Why you shouldn't slap cars

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Legendary Member
Just noticed he has a web site selling car parts - http://www.barspeed.co.uk
No contact number or address which I thought wasn't allowed for a .co.uk website.


Smash the cistern
Where ?
To ensure your website is legal you must:
  • For a registered business, the website needs to display the following Company Information the Business Name, place of registration, registered number, its registered office address and if it is being wound up.
I have to say I'm wondering what is your motive for looking into this guy's business affairs and finding his contact details.


Legendary Member
None what so ever for this particular bloke. I am only interested in how many people don't have the fainest idea of their legal requirements when building a company website. What's more this looks like a professional job, so done by someone who should know better. Anyway, if he didn't want people to find it, he shouldn't put it on his YouTube profile.


Smash the cistern
None what so ever for this particular bloke. I am only interested in how many people don't have the fainest idea of their legal requirements when building a company website. What's more this looks like a professional job, so done by someone who should know better. Anyway, if he didn't want people to find it, he shouldn't put it on his YouTube profile.
Actually I could only see a (well hidden) contact address and not the other stuff you mentioned. I don't think the website looks all that professional anyway, more like a hobby type thing. Do you need to be a registered company to have a .co.uk website then?


The contact detail's for the domain are easy enough to find. Looks like a website run from his home address given street view.


Legendary Member
Just seems a bit ironic, someone who obviously has problems with the way people drive, being a petrolhead. I noticed that his earlier videos appear to be taken from a car. Perhaps he got disqualified and that is why he has this attidude.


Über Member
Actually I could only see a (well hidden) contact address and not the other stuff you mentioned. I don't think the website looks all that professional anyway, more like a hobby type thing. Do you need to be a registered company to have a .co.uk website then?

It looks more like a standard template type provided by his host, which itself advertises on his own page? I wouldn't like that from paid hosting, even budget paid hosting.

Anyone can have a .co.uk, but a business must display it's place of registration, registered address and number, VAT also if they're registered. That isn't just a website leglisation, it covers every piece of business marketing material or business stationary whether physical or digital, so it covers websites and all business emails.

Can't say his YouTube channel does him any favours at all. A lot of his descriptions, or explanations don't seem to match the video.

"SAAB swipes cyclist"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmoarf2MhJE&list=UU_3llkdyo-yojhCVRu0qwXA

I see no 'swipe', yes the vehicle passes a little closer than we'd probably all like, yes the vehicles pulls in on him and suffers from a lack of impatience/anticipation himself but anticipation wise he was watching the SAAB not looking ahead,so when the SAAB brakes he himself throws a fit on the brakes, controls it but then appears too busy mouthing off and drops something like a clipless moment and then blames the driver for running him off the road. There was no 'jump or die' moment at the moment he falls sideways.
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