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Lovely, finished the Paris-Brest-Paris challenge to boot (1200Km).



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Senior Member
My first road ride in 3 mouths due to moving house and doing it up. 39 miles was pleased with it and in good weather as well :sun::bicycle:hopefully be getting out more now

Billy Wizz

Über Member
North Wales
Nothing to get excited about, working this Saturday morning so my ride was the commute.
Woolwich Arsenal to Pickets lock.
Left at 5 30am through the quite streets of London on a Saturday morning is great, the tow path from Bow Locks to pickets Lock was a joy.
Coming back at midday on a glorious sunny London day was a different kettle of fish, busy was a understatement, took my time and enjoyed it.
The usual road racers where about, why they fly down tow paths is beyond me.

Aunty Tyke

Well-Known Member
Today's ride was with my 7 yr old granddaughter on the new 20" wheel bike we bought her last week.

We got our bikes loaded onto the car and drove to Salcey Forest. I really had to think how to get there by road, as I nearly always ride there over the fields and bridleways. I doubt my Punto would do mud very well!!

As expected, it was quite busy, but most of the folk don't venture far from the car park, tree top walk or the Gruffalo Trail, so once we were clear of those bits, the path was quite clear for us.

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I didn't notice her poking her tongue out until now.. Kids, eh!?! :laugh:

After the 4.5 mile circuit, we were back to the car park where I was hailed by a couple of friends stuffing cake down their faces after riding via the canal banks and villages from Northampton. We had a chat while Faith messed around in the play area for half an hour before needing a lolly to cool her down.
She then asked if we could ride round again! No problem, said I, and off we went.

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Whoosh! The only time she gets a bit worried is when she sees dogs bounding around (sensible, as they can have you off the bike quite easily) and when the track narrows and has nettles alongside. Apart from that, she's an extremely confident rider.

We stopped for sustenance half way round at a bench on the second lap and tucked into some snack bars etc. and a yoghurt drink before doing the last couple of miles back to the car park where she just had the energy left to ask if she could go in the play area again! And why not.. :okay:

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9.1 miles ridden, Faiths longest ride ever. She says she wants to join me on the L2B one day..

After staying for dinner, she rode home, (I walked/jogged alongside) with a few slight diversions, to the swings in the park, so finished the day on about 10 miles.
Happy days

What a delightful day!


Never used Über Member
I've just realised that I haven't posted details of any of my rides for the last 10 days...

I won't bore you with all of them now, but here's todays wander on the road bike:

Out just after 8 o'clock and headed for Thorner, down the lumpy, bumpy excuse for a road into the village and then up the hill on the other side and out towards Bramham Park where preparations for next weeks Leeds Festival are well underway. I might avoid this area next weekend...;)
Down the dip at Wothersome where I hit a new max speed of 39.1mph, before climbing the other side a little more slowly :heat:
Then the downhill run towards Bramham village, where I turned off just short of the village and headed in the direction of Wetherby along West Woods Road, which is lovely and smooth but a bit boring. Passed by lots of 15 plate Mazda MX-5's (presumably there was a launch for the new model on somewhere?) and up to the delightfully named Wattle Syke roundabout (Jct 45 of the A1(M) and where the A168 and A659 meet) - I went on the shared path here unsurprisingly before stopping for a drink, a bit of sustenance and a photo:

Refreshed, I headed for Boston Spa on the A659, which wasn't as bad as I'd feared for a busy single carriageway A-road.
Cycled through the village (which looked quite nice despite the grey skies) started gaining on a couple of other riders, but a combination of traffic and keeping an eye on pedestrians meant that I didn't quite catch them. Out the far side of the village and they started pulling away from me up the hill towards Tadcaster and then I turned right down Bar Lane heading towards Clifford.
It's quite a narrow lane with high bushes either side and I was pleased not to meet any cars heading in the opposite direction, although I did meet a few walkers and even a couple of runners (actually running).
As I started the slight climb into Clifford village the heavens finally opened so I stopped to put on my waterproof jacket and then plugged on through the village and the descent into Bramham - this is the first time the road bike has been out in the rain so I took it steady.
Had to stop in the middle of the village behind a bus where a chap in a 4x4 pick up stopped right alongside me, so close I could have leaned on his front wing instead of putting my foot down. After letting him go first, I turned up Town Hill for the challenge of the climb and then looped back round to get back onto NCN R66 for the run down to Bramham crossroads.
I stopped briefly to take my jacket off as it had stopped raining and the humidity was horrendous, then enjoyed the downhill blast into Aberford.
Turned left towards Barwick -in-Elmet and passed a mixed peleton from "Valley Striders" (I think...) heading the opposite way, who were all very cheery and said hello.
Up the hill on Cattle Lane, then the rapid descent to the bridge over Cock Beck, before the steady climb into the village itself.
Straight through on Main Street, then Leeds Rd towards Scholes, left at the Coronation Tree and down the hill (usual headwind now very much in my face :angry:) and added a loop around Pendas Way, Manston Lane and Pendas Fields just to add a little more mileage before home.

