Your ride today....

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Never used Über Member
My order from Decathlon for the cooler weather arrived today, so the chilly weather seemed a good chance to try out the new stuff on a quick spin around home.

8.99 miles (!) in 34m25s at an average of 15.7mph.

Lots of other cyclists out tonight, which was nice to see as the weather wasn't great.

The new bib tights (B'Twin 700 membrane) and jersey (My Bike Hi-viz 2in1) performed nicely and seemed warmer than my usual stuff - now to see how they cope when it gets properly cold...:smile:


Nice little cheeky ride tonight across some local farm land ,havested fields so not too bothered.

bout 6 miles in on a lose a few pounds kick..last few weeks have been too much food and not enough burn. Sit ups push ups and stretching too... going to see if i can do this most its only 45mins.

and try and get a 2hr plus ride out at the weekend.. had a 20 mile ride yesterday so we shall see.


Legendary Member
A grey old Autumnal day in Shropshire, but I ventured out after work for my 3rd ride in the week so far. It was a cool day here and so the thicker jacket and trousers were out, which depressed me!

I decided to go for my hilly 20 mile route, which in the 1st mile contained one of the closest passes I've ever had from a prat in a Black Renault Megane, just off the island onto the A458 and then I had a lorry coming up behind me at the horrid junction where I wanted to turn right and so I pulled into the business entrance on the left, opposite the junction, to wait for a gap to cross, only for the lorry to want to come into the business :rolleyes:. I managed to get out ok and join the Betton Abbots road, but not in the best frame of mind after those 2 early incidents.

The winds were light and so I made good progress along to Berrington, Cound, Coundmoor and then up the steep climb to Kenley, where I achieved my quickest ascent on Strava so far ^_^.

I then continued to climb in the Harley direction, before some downhill sections to Harnage and Harnage Grange, eventually arriving back in Cound from a different direction. In Cound I turned left and after about 200 yards realised I had gone the wrong way:wacko:. I have done this route a handful of times before and so goodness knows what I was doing there, perhaps 3 days back at work after holiday have scrambled my brain!!

I then re-traced my steps back along the lumpy sections, with it turning very quickly to dusk, and I was glad I had my lights on. The nights really have started to draw in over the last couple of weeks.

21.6 miles at 11.6 mph avg and 972 ft of climbing


After finally being brave enough to take off front wheel and clean the disc brake pads as they've been squealing, I had an evening ride. East Lancs cycle path to Haydock with loops and back via Culcheth. It was a good time to go as the path and side roads were quiet. 29 miles and average 13.3 mph. Feeling tired but better. Saw some rabbits at dusk. New lights worked well.


It's well over 2 weeks since I went for a ride, and more than that since I posted a ride. Last week we were dog sitting which entailed long walks, then the beginning of this week was taken up with family, including a family birthday. So today was the first opportunity. Mrs MY wasn't keen, her recent adventure wuth the medical profession having affected her, so I went out on my own.

OK, so I've posted lots of photos of the canal, but the seasons do make a difference. Behind me, as I took this, is the railway bridge for the West Coast Mainline. As I passed a bench I realised there was a young lady seated there, brushing her hair. I hadn't realised that you got mermaids along the canal.

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One of the many, expensive, properties along the canal. I'm not sure how far behind this house the railway runs but it was quite loud to my hearing. The railway doesn't quite run through the middle of this house.

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At this point the towpath swaps sides so I took the opportunity of photographing these anglers. The canal is made a lot of as it passes through Berkhamstead.

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A slightly different view of Berkhamstead, towards the town centre from the canal.

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For once the swans and cygnets were not shy, I suspect that they were expecting bread, sadly I had none.

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After Berkhamstead the path is good, smooth and pleasant riding. However, the canal towpath is very popular, since it goes near the town centre and passes through housing estates. Lot's of mums with prams, or children all heading to and from the supermarket. On the way back I met a cyclist heading for Bicester, I pointed out these advantages of staying on the canal but he was more interested in getting where he was going.

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At my turning point I came off the canal to see what the road was like. I had some mad idea of using back roads to get home. Sadly, the road quickly became a hill beyond the capability of my engine to scale. So it was back to the canal. Later on, the path remains good, there are fewer people and it is very pleasant. There are even blackberries to pick. So I did that & had a little snack, raisins & blackberries.

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I had planned to do a bit more exploring, leaving the canal at one bridge and riding along parallel roads back to an earlier part of the canal, missing some of the better surface areas in the process. I even managed to achieve an indicated 21mph, tho the GPS didn't record it quite that high. It takes a lot of pedalling at that speed on my bike!

