What winds you up about cyclists you may see when driving

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Totally obsessive , cool by nature
:blush: From a distance I noticed a cyclist eating a banana so I pulled up next to him and noticed the shape of it,never fell into the EU standard so I asked him if he knew this and his banana was illegal , he said .. " you're wrong mr , now we agreed on Brexit I can eat any shaped banana I like "
I felt a bit embarrassed so I rode off , I could hear him saying I was an old busy body ..
Cyclists , such weird people .. :bicycle:

Mrs M

Always disappointed when I see someone on a bike going the wrong way up a one way street.
Also cycling through traffic lights when it's the pedestrians turn.
One cyclist going round a busy roundabout near the industrial estate at dusk, wearing huge headphones, dark clothing, no lights (or helmet).
Also a teenager cycling straight towards me on a shared path, totally oblivious, texting away. "Watch where you're going" woke him up though :dry:


I do my own stunts
Cyclists who cycle in the middle of the cycle path. Bloody annoying I have to brake whilst you look over your shoulder, wobble precariously across the entire path before eventually moving to one side.


Insert witty title here
Sorry, but no. You only have to spend 5 minutes on this forum to realise that there are nobbers on bikes, the same as there are in all walks of life.
Just because we share a mode of transport does not mean we have anything else in common. Not even a love of cycling - I cycle about 3500 miles per year but it might be a stretch to say I love it. Sometimes it's a real PITA and I'm certainly not loving it but I need to be on a bike for whatever reason.
I also drive, and don't feel the love with my fellow drivers.
Maybe I am one of the grumpy members of which you speak, but I just don't see this cycling lark as one big happy family!

Clearly not. But I've found that on balance, I'm more likely to get on well with cyclists, so I'll assume that I will, until they prove themselves to be nobbers! I guess I'm a glass half full type of guy.

I know what you mean about drivers, clearly driving is not a great fraternity, with members greeting each other cheerfully, but do we really want to be more like drivers? (And I'm a driver too, but I think of myself as a cyclist who drives nowadays, rather than a driver who also cycles).


Here for rides.
I know what you mean about drivers, clearly driving is not a great fraternity, with members greeting each other cheerfully, but do we really want to be more like drivers? (And I'm a driver too, but I think of myself as a cyclist who drives nowadays, rather than a driver who also cycles).
How to put this. Cycling ain't a fraternity, there is no we. No us. No community. The only thing we have in common is a mode of transport.


London, UK
RLJ's -- If i stop at traffic lights, so should you.

twats that insist on cycling through pedestrian/zebra crossings and 'weaving through' people that are trying to cross the road.

impatient f**kwits who insist on squeezing by me on left or right side at a set of lights to get in front of me when there's less than a hair's breadth between us. These same folks are either wearing a huge pair of headphones, looking at their phones and increasingly slow to pick up speed when the lights turn green or they swing left directly into my path (if they were on my right side) as they start pedalling - which brings me onto my next annoyance.... cyclists that dont/never shoulder check.

Ninja's -- Black is beautiful but please put some lights on your bike or buy clothing that has reflective patches/piping so that other road users can see you.

Lastly, other cyclists that accidently 'bump' into you when rolling to a stop. Im hardly going to turn around and stab you in the face but an apology would be nice no matter how small the love tap was.


Legendary Member
Time was, driving was a fraternity, including the women. Drivers did use to wave to each other. The MG wave survived long after it died out amongst other drivers in general.

Go to The Netherlands now, and try getting a wave off other cyclists. You would struggle.

A special wave for VW drivers was extremely popular in Europe in the early forties.


Time was, driving was a fraternity, including the women. Drivers did use to wave to each other. The MG wave survived long after it died out amongst other drivers in general.

Go to The Netherlands now, and try getting a wave off other cyclists. You would struggle.
Go to Islay, everybody waves to everybody no matter what mode of transport they choose to use.
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