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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Five days off so down caravan. Popped out for a hilly 37 miles in the Clwydian Hills, then into the valley floor. Only down side is the climbs weren't rewarded with a fast flowy descents. Basically a very steep gravel strewn farm track to the bottom. Hey ho, the only vehicles I saw for miles was the postman and 6 blokes on MX bikes who all let on to me. Must have thought who is this nutter up here on a skinny road bike.




Alba Zeus

Über Member
With my latest project at work boxed off 2 days early and the promise of some sunshine I took the opportunity for some annual leave and headed to the trossachs with Orla the Orbea fresh from her firmware update. Cycled from Strathyre to Killin, stopped for a coffee then headed back. Highlight has to be Glen Ogle Viaduct but on rides like today's you can understand why people where inspired to right poetry about this country






Legendary Member
I got out for an after work ride with my mate Paul, in the warm evening sunshine, last night.

I rode up to Meole and we met by the school and took the main road to Hook a Gate, where when climbing out of the village my chain decided to just drop off the front rings.

From Annscroft we turned west and enjoyed the wind assisted run to Stapleton and crossed the A49 to Gonsal. The Condover road was still shut for the surface dressing and so we copied my route from Tuesday, to Ryton and Berriewood, along which my chain came off a second time 🤷‍♂️

The descent to Condover was great and this time took Lyons Lane to Betton Abbots and then parted ways at mine.

I then had a look at the chain and can’t find any sign of cracked links or anything like that. So I had a play with the gears and realised it’s not going into 1st either. I need to have a proper look at that at the weekend.

16.4 miles at 13.2mph avg


A mad idea dreamt up over a pint.
The famous 1967 Celtic team. All born in the Glasgow area .
We saw a graphic showing all their home towns and decided to give it a go.

Then a football related charity , the Kano Foundation came on board .
So we had to do it.
I drew on local knowledge from guys in the group.
Rode all the bits in advance.
Checked facilities, toilet , food stops , etc etc.

Then yesterday, 56 years after the event we done it.

No mishaps. No splits, 8 of us , 90 mile route.
Wonderful day.

Our group included ex Celtic captain Tom Boyd.




Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Our days off this week were mostly occupied with looking for a car for Doug. No joy so far (there was one that should have been ideal but a dead battery, no oil in the engine and three inches of water in the boot were enough red flags for us to walk away) so I was pleased to be able to get out for a short ride yesterday.

The route was intended to be up to Longsleddale but I managed to make a navigation cock-up and ended up headed towards Staveley instead. No matter, the views on the way had been great and with the warm sunny weather I was enjoying myself wherever I was headed. From Staveley I took the road towards Crook then tried out a lane towards Burneside, which I thought might be useful to avoid some of the steeper routes out of Kendal. It seems fine, despite crossing a dual carriageway section of the A591.

The rest of the ride seemed to be into the wind but that was the only issue as I headed back into town.

15.7 miles at 12.7 mph average. Strava has 1,205 feet of climbing but I'm not sure how much to trust that as the track it recorded didn't seem to follow the road that closely.

Just the one pic this time, looking back towards Kendal:



Home Baildon to just outside of Whitby 80miles or so.

Lovely ride from home, hardwood to tadcaster was particularly nice. I rode to fast tbh what I tend to do with fresh legs!

Coffee and dry pastry in tad, didn't stop in York too busy with tourists.

Found the road out to Stockton in forest when I had an Eccles cake - I know wrong county!!

Then found the back road to Malton as A roads were grid locked!

Maton had food festival so was too busy. Pint and chips in old molton.

Fast run to Pickering and into coop for tea items before I head into nym (North York Moors) panniers are full!!

Hole of Hocum spectacular as usual.

Military police at fylingdales. Dropped into campsite and pasta and ham for tea with a couple of ciders!

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I had my friend Edward staying over last night, so once I dropped him off at Ivybridge station I was ideally placed for a ride to Redlake up the Puffing Billy track.

As soon as I got going a red Kite wandered over my head, followed by a buzzard. There were plenty of skylarks, meadow pipits and a single wheatear.

16 sunny miles with long views over the South Hams to the sea.










