Vegan terrorism at it’s worst.

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Legendary Member
Our house consists of 2 adults, a toddler and 2 cats. Weekly shop for our diet of gruel is around £50. You're getting ripped off.



Legendary Member
And there's always the requisite negative post about vegans/vegetarians, usually with reference to them needing to eat meat. Go on, next thing you'll post is you're fed up with vegetarians preaching/pushing their ideas on others... :smile: This is about as predictable as Godwin's law.

Spot on. It's like Christianity in a way, lots of people bang on about 'them' forcing their beliefs on people, when in reality precious few actually do. Staunch atheists and staunch anti-vegan/vegetarian people are a million times worse for pushing their beliefs on you. Not totally dissimilar to the dreadful 'why don't cyclists pay road tax' brigade.

I honestly believe partly it's because some see these groups as a soft target.


More wheels than sense
Spot on. It's like Christianity in a way, lots of people bang on about 'them' forcing their beliefs on people, when in reality precious few actually do. Staunch atheists and staunch anti-vegan/vegetarian people are a million times worse for pushing their beliefs on you. Not totally dissimilar to the dreadful 'why don't cyclists pay road tax' brigade.

I honestly believe partly it's because some see these groups as a soft target.

For the Evangelist Christians pushing their beliefs on to people is pretty much why the exist.

'Millions of times worse' ? Do you have data or are you and wanting to force your beliefs about them on others?

Try being an atheist for a while and have to listen all those 'Christians', who's entire religious effort is Christmas dinner and chocolate Easter eggs, tell you how I could be wrong there I must be. Practising Christians, who although disagreeing with me fundamentally, are more more accepting of my lack of belief.


Legendary Member
Yes, I stand by what I said. In my experience the staunch atheists are far worse, always happy to tell you what they think yet how many Christian people actually do that?
I think the 'Christians' you refer to are probably the same as people who bike to the shops and back once a week, but call themselves cyclists. Not I hasten to add there's anything wrong with that.

Sorry if I've struck a nerve by the way, just saying it how I see it.

Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
On yesterday’s ride I passed through Bridgewater. A town in Somerset I have never been to. I was excited to see it.

I arrived and took note of all the identi-kit high street shops in the centre. In the centre of the pedestrianised section, there was an evangelist yelling out the stuff they normally yell out. But unlike any show of this kind I have seen before there were a couple of groups of chavs heckling him. I think they were drunk or on drugs because none of their comebacks made any sense. But to be fair, none of the evangelical spiel made any sense either. I’m no Christian but I am tolerant and accepting. Live and let live. Somehow no one came to blows even though it was a pretty incendiary exchange.

Then I went to Subway and they wouldn’t let me in with my bike (forgot my lock) but the greasy spoon up the road was very accommodating. And the food and coffee was lovely. Staff lovely too.

(Do I get a prize for thread drift?)
On yesterday’s ride I passed through Bridgewater. A town in Somerset I have never been to. I was excited to see it.

I arrived and took note of all the identi-kit high street shops in the centre. In the centre of the pedestrianised section, there was an evangelist yelling out the stuff they normally yell out. But unlike any show of this kind I have seen before there were a couple of groups of chavs heckling him. I think they were drunk or on drugs because none of their comebacks made any sense. But to be fair, none of the evangelical spiel made any sense either. I’m no Christian but I am tolerant and accepting. Live and let live. Somehow no one came to blows even though it was a pretty incendiary exchange.

Then I went to Subway and they wouldn’t let me in with my bike (forgot my lock) but the greasy spoon up the road was very accommodating. And the food and coffee was lovely. Staff lovely too.

(Do I get a prize for thread drift?)
A visit to Bridgewater is incomplete without calling in at SJS Cycles who sell the fantastic touring and expedition Thorn bikes :bicycle:


Norven Mankey
On yesterday’s ride I passed through Bridgewater. A town in Somerset I have never been to. I was excited to see it.

I arrived and took note of all the identi-kit high street shops in the centre. In the centre of the pedestrianised section, there was an evangelist yelling out the stuff they normally yell out. But unlike any show of this kind I have seen before there were a couple of groups of chavs heckling him. I think they were drunk or on drugs because none of their comebacks made any sense. But to be fair, none of the evangelical spiel made any sense either. I’m no Christian but I am tolerant and accepting. Live and let live. Somehow no one came to blows even though it was a pretty incendiary exchange.

Then I went to Subway and they wouldn’t let me in with my bike (forgot my lock) but the greasy spoon up the road was very accommodating. And the food and coffee was lovely. Staff lovely too.

(Do I get a prize for thread drift?)
They seem Troubled in Bridgewater


More wheels than sense
Yes, I stand by what I said. In my experience the staunch atheists are far worse, always happy to tell you what they think yet how many Christian people actually do that?
I think the 'Christians' you refer to are probably the same as people who bike to the shops and back once a week, but call themselves cyclists. Not I hasten to add there's anything wrong with that.

Sorry if I've struck a nerve by the way, just saying it how I see it.

That doesn't match my experience but hey it takes allsorts to make a full bag of sweeties :smile:

Cheddar George

oober member
On yesterday’s ride I passed through Bridgewater. A town in Somerset I have never been to. I was excited to see it.

I arrived and took note of all the identi-kit high street shops in the centre. In the centre of the pedestrianised section, there was an evangelist yelling out the stuff they normally yell out. But unlike any show of this kind I have seen before there were a couple of groups of chavs heckling him. I think they were drunk or on drugs because none of their comebacks made any sense. But to be fair, none of the evangelical spiel made any sense either. I’m no Christian but I am tolerant and accepting. Live and let live. Somehow no one came to blows even though it was a pretty incendiary exchange.

Then I went to Subway and they wouldn’t let me in with my bike (forgot my lock) but the greasy spoon up the road was very accommodating. And the food and coffee was lovely. Staff lovely too.

(Do I get a prize for thread drift?)

No problem with Vegans but we do make some horrible generalisations about people from Bridgy !


Oh aye, i can just imagine the housing association letting me have a vegetable patch on the lawn and garden outside these flats.:rolleyes:. I asked them the other day if i could plant my palm tree in the garden when "he" gets too big for this flat. They haven't replied yet,but i'm expecting a no from them. Anyway,er lets not go there eh!:stop:
I wouldn't ask permission for stuff like this. Just do it and it'll be fine...

Tin Pot

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