What winds you up about cyclists you may see when driving

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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Really nothing. I see other cyclists as virtual club mates, potential friends, peers etc. Yes, I'm one of those annoying 'greet other cyclists' people, who I know annoy the grumpier members of this forum. I generally find that the share love of cycling means that when I ride with or chat with other cyclists, we get along well.

I don't really see the point in getting wound up by other cyclists, or even drivers or pedestrians, in my experience, it just potentially spoils a good ride.

Sorry, but no. You only have to spend 5 minutes on this forum to realise that there are nobbers on bikes, the same as there are in all walks of life.
Just because we share a mode of transport does not mean we have anything else in common. Not even a love of cycling - I cycle about 3500 miles per year but it might be a stretch to say I love it. Sometimes it's a real PITA and I'm certainly not loving it but I need to be on a bike for whatever reason.
I also drive, and don't feel the love with my fellow drivers.
Maybe I am one of the grumpy members of which you speak, but I just don't see this cycling lark as one big happy family!
Dazzling front lights, especially in flashing mode.


Legendary Member
London, UK
The ones that tell me I should stop at ALL red lights like when there's no traffic, no pedestrians.

The ones that turn left on red and get in the way of other cars.

And so on.


Legendary Member
Grown men cycling on the pavement. It's not a rational objection as in fairness they can't go very fast as they're usually on full sus mountain bikes with flat tyres and the saddle very low. What I really want to tell 'em is "raise your saddle and pump the bloody tyres up"


Norven Mankey
Is that the thinking behind it?

I must confess to being a bit shocked when I rode around London last Saturday. I stopped at all the red lights just like I always do. But in about 2 hours of cycling there were four cyclists who sailed past me when I was stopped and just went through on red

I only mention it because I have never seen a cyclist going through on red around here (of course there are far fewer traffic lights) and it was quite a shock.


Eh up
The cyclists on cycle paths/tracks who refuse to keep left, its like playing chicken, you are sure they will move over but they don't and you have to swerve at the last moment.

The helmet police cyclist.

The newbie who tries to give you tips on all things cycling, that you have heard a hundred times before and its usually bollocks.


An Peanut
Cyclists who don't cycle.

The ones who have a bike in the garage that has been there untouched for 10 years and claim that they are cyclists just because they own a bike, so therefore that gives them the right to drive like a nobber.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Cyclists who don't cycle.

The ones who have a bike in the garage that has been there untouched for 10 years and claim that they are cyclists just because they own a bike, so therefore that gives them the right to drive like a nobber.

Or.. motorists that knock you off then claim that they are a cyclist too. Except as you say the bike, which is a Halford special has been gathering dust and cobwebs in a shed.
I must confess to being a bit shocked when I rode around London last Saturday. I stopped at all the red lights just like I always do. But in about 2 hours of cycling there were four cyclists who sailed past me when I was stopped and just went through on red

I only mention it because I have never seen a cyclist going through on red around here (of course there are far fewer traffic lights) and it was quite a shock.
Unfortunately, the phasing of the lights in London is usually so poor, that you have to be able to outsprint Chris Hoy, in order to get through more than 1 set in a row. I don't condone RLJing, but ( in London at least ) I understand it.


I sometimes see them taking primary either stupid early or late. Much cycle craft is about good timing.


Legendary Member
East Lothian
What really winds me up is cyclists who just want to make riding a bike as difficult, and as unpleasant as possible for themselves, bike the wrong size, saddle too low, soft tyres, coat open acting like a parachute, heels on the pedals, and a rough, rusty chain noise, they may also have a badly fitting helmet at a jaunty angle, they could be very happy as they are, but it's just wrong, and very annoying.
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