Your ride today....

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Touch it up and ride it
After a gentle 28 miles yesterday on the bike followed by a good 10 miles of walking .

Another 34 miles in the bank this morning on the red Ian May , got slightly distracted by the sunrise so ended up going totally different route .
Route was Little Irchester , Poddington ,Wymington ,Yelden , Melchbourne,Knotting out on to the A6 to the Sharnbrook turn then along to Odell ,Hinwick and back home via the town centre .

Dreaded back shift this week . Managed a few loops in town to lighten my mood before heading in to work. 8 miles covered on the MTB. Feeling better after it too.

Big Andy

Über Member
Managed to get out for a ride yesterday evening. Just over to my Screenshot_20160829-132934.png mothers and back, a nice ride mostly on greenways. Was really enjoying it too, until about a mile from home when I had a bit of a spill, bit of a freak fall, round a corner on the flat at about 10mph, back end skidded out on a slippy patch, was clipped in and couldnt get my foot down quick enough, heavy fall on my back left side, and a heavy knock to the head, along with some cuts and bruises. Managed to gingerly cycle the last mile home, about an hour later breathing was a struggle so it was off to AnE. No cracked ribs, just soft tissue damage very painful when moving but hopefully will ease before too long.

Most importantly the bike seems to have got away with no damage apart from scuffed handlebar tape. Helmets buggered though so will be getting another.

Hopefully ok by Friday as Im supposed to be doing a 70 mile charity ride and I don't want to let them down.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Managed to get out for a ride yesterday evening. Just over to my View attachment 141748 mothers and back, a nice ride mostly on greenways. Was really enjoying it too, until about a mile from home when I had a bit of a spill, bit of a freak fall, round a corner on the flat at about 10mph, back end skidded out on a slippy patch, was clipped in and couldnt get my foot down quick enough, heavy fall on my back left side, and a heavy knock to the head, along with some cuts and bruises. Managed to gingerly cycle the last mile home, about an hour later breathing was a struggle so it was off to AnE. No cracked ribs, just soft tissue damage very painful when moving but hopefully will ease before too long.

Most importantly the bike seems to have got away with no damage apart from scuffed handlebar tape. Helmets buggered though so will be getting another.

Hopefully ok by Friday as Im supposed to be doing a 70 mile charity ride and I don't want to let them down.

Oh dear. I hope you feel better soon.
Having not gone out on a club ride for what seems forever I decided to turn up to the bank holiday special, Blackmore to Bicicleta cycle cafe in Saffron Walden the warning being they were aiming for a 20mph average.
20 or so turned up, all experienced no newbies and it was decided we would stick together on the way out. Well we wombled out in a average of 19mph ( 34 miles) or so and I was fairly comfortable. The cafe was rammed and had to stand for a while. For the way home it was decided we would stick together for the first 5 miles and then turn up the wick and as we all knew what we were doing and were grown ups then it would be every man/woman for himself/herself.
Well I out did myself and stayed with the 10 in the fast group and the speed was hitting the high 20's on the flats after 20 miles of this I was hanging on by the skin of my teeth ( couldn't sit on the front just hid in the wheels) then disaster struck, puncture ( probably a pinch flat after bunny hopping some pot holes) then as we entered a roundabout I felt the tyre flattening so I shouted puncture see you later. Then stupidly pointed it at the grass verge to stop but lost control and ended on my arse. Oh well it had been a rather nice over 20mph average for 56 miles.
I fixed the puncture then pushed on to see if I could meet up at the finishing point. I was suprised none of the slower guys caught me up as I fixed the puncture. I did the last 12 miles by myself at a average of 19.4 and caught the fast guys sitting outside the pub breaking the beers out.


Kilometre nibbler
Yesterday I went for a circular ride with Mrs Trousers from Canterbury to Whitstable and back. I on my Brommie, she on her hybrid. Visited a very nice place on the Graveny marshes called the Freewheel , which is basically a pub that's been given a bit of a cycling theme, and has a cafe with cake and also does cycle hire. Nice. On the marshes we were passed by a stream of Dulwich Paragon riders who I'm happy to report were all unfailingly polite about giving warning that they were passing, and leaving plenty of room. Thanks DP. :okay: Looks like the charm school worked. Perhaps they were extra nice out of respect for my Fridays jersey. Or perhaps it was Mrs T's Spongebob Squarepants jersey.

The Crab and Winkle Way back to Canterbury did not go down well. It's all uphill (or felt like it) and it's all gravel. Even the downhill bits are uphill. A horrible grind. I've ridden it before, and I didn't remember it being such hard work (my previous visit was just after midnight on a January morning, I think the cold was bothering me then more than the terrain).

I learned a thing or two about planning rides for other people. At some cost to my popularity. :sad:
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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Another tandem ride.
We left Hardwick and I had a route in mind. Being thick I hadn't quite put 2and two together. Just up the road at Bourn airfield they have a market every bank holiday Monday, so our first couple of miles were busier than usual, cars full of people off to buy cheap oriental tools and hot dogs.
We turned down to Knapwell and it went quiet. A pair of buzzards circled over head.
On to Elsworth and up over the hill. At the top looking away to the west it was as grey as John Majors socks. Through to Croxton and not too much bother to get over the A428. We then turned for Abbotsley and cut through the tiny, quiet back lanes

Farmer Palmer had been busy.

In Waresley we stopped at the garden centre. A cheese scone EACH and half a caramel slice, plus earl grey. It cost about the same as the tandem!

We came home via Gamlingay, The Gransdens Bourn and Toft. Just a touch under 40 miles today.