15.2 miles max 20 avg 6.8 mph. Year to date, 258.8 miles
Looks very nice


Legendary Member
This is not a photo of a ride today but a photo from a ride from about two years ago, I just found it whilst clearing out some drawers, I'd forgotten all about it, the look on my boat race sums up the hill so I thought I would share. I expect @Goonerobes knows this hill well.

A Wiggle sportive in the New Forest going up Blissford Hill, a short 25% hill that had most folk walking, and some falling off their bikes I only just got up it. I did it again the following year, this time they had marshals on the hill to catch folk if they lost it. Mrs Wife didn't make it up the first time 'cos she stopped to help a lady who fell, the following year she was in the wrong gear on the approach, so she turned round and had another go, this time with success, She's well 'ard is my wife.

Blissford Hill0001.jpg

The blurred persons on the left is Mrs Wife and the lady she helped. The bloke on the right was riding a fixed wheel bike, coincidently we met again the following year at the same place, and even more coincidently it turned out that he lived in my village, down the same road as me 10 years earlier.
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Its okay to be white
This is not a photo of a ride today but a photo from a ride from about two years ago, I just found it whilst clearing out some drawers, I'd forgotten all about it, the look on my boat race sums up the hill so I thought I would share. I expect @Goonerobes knows it well.

A Wiggle sportive in the New Forest going up Blissford Hill, a short 25% hill that had most folk walking, and some falling off their bikes I only just got up it. I did it again the following year, this time they had marshals on the hill to catch folk if they lost it. Mrs Wife didn't make it up the first time 'cos she stopped to help a lady who fell, the following year she was in the wrong gear on the approach, so she turned round and had another go, this time with success, She's well 'ard is my wife.

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The blurred persons on the left is Mrs Wife and the lady she helped. The bloke was on the right was riding a fixed wheel bike, coincidently we met again the following year at the same place, and even more coincidently it turned out that he lived in my village, down the same road as me 10 years earlier.

I do indeed know it well & it beat me the first time I found it by accident & I quickly learnt not to stop & try to unclip on the steep bit! :whistle:


Perhaps This One.....
This is not a photo of a ride today but a photo from a ride from about two years ago, I just found it whilst clearing out some drawers, I'd forgotten all about it, the look on my boat race sums up the hill so I thought I would share. I expect @Goonerobes knows it well.

A Wiggle sportive in the New Forest going up Blissford Hill, a short 25% hill that had most folk walking, and some falling off their bikes I only just got up it. I did it again the following year, this time they had marshals on the hill to catch folk if they lost it. Mrs Wife didn't make it up the first time 'cos she stopped to help a lady who fell, the following year she was in the wrong gear on the approach, so she turned round and had another go, this time with success, She's well 'ard is my wife.

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The blurred persons on the left is Mrs Wife and the lady she helped. The bloke was on the right was riding a fixed wheel bike, coincidently we met again the following year at the same place, and even more coincidently it turned out that he lived in my village, down the same road as me 10 years earlier.
Ride round Blissford Hill 6 times on our holiday this year. Maybe next year I'll ride up it...
Simple 26 mile return ride to Overton caff, mainly to try out my new low gearing arrangements - 12/36 on the back, 50/38/26 on the front. (But their lemon drizzle cake is to die for...).

Rear cable tension needs careful tweaking - 1/8 of a turn on the in-line adjuster makes a difference. Still trying to get it just right. Top end gearing the same as std, bottom end way lower. Now for some hilly audaxes......

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Mrs Dave was at the WI SHOW in Harrogate today, so I took my bike up Wharfedale. Not been up this dale for about 10 years and in my minds eye the road was flat....
Less than a mile from the car and I'm almost seeing double due to the effort it took to get up what is probably a tiny slope round these parts, but I needed warming up as it was a touch chilly. At Barden tower I went right to go to Appletreewick, I could see the purple heather glowing on the distant moors.
Past the Craven Arms, the best pub in he universe and on to Burnsall, all chocolate boxy in the morning sun. The road to Grassington gave me a good workout, scabious, bloody cranesbill and meadow cranesbill cheering me along. At Grassington I took the road for Kettlewell, passing through Kilnsey they were dismantling the agricultural show. There were no climbers on the crags.

On I went and breezed through Kettlewell, now the headwind was ramping up, it was quite testing. The pub in Starbotton was shut, it was last time I was here!

I turned off left for Hubberholme and although the wind was still in my face I had a massive smile as the roads were smooth, pretty and quiet!



I returned to Kettlewell and stopped for tea and cake, the service was a bit poor!

Once back at the car I'd done just over 40 miles, I always love Yorkshire when I come up here.... Should do it more often!

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