Your ride today....

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Second weekend of March, and a reasonable weather forecast by comparison to February, so a ride was on.

Out at around 6:30, and the weather was better than the previous night forecast, with blue skies, dry, but blowy. As I didn't want my lovely new bike to get splashed too much, I decided on a variation of last week's route, which should be mostly dry.

Up past the Norton church, and then down Littleworth towards Wadborough the long way round. The wind was ahead and to the side most of the time until past Wadborough, but I got a bit of respite after turning left on Rebecca Rd towards Pershore. I made it quite quickly to the brook at Besford Bridge, before starting the drag up to the top of Pershore. Luckily the wind was mostly behind me, but I still took my time, as I didn't want to overdo it so early in the ride. I was also a bit apprehensive, as the rising sun was straight ahead, and I was concerned any car coming up behind me might not see me, though at this time in the morning there was traffic.

At Pershore it was a left for Pinvin at the traffic lights, over the A44 after the train station, and then a right for Throckmorton past the airfield. The wind was helping in places, but in others the gusts were pushing me around a bit. I stopped by the village hall for a drink, and then I was on my way through Bishampton to Flyford Flavell. The intention was to get to Bradley Green, but avoiding Himbleton, which tends to flood, so took the right on the A422, and then the lanes via Stock Green to Bradley Green. Progress was swift with the help of the wind, and I reached the turn for Hanbury quite quickly.

Now I had again cross and headwind making progress hard work, so I stopped for a nut bar and a drink, and once refreshed I set off again against the wind. I was rather glad of having drops to tuck in. Hanbury and Hanbury Wharf came and went, and then took a left for Hadzor, just before the M5 underpass. I was starting to flag a bit, and now I was riding straight into the wind, but with not long left to home it was just a matter of keeping pushing through.

The last bit going down to St Peters on the cycle path next to the ring road was quite something, having to work quite hard against the wind pushing uphill.

I made it home after 37 ish miles and really glad that I finally took the plunge and bought a new bike. No photos today as I was enjoying the riding instead of the views.

The map



Über Member
Ah ha!!! I believe this to be Coity Castle, in the village of Coity. That I passed through this morning. Managed to beat the incoming weather front, just! I'll go back on a warmer day and have a walk around and a better look. Looks to me as though it was converted late in it's life to a "fortified house". Then given up? Local historian???


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Legendary Member
I Had to take my bike to the bike shop in Marlow today partly because it developed a horrible squeak when pedalling under pressure and to have a shorter stem fitted that I ordered last week. I couldn’t ride all the way because of the squeak, I wasn’t sure what the cause was so I put the bike in the car and drove just outside of Marlow and cycled in, ( saved money by not having to pay for parking) from the top of the hill.
Once they’d found out what the squeak was and fitted the stem I took the bike for a test ride to Marlow Bottle giving it a bit of wellie, to see if I could make it squeak, satisfied that it was sorted I rode the bike back to the car up the big hill.
10.36 miles on a dry light cloudy day.



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Un rouleur infatigable
I Had to take my bike to the bike shop in Marlow today partly because it developed a horrible squeak when pedalling under pressure and to have a shorter stem fitted that I ordered last week. I couldn’t ride all the way because of the squeak, I wasn’t sure what the cause was so I put the bike in the car and drove just outside of Marlow and cycled in, ( saved money by not having to pay for parking) from the top of the hill.
Once they’d found out what the squeak was and fitted the stem I took the bike for a test ride to Marlow Bottle giving it a bit of wellie, to see if I could make it squeak, satisfied that it was sorted I rode the bike back to the car up the big hill.
10.36 miles on a dry light cloudy day.

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What was causing the squeak?

Don't leave us in suspense! :ohmy::laugh:



Decided to go out with Free Wheel North this morning..They have Led rides, supposedly for beginners etc.....
The journey was all on the Forth and Clyde canal, from Maryhill to the Kelpies.
Dry ,dull and mild going out.
The group usually do a stop of about 30 minutes which I don't like , so I usually head home alone.
The return journey was tough, heading west , straight into the wind
There's a wide open , very long straight bit between Bonnybridge and Auchinstarry and its brutal into a wind.
Today it was wind and rain .


Old jon

A grey morning with a bit of breeze. Just right for riding a bike, I thought. So I did just that.

With gigabit broadband and replacement gas mains, and for all I know Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all, there seem to be more holes than road around here just now. Reaching Holbeck has never been so slow. Office Lock and the towpath to Viaduct Road had no surprises, the wind was a bit more than I had thought but that would be giving me a push later on. Ride up through Headingley and on, across the Ring Road to Lawnswood. And more roadholes, with traffic lights this time. Seems to be a feature of the month, on the entrance to Bramhope there were even more. I suppose I should be grateful for the enforced rest . . .

Through the village and further on to the Dyneley Arms. Turn right for the downhill whizz!!! and on a whim carry straight on to cross the River Wharfe. The next left turn is signposted to Leathley and Farnley, what it does not tell you is that to reach Farnley you have to cross another river, the Washburn, and climb a hill. And then, after a munch break, ride down the other side.

