us with only Bkool times.
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