Your ride today....

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Riding to work this morning.

It was cold.


Senior Member
View attachment 581444

Riding to work this morning.

It was cold.
That looks like such a great road to commute on. Very envious.


Senior Member
Was a bit less windy today, so went for another 20 miler round the city. I’ve now clocked up 400 miles in the month - the most since I retired. Most of my cycling today was on the South Side of the city (Glasgow). Like many Glaswegians born on the north side, I don’t know south of the river at all despite living in the city for most of my life. Always surprised by the architecture - lovely stone villas and tenements in many of the areas. I keep meaning to take a phone to photograph some of these.


Nice afternoon (yesterday) but rather windy. Out over Acton Green and on for Burley Gate. A turn away from there took me to the under used Ullingswick lane. Lovely views to the surrounding hills. I took the usual run from Withington down to Larport and onto the flanks of the Marcles at Prior's Frome. A pair of Red Kites surfed the thermals above. On through Yarkhill I had to stop just before Stanley Hill. Long story but in Hereford Hospital now. I'll be OK. 👍 37 smiles
Oh no, I hope all is ok.


I’d originally arranged to meet my mate Paul, for a ride, after work, but he’d sent a message this morning, to say he’d hit a pothole when riding to work and knackered his rear tyre and wheel, so that put pay to those plans. I’d also got a sore arm and bit of a headache, following yesterday’s second Covid jab, but wasn’t going to miss out on the beautiful warm sunshine and so decided to go for it anyway.

Shorts and t-shirt, for the first time this year, which was lovely, but looks like it’s back to Winter gear by the weekend.....

The first few miles of the ride, through nearby estates, were marred by numerous morons behind the wheel, which always seems to happen at the first sign of warm sunshine, but it improved after then. There was also a terrible smell in the air, the sort that risks gagging, which seemed to have been carried on the south westerly wind from a nearby chicken farm xx(. Thankfully that disappeared after Betton Abbots, but it was a bit of a slog into the wind to Condover and Ryton, where I paused for a photo

I then called in at Dad’s, for a chat, before heading back out to Exfords Green and Annscroft, where I turned North and enjoyed a nice tail wind, to quicken things up.

I had to stop at the traffic lights, where a chap on a nice Carbon bike joined me. I thought he’d blast past me on my heavier bike, but I managed to pull away from him, until the next set of traffic lights, at Hook a Gate, which annoyingly are on the nice fast downhill section.

He eventually overtook me on the climb towards Nobold, but I must have been doing ok speed wise, for a change! Final section was through Meole and home with 15.92 miles clocked, at 12.4mph avg.

It felt so good to be out on dry roads and in the warm sunshine. We all need more of that, after these last few dark months.


Glorious day but more windy than expected; three pairs of jeans were waving significantly on the outdoor rotary washing thingy at lunchtime but eventually (post 4pm) decided to abandon work and head out - first outing this year for bib shorts and a short sleeve jersey. Wind was a south westerly and strong enough to keep at least five of the eight wind turbines at Knabbs Ridge occupied. A59 and Burley Bank to Penny Pot, right to the end today for a clockwise loop around Menwith Hill, here northbound on the B6451 towards the crossing of the A59;

On the southbound part of the loop a patrol car quickly pounced on two walkers who had just used one of the public rights of way very close to the military base:ph34r:. Back east on Penny Pot just as I was beginning to believe no one was going to overtake me when a group of four did just that; here adding to the appearance of the road as a cycleway with motorised intrusions

A couple of PRs on the northern Oaker Bank followed. 16.94 miles with 794ft climbed.
Half seven decided the need for a shopping trip to Aldi; the Defy took immediate annoyance at being left alone in the shed and fell over; stood upright and set off on the ebike, its first outing for over a month, only to realise 9/10th of way their the lack of a wallet:sad: Back tracked and searched the house to no avail, then remembered the falling over Defy and there was the wallet on the floor of the cycle shed:smile: Trip completed successfully at the second attempt. 4.98 miles with 394ft of an ebike motor working that bit more.


Legendary Member
Out and about on a route I intend to keep adding to until it becomes a fifty miler. :angel: Great to be out in the sun and got into a race with another chap who politely enquired if I was going to Felixstowe as he didn't feel he had the legs to keep the competition going. I rather threw him when I asked if his name was @Jenkins. :whistle:

This at Swilland.

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You'd have needed to be a bit further north to spot me today - I took advantage of the easing of lockdown restrictions to head out of Suffolk for a ride for the forst time in over three months. It was only by one county to Norfolk and the southern part to keep it localish, but a much needed change of scenery none the less.

