What book are you currently reading?

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Failed Tech Bro
Re-reading "Dispatches" by Michael Herr. A great prose poem to the Vietnam war and the source of my sig line.


Eh up
Re-reading "Dispatches" by Michael Herr. A great prose poem to the Vietnam war and the source of my sig line.

A very good read :thumbsup:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Just coming towards the end of H.M.S. Surprise by Patrick O'Brian (in the process of re reading the whole series)

Then I've got Cycling To The Ashes by Oli Broom lined up next (borrowed off @gavgav) before going back to more derring-do on the high seas.^_^
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I read six Lee Child's books last winter and have 11 to read when I'm away at the end of the month. Just need three more to complete the set.

I'm a bit addicted to them. 61 hours was a bit slow and is left on a cliff hanger but hopefully the next book Worth Dying For clears up the story!
I have read 3 so far since the summer and always look forward to the next. eBay has quite a few collections on tree and individual copied for about £3 each. :-)


Can I resurrect this? I've just finished David Millar's book and need inspiration for what to read next.

I want something fiction. I'm tempted by Life of Pi, or to re-read The Thomas Covenant trilogy (Thanks to @Crackle for the suggestion) which I last read when I was a teenager. But I'm open to pursuasion, so if you've read something good recently I'd love to know.
Life of pi is well worth a read.
100 years of solitude is one I've read fairly recently and very much enjoyed.
The shadow of the wind is superb, and anything by Julien Barnes, particularly Arthur & George and the Sense of an Ending.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Re-reading Flashman on the March, George MacDonald Fraser's last Flashman novel, written in reaction to the Gulf War. Excellent stuff as always !


Just over here
Currently reading August 1914 by Solzhenitsyn, finding it a bit harder to get into than some of his other stuff but looks like it'll be interesting.
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