So, 26.56 miles in 1hr48m at an average of 14.7 mph with 1008ft climbed.

I'm happy enough with that, giving me a new longest distance and most feet climbed on the road bike. Plus it might have been slightly quicker if I'd been 100% sure of the route around Boston Spa and Clifford, so I've got something to aim for next time. That said, looking at the map I might try heading to Tadcaster then then through Towton to Aberford instead, although that really will be virgin territory for me and it does mean a bit more A-road riding.

It was grey and overcast when I set off, there was a 10-15 minute rainy patch and the now almost inevitable headwind, but by the time I got home the sun was out, so I had a good selection of weather today.

Now for a curry and some beer ^_^
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World class procrastinator

I really didn't want to go for a ride. Well I did but my body was saying 'just flump on the sofa and eat cake, one day won't hurt'. I got the roadie out and poked Hubster off FB. He said, just a shortie, 10 miles or so. I said that was fine. We got to the end of the road and I turned left. At the next junction Hubs chose and we went right, then he chose straight on and then right and there we were in Cringleford. I said, shall we ride up to Hethersett and swing back from there, he thought that this was a great idea.

It was a lovely day and a nice ride - we forgot a camera of course so no pics of the formation team of combine harvester drivers. We turned for Ketteringham at Hethersett and rode along the country roads and then Hubster said "Shall we go to Wymondham for a cuppa". I was astonished, that's 4 miles in a non-homeward direction. So much for a lazy 10 miler. Off we went, I was happy as my legs had ridden themselves in and had stopped feeling lazy and the extra mileage was now fine by me. We had a nice cuppa and a bit of millionaires shortbread (I think that's what it was supposed to be anyway). The nice cafe chap topped our bidons up as well and I took to opportunity to dash into the loo and soak my buff again, as it had mostly dried out so not doing it's job.

Hubster suggested going off up the Silfield Road (Ignorning the jobsworth road workers and becoming a pedestrian at the railway bridge which is still blocked by roadworks) and then heading to Wreningham. Quite frankly, I was astonished. He always moans like buggery at anything over about 15 miles, although he will ride 40 milers, he likes to whinge about the distance. We rode to Silfield, through Wreningham and across to Hethel and past Lotus. We stopped for a couple of mins and fussed a trio on Labs out with their owner. We noticed that there is a bumper crop of blackberries so will pop back later or tomorrow.
We headed off to East Carleton, Intwood and home via Cringleford. Hubster stopped about 3/4 of a mile from home to get worms from the fishing shop (axolotl food) and I decided that I could better my Rockingham Road QOM with warm legs and a bit of effort. I went down Wilberforce Road and along the bottom. I nearly got taken out by some pillock on a BSO weaving about on the wrong side of the road coming towards me. Once past him I kicked on, got around the left hand junction and kicked on, changed gear and kicked on some more and flew over the top junction without touching the brakes (I can see what, if anything, is coming from a good way away). I then rode home and didn't stop gasping for air until I was back at Earlham Green Lane, then I found myself giggling about gasping for air.

Home saw us at 25.38 in just shy of the 2 hours, so I was very pleased with that. Second half faster than the first half and, the QOM I mentioned, I took 11 seconds off it and am still the QOM. In fact there are joint KOMs on that bit and I have the same time as them. I might go and do it again and make more of an effort and not stop gasping for breath until I get home :laugh: another half a second and beating the boys would be nice.

Garry A

Yesterday's pedal was a 41k run out over the Clackmannan bridge into Clackmannan and along the old train line/cycle track. I did intend to take some quiet B roads on a route out to Oakley but it meant taking a section of busy A road. I checked it out first from a flyover and saw artics and racing Subaru's so retraced my route including a visit to a friends house in Airth. Chip n dip road treatment in Airth is a disgrace.
A number of PB's on strava on the way out due to a fantastic tailwind ^_^ but nearly at a standstill on the way back:angry:

A wee vid.