Legendary Member
My rides tend to rotate between Lakes, Dales and Bowland, usually as individual routes. Today I joined up Bowland and the Dales in a lovely route. Out over Jubilee Tower, watching the lapwings and curlew protect nests from gulls with the cotton grass blowing. Next up was Trough of Bowland, lots of skylarks and meadow pipets Rising with indignation as I passed them. I trundled through the centre of Britain to Slaidburn where I waited while the Riverside cafe opened up for a coffee and flapjack. I then was in less familiar roads out of Slaidburn to Tosside and a new to me road from Tosside to Rathwell. Onwards to Giggleswick, don’t laugh, and Settle. Nice sausage roll from the Naked Man and a breather among the bikers. Followed my nose along the West Bank of the Ribble, then Wharf, Austwick and Clapham. Home via Keasden. 102 km with 1600 m of climbing.

Pictures of view from Jubilee Tower across Morecambe Bay, the backroad from Tosside and Penyghent.





80 or so miles from Whitby to hawes.

Left about 9am as stayed up late chatting to the neighbours over a campfire!

I knew the first bit would be hilly and it didn't disappoint. Up the risk valley whilst the railway take the valley the road goes up and down like a Spanish bull!


Then to stockley for a bacon butty and coffee. Loads of mamils on posh carbon bikes must be the place for monied Middlesbrough folk!
Fast run across the valley to bedale and leyburn. Was getting bored of the flat tbh.

Pint but not chips at the pub poor do!
Carvery was £14 which I didn't feel like.
Coop for essentials.

Ride up to Hawes campsite



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Today's cycling shenanigans. Out of the door at silly o'clock to cycle 16 miles to Tonbridge to do a solo 200km Audax Perm, The Weald Of Kent Audax. (207km according to the Brevet)
It was actually cold and foggy when I left home. I didn't take a jacket or windcheater and was tempted to turn back to grab one. But knowing it would warm up pretty quick I decided not to. It did take longer to warm up then I thought, especially as the route to Tonbridge has a very nice 6 mile descent. I may have shivered a little on the way down.
From Tonbridge it was south east down to Hythe, turning west To Rye with a fab tail wind assisting., popping in to my partner's sister and her husband for a quick visit and a much needed mug o' tea and choccy biscuit (or 5), well it was 75 miles on the cloc. Westwards to Rye, from Rye turned back east to the village of Wye, then to north west to Ashford and continuing back to Tonbridge.
I was going to cycle home, but its all climbing all the way so let the train take the strain this time.

Scores on the doors.
150 of your imperial miles.
Imperial Century #7 for the year, #327 over all.
A bucket full of future Eddington numbers. (2 x117 needed for that number)
Lovely day, the weather couldn't have been better which made for lovely cycling.
Back out on the bike tomorrow for a nice 50 miler to meet my partner for brunch. Hopefully my legs will work.


Cranbrook. Such a pretty village.

Cranbrook windmill

Bilsington Memorial

Not a bad day for a game of Cricket

Port Lympne
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Today's cycling shenanigans. Out of the door at silly o'clock to cycle 16 miles to Tonbridge to do a solo 200km Audax Perm, The Weald Of Kent Audax. (207km according to the Brevet)
It was actually cold and foggy when I left home. I didn't take a jacket or windcheater and was tempted to turn back to grab one. But knowing it would warm up pretty quick I decided not to. It did take longer to warm up then I though, especially as the route to Tonbridge has a very nice 6 mile descent. I may have shivered a little on the way down.
From Tonbridge it was south east down to Hythe, turning west To Rye with a fab tail wind assisting., popping in to my partner's sister and her husband for a quick visit and a much needed mug o' tea and choccy biscuit (or 5), well it was 75 miles on the cloc. Westwards to Rye, from Rye turned back east to the village of Wye, then to north west to Ashford and continuing back to Tonbridge.
I was going to cycle home, but its all climbing all the way so let the train take the strain this time.

Scores on the doors.
150 of your imperial miles.
Imperial Century #7 for the year, #327 over all.
A bucket full of future Eddington numbers. (2 x117 needed for that number)
Lovely day, the weather couldn't have been better which made for lovely cycling.
Back out on the bike tomorrow for a nice 50 miler to meet my partner for brunch. Hopefully my legs will work.

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Cranbrook. Such a pretty village.
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Cranbrook windmill
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Bilsington Memorial
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Not a bad day for a game of Cricket
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Port Lympne
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Warmer than up north by the looks of it!
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