This was essentially a ride I did last year, but with an extra bit added into the middle. Starting out from Diss in the wonderful spring sunshine & warmth, I headed north up The Heywood to Gissing
along some very minor back roads round Tibenham and the airfield, carrying on up through Foncett End, Tacolneston (past the TV transmitter).
Tacolneston TV transmitter.JPG

From here, further small villages of Fundenhall, Hapton, Ashwellthorpe, Wattlefield, Spooner Row, skiting round the edge of Attleborough to Wilby and Snetterton Circuit (bike track day in progress) followed, with views varying from this
Marsh Lane, Hapton.JPG
to this
with this abruptly ending bridge at Fundenhall being a bit puzzling at the time, but it turns out to have been part of a rail line to Wymondham that branched off the London/Norwich main line at Forncett & closed in 1951.
Fundenhall rail bridge.JPG
After Snetterton, the run back down to Diss took me through Quiddenham, Kenninghall & Bressinham to round off a very enjoyable 50 miles of watching the countryside roll by in the best conditions of the year by far.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
All the best. Hope you are OK.
Thanks @Donger. Bit of a strange one. Got the medics in action now. We shall see. Sufficiently fragile that bike rides are on hold until I know more. With no bike riding the world and the universe has ended :sad:


Edited to include a picture of Whitwell Church.

Spring has arrived, at least for the next few days. I cycled through Aston and Wrenbury before heading out to Norbury. This section follows NCN route 45 through the Cheshire countryside. Once over the A49 I followed NCN route 70 towards Malpas. The road drops down into a small valley and crosses a stream which leads onto a stiff pull up to the top of the hill above Malpas. From the top of the hill there are good views over Malpas and a rewarding downhill drop to the outskirts of the village.

I cycled up the Coop, which used to be opposite the cross in the centre of the village. However, it was now closed with a big sign posted on the window saying it had moved. I asked a passing pedestrian where the new store was and realized that I had cycled right past it and completely failed to notice the huge illuminated Coop sign!

After buying some food I set off down the Old Malpas Road before turning off into Mastiff Lane. At roughly where the road becomes merely Dog Lane I turned off towards Lower Wych. The hamlet is situated at the bottom of a steep sided valley, so there was steep climb back up to Drury Lane. A long downhill section took me to Whitwell, where I turned off to St Mary's Church. The current building was constructed in brick in 1830, although there has been some sort of church since at least 1570. There is a bench near to the door with a good view over the daffodils and old gravestones.

After eating lunch and having a rest I set off towards Fenn's bank and the swing bridge over the canal. Another uphill section to Alkington before dropping down into Whitchurch. A final 12km ride took me through Ash and Ightfield to home.

55km and 470 metres climbed.

Centre of Malpas.

Doh! How did I fail to notice this!


Whitwell Church.

Alkington swing bridge.

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Trying to get my mileage up again this year has been a real struggle. A 42 mile ride last month nearly broke my legs and lungs which isn’t great.

Managed a 37 mile ride yesterday in lovely weather down to the trans pennine trail and then across to Tatton Park and back ok so hopefully it’s just serious cobwebs I need to dust off gradually.



Old jon

A grand morning out there, best ride away and enjoy it.

Just before leaving, the thought occurred, ‘ride down the riverside.’ so that is a start, after navigating around Holbeck just to have me and the bike pointing in the right direction. There is a fairly recent housing development just after the bottom of Goodman Street, just after that the path crosses the river and the beginning of the Leeds and Calder Navigation on a couple of bridges. And after that the path was very quiet indeed, even at Woodlesford.

That is where I left the canal, to cross it and the river before reaching Swillington. The road rises after here and as the crest is reached there is a sight of Hook Moor wind farm, seemingly perched on top of Garforth when you travel further up the hill. A bit of a misty view this morning. Turn right onto the A63 at the roundabout, and ride up the cliff on the way to Peckfield Bar. Fairly flat for a while now, the next roundabout, turn right to stay on the A63 until the left turn for the B1222.

Pass the former New Inn, ride under the railway bridge and across Newthorpe Beck and the next bit of up is a bit of a shock to the system after a few miles of little effort. Ah well. Sherburn in Elmet is at the top of this and the road descends to Sir John’s Lane, after a couple of hundred yards this is Coldhill Lane. Eventually, the road bears right at Coldhill Pond and then climbs what I guess is Coldhill.

Straight on, I am not riding to Saxton today. The gates at Lotherton Hall are next, and the right turn to Aberford. Up and down Main Street, it is a bit steep, and turn onto Cattle Lane to ride some more ups and downs to Barwick, also in Elmet. Covered a lot of acres, Elmet, in days gone by. Me and my bike have a few more miles to cover today as well. From Barwick, into Scholes and a short bit of the A64 to Thorner Lane.

Left onto Skeltons Lane, straight on is the A58, where I turn left for a whizz down Boot Hill and oh, yes, on Wetherby Road by the school was a rider on a recumbent trike. On the pavement. Not the best idea, methinks.

So, down another mile or so to cross the Aire again, home is now just the other side of Hunslet. Thirty five miles today, a grin, and seventeen hundred feet going up. And down of course. Another enjoyable ride.

Geograpically and (almost) aerially . . .


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