Was this bus driver bad?

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Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Cab said:
I've worked in retail, I've worked in an NHS pharmacy, I've worked in fast food... I've never, there or anywhere else, lost my temper and disgraced myself and my employer in that way while working.

Well, that's excellent. Have a biscuit. But we're only talking about a mildly rude gesture towards someone who sounds to me to have attempted something a bit dodgy while on a bike here, not some kind of crazed psycho hillbilly chase through the streets culminating in a crazed axe attack. It hardly seems worth all the pompous and self righteous hot air that's being expended on it to me.
Anyway, I'm off to work. Have a good day everyone, and I'll try not to gesticulate at any idiots today.:blush:


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Yeah come on guys, leave off Nethalus. It wasn't a very bad thing to do, and quite understandable IMO.


Legendary Member
Even though i agree with what you say cab,the driving scene is a different kettle of fish,when it comes to tempers flaring,and the way some drivers nearly cause very dangerous situations.The most mild mannered amongst us would sometimes have a rant or have something to say at times,iv been in retail,and never had what goes on on the road.


New Member
Rhythm Thief said:
Well, that's excellent. Have a biscuit. But we're only talking about a mildly rude gesture towards someone who sounds to me to have attempted something a bit dodgy while on a bike here, not some kind of crazed psycho hillbilly chase through the streets culminating in a crazed axe attack. It hardly seems worth all the pompous and self righteous hot air that's being expended on it to me.
Anyway, I'm off to work. Have a good day everyone, and I'll try not to gesticulate at any idiots today.:blush:

Its up to the person in the carriageway to decide whether or not to allow someone to pull out. It isn't up to the person pulling out to force the issue, to decide that because the person should allow them out they will.

Nethalus doesn't know where the cyclist came from, but it sounds like theres a legal route by which the cyclist could have been there; to abuse the other road user for that is unacceptable behaviour from any driver, least of all a professional.

Nethalus knows she's in the wrong, and she knows that in most lines of work she'd be harshly reprimanded or dismissed.

I don't see why this is controversial.


New Member
col said:
Even though i agree with what you say cab,the driving scene is a different kettle of fish,when it comes to tempers flaring,and the way some drivers nearly cause very dangerous situations.The most mild mannered amongst us would sometimes have a rant or have something to say at times,iv been in retail,and never had what goes on on the road.

Thats what makes someone a good or a bad professional driver though. If thats how you react in a company vehicle, on company time, then thats clearly the wrong line of work to be in.


Legendary Member
Cab said:
Thats what makes someone a good or a bad professional driver though. If thats how you react in a company vehicle, on company time, then thats clearly the wrong line of work to be in.

Ok :blush:


Taking the biscuit
I think what Cab is forgetting is that busses now are driver operator and the driver, drives the bus, takes fares, deals with the public on their own in a near constant stream. Bus driving also carries some of the highest rates of stress and heart disease.

You don't get to let off steam with your workmates until you finish shift by which time, I would imagine(I have never driven a bus)a stress filled day would have left you somewhat numb.

T x


erm, the bike could have come from a legal route, more likely didn't

did keep coming despite the bus indicating and starting to pull out

and did say something to the bus driver

don't forget those bits cab

and for heaven's sake, your opinion is one thing, presenting it as fact is quite another


Legendary Member
tdr1nka said:
I think what Cab is forgetting is that busses now are driver operator and the driver, drives the bus, takes fares, deals with the public on their own in a near constant stream. Bus driving also carries some of the highest rates of stress and heart disease.

You don't get to let off steam with your workmates until you finish shift by which time, I would imagine(I have never driven a bus)a stress filled day would have left you somewhat numb.

T x

Sometimes its fine,but lately things have been bad,maybe due to the urgency of people nearing christmas.My worse incident lately was,as i was travelling down a bus lane,a car just pulled straight in front of me from the lane next to me,i had to hit the breaks hard,and heard the screams of shock from the passengers.But i was glad they all started to go on about bad car drivers,and after i had said sorry to them,all i got was,you dont need to be,it wasnt your fault,we are just thankfull you were on the ball.Made my day.


Legendary Member
I think most of us would agree to doing the same. But that stays inward.

I raised the point with the bus driver because she is specifically asking who is in the wrong. And she is, when talking about her response. But she, and her mates on Bloodbus, seem to think that it is ok to claim to be a professional but still have this level of disrespect for the public.

You could be in a car,or on a bike,or walking,if your treat in a certain way,i think it could make you react,some more than others,it includes everyone,not just proffessional drivers.I remember watching the tour one year,and because of over excited people on the side of the road,they caused a cyclist to fall,his reaction? to try and kick the public who were near?As i said,anyone can react,if provoked enough.Because bus drivers have a bad rep,in a generalised way,its jumped on straight away,when something like this is brought up.
When a cyclist is treated/shouted at/cut up,i dont see the answers,you shouldnt be cycling if thats the way you react,coming through?Its more like,i would have done worse,or what about trying this .:becool:


New Member
tdr1nka said:
I think what Cab is forgetting is that busses now are driver operator and the driver, drives the bus, takes fares, deals with the public on their own in a near constant stream. Bus driving also carries some of the highest rates of stress and heart disease.

Try working in retail near to Christmas (something I've done in the past). Try working in a hospital. See what happens if you behave that way towards the public.

You don't get to let off steam with your workmates until you finish shift by which time, I would imagine(I have never driven a bus)a stress filled day would have left you somewhat numb.

Not a great deal different to a lot of other jobs then.

Really, most of us can go day, after day, after day on the roads or at work without outbursts like that. I should think that most of us have never behaved like that towards a member of the public while working, and I would hope that most of us never would. Do that in a shop and theres a fighting chance you'll lose your job. Do it in a bank and odds are you're in serious trouble. Driving a bus is indeed a stressful job, but so are many others; that behaviour is quite clearly wrong and in many jobs you'd be out of work, Nethalus even knows its wrong.


Taking the biscuit
Bless you Nethalus and your Saxon War Taunt!

2 written warnings! No harm done 'eh? :becool:

I've been teaching my 5 year-old daughter the basics of road sense by using a 'we're all fishes swimming in the sea' analogy.
The Busses(and 18 Wheelers)are the whales and needs lots of room to move, if you get too close it could hurt you without even knowing you're there.

Cheesy I know, but it fits.
We also have the scarey Great White Van, Motorpikes and many others.
Velos are the shrimps and disabled scooters are hermit crabs.

It's amazing what commuting on the A2 does to your head.......

T x
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