To Otley. Go back across the Wharfe, ride through the town and up Leeds Road. All the way to a different approach to the Dyneley Arms. Thinking of the road out of Bramhope, the only err sensible option was the A660. Back past the roadholes. The enforced wait there, before reaching the roundabout, showed me something. There is a new housing development on the left just before the roundabout is reached. Some building has started. I have mentioned before that one end of this site is mostly water that looks sort of deep. It must be, I saw two lifebelts (if they are still called that) on posts at the waterside. Who would buy a house there, I wonder?

Widdershins around the roundabout, always wanted to write that word, and ride up Kings Road. Turn right, through Adel and back to the A660. Headingley again and on the way out of Kirkstall ride back across the River Aire. Three rivers in one day, wonder if a four river ride is waiting? There was a larger crop of joggers than usual on the towpath, it was almost busy, but better than the road. And then the last bit home. Thirty two miles and 1800 feet going up, and down of course or I could not be at my front door with a smile on my mug. Another good pedal around.

A map, and the elevation ????




It was a bit dull and overcast this morning but no rain and the wind had dropped a bit so I thought I would go a different way and hope any floods had gone. I started out to Northwood, Welshampton and turned back to Brown Heath, and into the wind to Loppington, Burlton, Marton ,Myddle across the road to Balderton, Harmer Hill and down to Hadnall, past the race horses where a nice person in an Audi pulled over so I could stick to the only decent bit of lane which was in the middle and not have to risk the puddles/potholes/craters which the rest of that stretch of lane appeared to be, to Sansaw Heath following the wall round Sansaw Estate to Yorton then up to Clive. You can tell this is the posh bit of North Shropshire as all the lanes have sign posts so you can’t get lost! Down the hill from Clive , just into Wem before turning to Barkers Green, Aston back into Wem and over the railway to Creamore, Ryebank, Foxholes, Northwood and back home. 33.74 miles @15.1 mph.


Legendary Member
Nothing special today, but did the15 miles home from work, then changed to flat shoes and put the Pickenflick into the boot of the car and rode another 15 miles home having dropped the car in for this year's service & MOT. Tomorrow I wil be hoping that the wind isn't as bad as forecst at it will be a 20 miler to pick the car up after work - most of it into the wind.

Old jon

Sunshine again! And maybe a bit warmer. Wheel out the fixed and go.

Can people ruminate about a route? If they can, that is what I did while I pedalled around Holbeck to Water Lane. Under the wings and out along Great Wilson Street and continue all the way through Hunslet to climb to John o’ Gaunts. Straight on from there, and at the Oulton roundabout, take the first road exit on the next. Pass the end of Mickletown, then under the railway at Methley Junction. Cross the river Calder, almost on the outskirts of Castleford, then turn left at the traffic lights. Somewhere along this bit of road the Aire and Calder join, out of sight behind buildings on the left. Take the left turn onto the A656 and you can see the joined rivers boiling over the weir upstream as you cross the bridge, an impressive sight this morning.

This road goes up. The map has a spot height of 12 metres at the bridge, up past Allerton Bywater and Ledston Luck, oh, and seeing a parade of lead Wings, some with three wheels, going the other way, then Peckfield Bar and the left turn to Garforth. A spot height of 103 metres so 300 feet in about four miles. Does not sound like a lot, but it certainly felt it. Yep, there is Garforth Cliff not far away now, going down. But that is no rest on the fixed, loads of fun though.

Around the southern side of town to the only roundabout, first exit and a bit more up on the way to Swillington. There is a better view of the Miners’ Welfare Club in this direction, a big poster outside listing the entertainment booked for the next while. No pits left around here, still the club thrives. Anyway, down through the village and back across the canal and river. Under the railway bridge and turn right to go past the station, up again, returning to John o’ Gaunts. Down the hill, take a different way through Hunslet and see my front door again after twenty five miles. And just remembering the sight of a red kite, the closest this year so far, just before Peckfield Bar, yup pretty marvellous.

A very different map


twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Mrs 26 and I met with Jules H, Margaret PR and John B in Upton. We took to the Castlemorton lanes and on to Bromsberrow where Pete M was waiting. Mrs 26 headed up the Hollybush climb while we all took to the wild daffs by Brooms Green. At St Mary's we wandered in the church yard to view the daffs. Onward we stopped at the field just outside Kempley which was ablaze with daffs. The run to Shaw Common showed daffs deep into the woods. We got closer to the woodland daffs through Dymock Wood. More daffs greeted us in the woods and on the banks as we headed for Oxenhall. I met GV's 'H' there and had a quick catch up before my gang headed for the cafe in Newent.
Back in the saddle we stopped at Gwen and Vera's fields for more daffs. The woods at Four Oaks were just carpeted and the roadsides were ablaze. After Dymock we stopped at another field. This one blooms later than others but was well on the way for an excellent show. More daffs lay along the Motorway as we crossed the bridge. At Ryton there were no takers for Ketford so it was our usual route to Bromsberrow where Pete and John peeled off for home. The 3 of us took to the Castlemorton lanes each taking their usual turns as required. What a lovely ride and display of nature's glory today. 58 smiles
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