Word is getting out ...

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Voice of the people
i wouldn't have pulled over, i would have sat in front of her and slowed down . Moving over reinforces their belief they have a right over you
I completely understand where your coming from, and I agree with you! But conditions were wet and she was tailgating close. If the cyclist comes off through panic or being shunted by the car and then gets run over by the same car, who comes off worse? Sure, the driver will be prosecuted(maybe) , but the cyclist may be dead!!


extimus uero philosophus
She was in the wrong tailgating, but for the cyclists own safety wouldn't it have been safer all round to just momentarily pull over and let her pass? Very few motorists will just say "I'm sorry" in that situation. There is almost always confrontation. She was an ignorant ass and the cyclist did nothing wrong. But for the sake of safety. Is it worth it?

You cant always expect them to know to pass if they dont understand that tailgating is a bloody no-no. I've actually done that - pulled over and waved them past. One more than one occasion they just sat there confused. Have you considered he might have felt concerned about stopping in case she just kept going?

I've read some of your posts on here and other thread. Try not to be so judgemental towards other riders.


Voice of the people
You cant always expect them to know to pass if they dont understand that tailgating is a bloody no-no. I've actually done that - pulled over and waved them past. One more than one occasion they just sat there confused. Have you considered he might have felt concerned about stopping in case she just kept going?

I've read some of your posts on here and other thread. Try not to be so judgemental towards other riders.
I'm not judging anyone! Where did you get that from?


Voice of the people
Equally you wont change our opinions on camming, or the real benefits they've brought. You just make yourself look aggressive on a forum.
You want to film everyone, go for it! I object to you lot forcibly trying to convert any who disagrees you. You are in a minority, despite how many ego stroking "likes or comments" you get on here. People tend to keep quiet here for the fear of being ganged up on.
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extimus uero philosophus
Dont you think you're putting words in other's mouths now?

We're not out to gang up, just highlight issues. How many more times does that have to be said. Simply ignoring the issues hasn't made them go away in the past 50 years. I'm in my mid 30s now and have seen things change for the worse until the last decade when people started to get interested in campaigning again.

The camera is just a tool. Perhaps people like yourself have some latent regret that you've not done enough to push for change and thats why you go for an easy target.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Also, some real harsh comments on that YouTube video.
Its the internet. What do you expect?


Voice of the people
Dont you think you're putting words in other's mouths now?

We're not out to gang up, just highlight issues. How many more times does that have to be said. Simply ignoring the issues hasn't made them go away in the past 50 years. I'm in my mid 30s now and have seen things change for the worse until the last decade when people started to get interested in campaigning again.

The camera is just a tool. Perhaps people like yourself have some latent regret that you've not done enough to push for change and thats why you go for an easy target.
No, I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth and no I don't have some latent regret about not having done enough. You do gang up! On anyone like me who doesn't think cameras on bikes is a good idea. You also mentioned that I am aggressive. As far as I can remember I haven't insulted anyone or ever printed a swear word at someone. You stick to your view and I'll stick to mine.


What I don't understand is why some people will seek further interaction with a driver after something's happened. The vast majority of people will react badly when confronted with what they've done wrong as they begin to realise they were in the wrong and become embarrassed or just believe steadfastly that they're correct. I can't recall when I've seen a confrontation end well; it's not as if they're going to go "well now that you've shown me my mistake I'll be sure to read into the rules and look to change my behaviour in the future."
Before going up to the window people might do well to ask themselves:
"What do I hope to achieve here?"
"What am I actually going to achieve here?"

You're right and perhaps we can play on the word "confront" here.

Confronting someone generally means taking an agressive tone.

You need to be assertive to get a point across. If assertive tends to agressive you've lost.

I've done both. On a couple of occasions where I've been assertive I believe I got a positive outcome. You need to get to the point quickly and don't look for a response. "Give me more room next time mate", "I'm not cycling in the bit where if someone opens the door I'm toast, so give me a bit more room".

It's difficult to do this and if you haven't had time to take a moment and think about your response you'll get nowhere.


extimus uero philosophus
No, I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth and no I don't have some latent regret about not having done enough. You do gang up! On anyone like me who doesn't think cameras on bikes is a good idea. You also mentioned that I am aggressive. As far as I can remember I haven't insulted anyone or ever printed a swear word at someone. You stick to your view and I'll stick to mine.

The constant questioning of other's objectives and making out that its subversive rather than reactive is aggressive.
If you cant see that you've fallen into the same prejudiced trap many anti-cyclists take then you become part of the larger problem on the roads.


The constant questioning of other's objectives and making out that its subversive rather than reactive is aggressive.
If you cant see that you've fallen into the same prejudiced trap many anti-cyclists take then you become part of the larger problem on the roads.

I'd say assertive rather than agressive, but I could be wrong.:smile:

Sorry fella, but people like Roadrider really aren't the problem. He's a cyclist and he doesn't see the point of cameras. That's it.
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