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An elongated commute so I'll include it here rather than the commuting section !

Took the Bristol/Bath cycle track into the centre of Bristol - great to see so many people using the path, on all sorts of different bikes !

Crossed the centre of Bristol via Queens Square & Princes Bridge before heading along the Festival Way to Ashton Court.

A brief stop to take a couple of pictures & then joined the busy A369 !

27 kms in total.




Needed a ride after work for some serious stress relief, and the Armathwaite loop is easy and almost traffic-free.

18 miles again, but I didn't expect those PR's :ohmy:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Easy 23 miler to Overton on Dee cafe on the recumbent. The Defy is all washed and serviced ready for its few days holiday in the Dales next week and I did not want it covered in cowsh!t. In the end the roads were clean - the recent rains must have washed the local environmental hazards away! ^_^
I rode along the Rochdale canal towpath this evening. I drank from my bottle quite a few times before noticing that a lot of muddy water had splashed over the bottle from the puddles on the path.

There are lots of patches of goose crap on that towpath, and also dog eggs left by the hounds of selfish and/or stupid owners. I hope that I don't catch anything nasty from the contaminated bottle!


Legendary Member
Not the best evening for a ride, with that wind gusting well over 20 mph again, but with it coming from the South it was at least a warm wind! I'm going away on Saturday, to South Wales for the week, was hoping to hire a bike on one of the days down there, but with the forecast I've seen it would be more useful if I was to hire a boat I think, so needed a ride tonight to keep me ticking over until I get back.

Took one of my regular evening routes, heading out of the estate on the newly tarmacced road, that they've finally done 6 months after we moved in!, which was much better than bouncing over the rough ground. There was an amusing moment down at Meole where there was a chap dressed as Spider-Man stood on the roundabout trying to entice me up to Pizza Hut for a £6.99 special :laugh:.

I then struggled against the headwind through Bayston Hill, up Lyth Hill, down to Exfords Green and called at Dads for a chat. I pulled my bike up against his garage and looked inside to see a new second hand Trek Multitrack 700 bike in there. He's only bought himself a bike to have up at his caravan for pootling down to the shops, pub, beach, etc!! Dad hasn't ridden a bike for about 25 years and so it was a bit of a shock ^_^! It came with new tyres, brake blocks and a set of Raleigh Panniers and it sounds a good deal for the price he paid.

I then continued against the wind down to Longnor, before finally turning East and then North to have the wind behind me to Acton Burnell, Pitchford, Cantlop and home. I set 5 new Strava PB's which was good reward for the slog into the wind on the 1st half of the ride.

Best of all was no knee pain whatsoever. I'd had trouble on Saturday's ride, so had raised the seat by a few millimetres. The ride was a bit short to be certain of it being ok, at 21.3 miles, but it felt a lot better
I rode along the Rochdale canal towpath this evening. I drank from my bottle quite a few times before noticing that a lot of muddy water had splashed over the bottle from the puddles on the path.

There are lots of patches of goose crap on that towpath, and also dog eggs left by the hounds of selfish and/or stupid owners. I hope that I don't catch anything nasty from the contaminated bottle!
Cowsh!t I could maybe stand, but....................xx(

Hope ur OK! Go to bed with a large whisky to kill the bugs off!

Garry A

I rode along the Rochdale canal towpath this evening. I drank from my bottle quite a few times before noticing that a lot of muddy water had splashed over the bottle from the puddles on the path.
There are lots of patches of goose crap on that towpath, and also dog eggs left by the hounds of selfish and/or stupid owners. I hope that I don't catch anything nasty from the contaminated bottle!

Best get extra bog roll in just in case:okay:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Cowsh!t I could maybe stand, but....................xx(

Hope ur OK! Go to bed with a large whisky to kill the bugs off!
Unfortunately, I do not drink alcohol any more! Well, it is probably FORTUNATE that I don't because when I DID, I was slowly pickling myself, but ... well, you know what I mean!

Best get extra bog roll in just in case:okay:
I have a spare 4 pack!

I used to have a couple of bottles with flip-top lids which were really handy to stop this happening. I can't remember chucking them out, but I haven't seen them for years ...


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Pleasant ride around the area today. No racing about, just a leisurely bimble to stretch the legs and clear the mind.


Passing by Northampton Boat Club, on my way to The Washlands and the bridleway towards Little Houghton.

From here, I cheated a bit through Billing Aquadrome as, technically, it's a footpath, but as it's a camp site with folk riding and driving caravans everywhere, I chanced it! ;)


After checking for Trolls under the bridge, I chanced crossing the Nene at the far end of the camp site. From here, I had several miles to ride on tarmac before dropping back onto cycle tracks before traversing a cornfield or two to get towards home.


Always a fun field to get across. It's either mud, cracked up or stubbly..

After a few diversions to check the availability of blackberries, plums and other free fruit for a future ride, I headed home.

Back on 20 miles with a smile on my face...



Touch it up and ride it
Another early morning ride around the roads of Wellingborough and surrounding Villages.


Over the last few months have watched these three conversions take place,the first one was a small bungalow that didn't really match the neighbouring houses so it was totally flattened and this is where we are today


The next one was no more than a shell of a building and is now here


The last one has been built from scratch in the grounds of what i can only describe as the kind of proprty that looks like it once belonged the lord of the manor .


It would be a tough decision but I think we could live in any of them
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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Not been on bike for about 10 days now. :sad:

Got back from holiday late Tues pm.

Weds was spent 'settling back in' - washing, getting groceries and dealing with business emails etc. Had ride planned for late pm and it started raining at 3pm and didn't stop.

Thursday rained all day apart from one short interlude (not enough for a ride).

Today it is drizzling. Very grey. Not hopeful about getting out.

Tomorrow it is raining.



Legendary Member
I've got my tourer with me this week, which has wide tyres (1.75" - they look like balloons to a skinny road guy like me!) that almost call out for canal towpaths, so I decided to put them to good use last night. I'd planned a trip up to Birmingham (from Coventry) to explore the fascinating network of canals there, but with gathering grey clouds at 4pm I decided on something more local.

I took a meandering path down to Leamington first of all, and used the cycle path from Warwick Uni to Kenilworth, which goes across fields and then intersects with an old railway route that may one day form part of HS2 (though I personally have my doubts). I looked for, but missed, a path across the river Avon at Old Milverton, but then from Leamington I took the Grand Union canal towpath eastwards, almost to Napton Junction, which was about 9 miles. The towpath was a mix of gravel and grass, and I passed loads of narrow boats with people setting up barbecues or just sitting out and chilling, that made me quite envious!

Only 29 miles in all, but at a stately average speed of only 10.5 mph.

cycle path, Warwick University to Kenilworth
20150820 (3) Warwick Uni-Kenilworth cycle path.JPG
20150820 (4) Warwick Uni-Kenilworth cycle path.JPG

Grand Union canal near Leamington
20150820 (8) Grand Union canal Radford Semele.JPG
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Not been on bike for about 10 days now. :sad:

Got back from holiday late Tues pm.

Weds was spent 'settling back in' - washing, getting groceries and dealing with business emails etc. Had ride planned for late pm and it started raining at 3pm and didn't stop.

Thursday rained all day apart from one short interlude (not enough for a ride).

Today it is drizzling. Very grey. Not hopeful about getting out.

Tomorrow it is raining.

Just go! Get a bit wet, so what, it's not cold. As long as you can keep moving and don't hang around in your wet gear. You'll feel better for a ride.
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