Well that's me off my bike for a while

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World class procrastinator
Morning @SatNavSaysStraightOn . Hope you are a little more pain free today.

In autumn 2000, I lifted my dog wrongly (actually I lifted him correctly but then he changed his mind) and had a vertebrae move and I was in agony. A friend took me to hospital and I was kept in, still in agony but with floaty painkillers (Ex husband told me to man up and drive home as he wanted a kip. My reply to him was less than ladylike). I was flat on my back for 3 months - ex husband was useless and my weight went down to about 9 stone on account of not being able to get down the stairs to the kitchen). However, with physio it did get better. Like you I had horrendous pins and needles and I had no feeling at all in my right foot and also had tingles and sensation loss in my right hand.
Eventually I saw a chiropractor then a DORN practitioner, who did wonders for me but that was a bit further down the line when I could walk with a stick. All in all I was out of action for the best part of 2 years.

I am just wondering if getting to see a back specialist might be the way to go, sooner rather than later in case it's a bit more than sciatica, especially as you have motor loss. Our GPs are often amazing but when it comes to anything even vaguely spinal I'd be trying to get in with someone who specialises in back problems ASAP.

I really hope that you are improving anyway.


Changed hemispheres!
I slept reasonable well last night. managing to stay on my back all night and didn't wake in agnony until 6am this morning (2 hours better than the previous night and with sleep as well!) I promptly went back to sleep after taking my meds and didn't wake until 11am ! Its in only the pain meds that are keeping me sain. I know that. It did occur to me that we have private health insurance through my OH's work and think should be covered on it (not being a pre-existing medication condition) to I will get him onto it tomoorow. apoligies for the spelling but dyslexia and touch tping as well plus the meds making me light headed are not making typing that easy. I have had to up the 100% to 125% view on my web browser as it is.

It is just off that some movement that I would exiplet to me really painful with a bad back is fine but other movement is hell to put mildly and that is through the pain killers. I have yet to manage to sit up for anything more than a minute, but can now lie up at about a 25% degree but only for short periods.. actually I'm not sure it is that high but I'm trying to be positive!

Somehow my ownderfl husband has to work out how to shower me today!. we don't have a large batheroom in fact you couldn't swing a mpuse in it let alone a kiotten. th eonly up side is that the walls are that close I have plenty to hold onto. There is about 3 foot by 3 foot of floor space in it and tbh my parents motorhome has a bigger bathroom! It ony has a shower not a bath! so this is going ot be done abdout an hour or so have the nedt dose of pain meds!

sadly there sdoes not appear to me much in the way of improvement in the condition, or numbness only my ability to sleep!

Oh and there are definitely 4 of them... my husband and 3 brothers. honest. anyone who grew up in Failsworth I the 70's & 80's will know them!

right I think there might me more sleep coming my way soon. seem to be getting very drowsey again!


Middle Earth
I've just seen this too through your tab thread.
I'm so sorry to hear your confined to bed, it sounds horrid :sad:
Get well soon, I'm usually around if you're bored and want to discuss hunky men politics or string theory.....


South Coast
Sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon. Rest up and come back stronger!
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