A club ride of two-halves today which was a round trip via La Houge farm shop/cafe in Chippenham.

First part was a nice steady run after I joined up in Ely but after the stop at La Hogue the tempo picked up:bicycle:!So much so that a nice 4th place overall on the run in to Stretham and fifteen cups.

Managed to do a short warm down around Ely although I did summon the effort for another pb up Fore Hill in the city and equalling the time of ex-motogp race winner Chris Vermeulen:smile:

Feeling a bit weary now and think the sun and heat got to me as well so a good job I didn't do the fondo today.

Nice bottle of chilled Louis Jadot awaits with some home-made humous with breadsticks and a few episodes of Norwegian black comedy Dag.

Oh and if anyone is wondering what an Australian ex-bike racer was doing in Ely well he married a local girl and is over here sometimes(actually saw him walking in the city carrying a Mavic bag presumably off to the LBS)Oh and his time was from 2011 though,,:rolleyes:
Pleasant ride around the area today. No racing about, just a leisurely bimble to stretch the legs and clear the mind.

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Passing by Northampton Boat Club, on my way to The Washlands and the bridleway towards Little Houghton.

From here, I cheated a bit through Billing Aquadrome as, technically, it's a footpath, but as it's a camp site with folk riding and driving caravans everywhere, I chanced it! ;)

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After checking for Trolls under the bridge, I chanced crossing the Nene at the far end of the camp site. From here, I had several miles to ride on tarmac before dropping back onto cycle tracks before traversing a cornfield or two to get towards home.

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Always a fun field to get across. It's either mud, cracked up or stubbly..

After a few diversions to check the availability of blackberries, plums and other free fruit for a future ride, I headed home.

Back on 20 miles with a smile on my face...

This picture is bringing on my hay fever......


Its okay to be white
Todays ride very nearly wasn't due to a sleepy old boy motorist coming within yards of taking me out at a roundabout in the first mile. :eek: Thankfully I had a feeling he wasn't going to stop & a loud shout of oi plus a few expletives seemed to wake him from his slumber & he slammed his brakes on to allow me to pass unscathed! (he did drive along side & apologise rather sheepishly afterwards, I'm guessing after an ear bashing from his wife!).

Carrying on on a beautiful sunny day it was my now regular route across the New Forest to Wiltshire to explore another new hill that I had found on Stava maps & once the forest was behind me it's quiet country lanes with the odd B road for the rest of the day.

Crossing the river Avon, it was on through the village of Cranbourne & up to Sixpenny Handley where the new hill awaited although when I say hill its only 374 feet over 1.7 miles but we have nothing like that where I live so its nice to explore new routes & challenges & this was a goodun with a reasonable surface & not a car in sight.

Lunch was taken admiring the views on the downside where another cyclist coming up stopped for a chat as he was new to the area & he subsequently turned back & rode with me for a while whilst we talked so hopefully we'll meet up again & I can show him around the bits that i know in that region. We said our goodbyes at the bottom of climb number two for the day, Chalke Hill which thankfully finishes in shade as it was getting rather warm at midday as I made my way back to Fordingbridge & across the forest again for another very pleasant 65 mile ride.





A belated note on my ride last Wednesday from Leamington to Lampeter.

This was an all day 144 mile adventure into the almost unknown (almost because I did most of this route about 3 or 4 years ago but over 2 days rather than one). I tried to plot the flattest practicable route possible but still ended up with Garmin claiming over 9000ft of ascent even with the absence of any killer hills.

Awake at 4.30am I started at just after 6am and knocked off (puffed and panted my way to) the 45 miles mark by about 9am and had a (second) breakfast of chicken sandwiches and crunchy breakfast/muesli bar thingy. At this point the weather was good and I was wildly optimistic that I would be there in another couple of hours or so!


It got hillier and wetter from then on though and I pulled into the co-op car park at Lampeter at about 7pm (about 10.5 hours peddling and the rest eating/peeing/having regrets etc) where my brother-in-law was waiting for me to take me to St Dogmaels where my family were waiting for me for a few days fun on Poppit Sands Beach.


(Defending the castle against the tide)

The ache in every muscle Wednesday evening after the ride was very satisfactory.
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