What film did you watch last night?

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The Hunt for Red October and Crimson Tide

I didn't make it to the end of CT, Gene Hackman's character is a lot more annoying than I remember. He does have a cute dog though. THFRO though is great, Sean Connery is a powerhouse in this and Sam Neill plays great against him.

Might watch Das Boot tonight ^_^

I love the "what is the best submarine movie" scene in CT.
I love the "what is the best submarine movie" scene in CT.

I'm guessing that was one of the Tarantino contributions!


Slippery scientist
Unstoppable. I caught it last night having watched it not that long ago. I like this film, based on a true event but obviously given the Hollywood treatment. Makes you think too - how would I have gone about it? There seem to be so many obvious options that didn't come up.


Heavy Metal Fan
Unstoppable. I caught it last night having watched it not that long ago. I like this film, based on a true event but obviously given the Hollywood treatment. Makes you think too - how would I have gone about it? There seem to be so many obvious options that didn't come up.

Love that film. Yes it does seem as though they could have just driven alongside and thrown someone on there to hit the brakes, but I'd be interested to know your thoughts on how you'd have done it! Most of mine probably wouldn't work in practice


Slippery scientist
Love that film. Yes it does seem as though they could have just driven alongside and thrown someone on there to hit the brakes, but I'd be interested to know your thoughts on how you'd have done it! Most of mine probably wouldn't work in practice

Well the obvious one is to have a train in front and get someone to hop over and hit the brakes. They did try to slow it down with a locomotive from the front so they had one in place. Plus the obvious one you point out. Or drop someone from a chopper (in a way that keeps them conscious).

I suspect that the reality was that there was less parallel road than shown in the film (why do US chases need every emergency vehicle in the state to be involved?!) and fewer real opportunities to interact. Here's the true story.
3 last night

Get Out
Very inventive psychological horror with just a dash of comedy, a (black) man is taken by his (white) girlfriend to meet her parents for the first time. They seem very nice but..... Best you don't know anything else about about the plot than that going into the film.

The Lighthouse
It's the story of 2 men's 4 week stint as lighthouse keepers on a remote lighthouse on an island in the 18th century. There are secrets and mysteries to be revealed, and all is not as it seems. I struggled to keep invested in this, theres nothing wrong with it as such it just didnt engage me as much as I thought it would.

Black Adam
It's a superhero film. If you don't like them you won't like this, if you do like them it's not the best but it's better than it's performance at the box office and others would have you believe. Also Pierce Brosnan is in it playing a wizard and he's really good.
Lucky Logan
Prison break/ robbery crime caper with southern gothic tone. Good ole boys, NASCAR, daisy dukes, sheriff Hogg prison warden, dimwit brothers. Crack open a cold, weak, fizzy beer and soak it up.
I watched a bit of the remake (female main-cast) of Ghostbusters (was on 'Film 4')
It was quite amusing, & Chris Hemsworth presumably enjoyed his role too


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Another bout of insomnia so I wanted a feel-good, relaxing movie to watch from 01:00 to 03:00. World War Z was my choice... :whistle:

As the long-departed (from this forum) Drago posted...

Brad Pitt, a plot so thin you'd get your hand covered in poo if you tried to wipe your arriss with it, and a dreadful acting. Pitt can act well when it suits him, but he's clearly going though the motions for the pay cheque.
The scene towards the end where... Do we really need a spoiler block for this? Ok, spoiler it is...

The scene towards the end where Brad has injected himself with a zombie-fooling pathogen and then walks down a corridor towards a seething mass of blood-curdling, victim-chomping zombs... They rush maniacally towards him. Would they be able to see him, or would the recently-injected pathogen hide him from their ferocious gaze? The answer is, they couldn't see him - praise the merciful Lord! (The same merciful one who authorised the original zombie plague in the first place, but let's not be nit-pickers! :okay:) So, Brad has to look incredibly anxious as the zombs race past him. Now you might think that it would be hard to keep a straight face as extras tarted up to look like the meanest m*-f* predators on the planet are colliding with him in their haste to run to the product placement soft drinks machine behind him, and evidently you are right... One zomb almost knocked Brad off his feet and I spotted just a hint of a smile start to appear on his face, but professional actor that he is, he soon got it under control and started looking really worried again... I watched that scene several times, and he was definitely struggling not to laugh. I wonder how many times they had to shoot that one! :laugh:


Good to see there are others on here who like the Sherlock Holmes films, the 60's horror anthologies, and the old Hammer stuff too.

I think both Rathbone and Jeremy Brett capture the essence of Holmes from the books. I don't mind Nigel Bruce but he's scripted as a dumb foil to show off Holmes' intellectual rather than as a rounded character. Gotta love the Holmes versus the Nazis propaganda one though and the speech he gives at the end 'This sceptre'd Isle... this England'.

Saw the new creepy doll film Megan at the cinema tonight. Another Blumhouse production, like Happy Death Day, Invisible Man etc. Good fun, no real surprises, tense rather than scary. Only a 15 so not too gory. If you like Chucky but with less blood...

Very busy week coming up but will try to see Plane, the new action thriller. Trailer looked ok, don't have high expectations of it but we'll see.

If we can fit it in we'll also see Unwelcome - new Irish horror/supernatural film. Looks pretty scary. Trouble is at the moment that many films are only on for a week. If you don't see them straight away you've missed your chance.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Half an hour into Blade Runner 2049, brilliant, but a long way to go!

As I posted to Accy a week or so back... I just don't get it! :wacko:

He was watching films that bored him, so he entertained himself by coming on CycleChat while he was watching them.

You are watching a film that entertains you, so you making a mid-film appearance is even stranger.

Am I the only person on the forum who messes about on the computer, but then turns it off when it is time to watch TV? :whistle:
Good to see there are others on here who like the Sherlock Holmes films, the 60's horror anthologies, and the old Hammer stuff too.

I think both Rathbone and Jeremy Brett capture the essence of Holmes from the books. I don't mind Nigel Bruce but he's scripted as a dumb foil to show off Holmes' intellectual rather than as a rounded character. Gotta love the Holmes versus the Nazis propaganda one though and the speech he gives at the end 'This sceptre'd Isle... this England'.
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