13 rider

So as I am organising a Cyclechat forum ride next week I thought I had better ride the route so one of us knows where we are going .So off to meeting point at Market Bosworth . Anstey ,Markfield ,Botcheston ,Newbold Vernon and Market Bosworth . Having ridden the route once today's was for tweaking it slightly . From. Meeting point took a different start route and went though the village of Cadeby .rejoined original route at Sutton Cheney on to Dadlington ,Stoke Golding ,Fenny Drayton quick half a mile on the A444 before turning off to Atterton ,Witherley ,Ratcliffe Culley, Pinwall ,Warton ,Austrey ,Orton on the hill and Twycross to the cafe .Food consumed and water bottle refilled . Out pass Snarestone and turned back towards Bosworth via Newton Burgoland ,Odestone ,Cartlon and back to Bosworth to start point. Then retraced route home with a bit of extension via Kirby Muxloe ,Ratby any Groby to take the milage to 62.7 for a metric century . Stats wise this ride took me past 4000 miles for the roadie ( since June 2015) and this years total past last year's total of 3505 and this months total to 550 my biggest month so far . Set off in damp and dreary conditions but believed the weather app which said improving and it turned out to be correct weather turned into glorious sunshine now I just need to remember the route for next week


Legendary Member
Got up this morning and despite the BBC saying the weather was going to be warm and sunny it was raining and very dull. By 11:30 it was sunny and the roads just about drying, so inspired by some of the slackers on here (@User14044 being one of them) I got off my arse and out on the bike.

A tad under 54 miles of wall to wall sun, stacks of cyclists out, most of them appearing to be families on mountain bikes. Even deliberately did a few hills (or what pass for hills around here.)


Left it late this month, but finally got my 50k qualifier in, on a lovely sunny Bank Holiday Monday.

Headed South for some hills and probably my favourite part of Shropshire for cycling. Began by heading through the estate and out onto the A458, which was very busy with traffic heading to Shrewsbury for the Steam Rally. A bit of a fraught right turn, but happier once I was on the road to Betton Abbots. Overtook a couple of fairly elderly people on bikes, the lady whom was clothed head to toe in a poncho (it's a sunny and warm day :wacko:) which must have been boiling!

Turned down Lyons Lane, through Condover and Ryton, where I paused for a shot of the hills I was aiming to cycle between.

There are some new houses that have shot up, right next to the pub in Ryton, which with a 20 yard walk to the beer garden, would be far too tempting for me if I lived there ^_^.

Next was Longnor and then in the direction of Leebotwood, before the big climb of the day up Shoot Rough. Wound my way up and felt quite strong as I reached the top, having to avoid some errant walkers stood in the middle of the road, looking at their map, as I began the speedy descent into Cardington.

From there I rode to Gretton, the first time I'd done it in this direction, and it's lovely mostly downhill/flat cycling for a good few miles, before it climbs up to Church Preen and then Kenley, where I paused on my favourite bench for some lunch. There is a nice view of the Welsh Hills and Mountains, spoilt only by a telegraph pole, so that's why this shot has a lot of tree in it, to avoid the pole!

A nice descent down Kenley Bank and then the short sharp climb at Evenwood, before Coundmoor and then the downhill section to Cressage. Had a bit of a moment here, as I rounded a corner only to meet a Landrover and trailer in my path. Applied the brakes quickly and went into a tankslapper, only just about avoiding sliding into the vehicle and ditch :eek:. I didn't think I was going particularly fast and so not sure if I hit a patch of fuel, gravel or my tyres have seen better days? It wasn't an enjoyable moment though!

A short stretch on the A458 again, before leaving Cressage and climbing up towards Eaton Constantine, then joining the NCN route around to Wroxeter and Norton. I had reached the 50k by now and I must admit my legs were starting to ache a bit, with 10 miles still to go. I haven't done nearly enough longer rides this year really.

Crossed the old A5 and then descended to Upton Forge, pausing on the bridge for a drink and a view of the River Tern.

A slow uphill section to Upton Magna followed, before the road to Uffington. 3 or 4 years ago I was stung by a wasp along here, the only time I've ever been stung whilst on the bike..........until today :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:. Virtually in the same place, to the exact spot (must be good odds on that) I was descending at speed and suddenly had a searing shot of pain on the right side of my back. Straight away I knew it was a sting of some sort and so I wobbled to a stop, flinging my shirt off, and feeling sharp pains. There was no sign of a wasp, so I assume it must have landed on my back and stung me through my shirt, if it was a wasp, but it must have been that or a bee.

Feeling sorry for myself :B) I continued on home, along the old canal path, Sundorne Rd and the cycle paths, heading straight for some vinegar to put on the sting. There is a nice red lump on my back and a puncture site, so something has left its mark on me. A very enjoyable ride up until then, but that took the edge off it a bit.

41.7 miles at 11.4mph avg and 1593ft of climbing.


Legendary Member
So as I am organising a Cyclechat forum ride next week I thought I had better ride the route so one of us knows where we are going .So off to meeting point at Market Bosworth . Anstey ,Markfield ,Botcheston ,Newbold Vernon and Market Bosworth . Having ridden the route once today's was for tweaking it slightly . From. Meeting point took a different start route and went though the village of Cadeby .rejoined original route at Sutton Cheney on to Dadlington ,Stoke Golding ,Fenny Drayton quick half a mile on the A444 before turning off to Atterton ,Witherley ,Ratcliffe Culley, Pinwall ,Warton ,Austrey ,Orton on the hill and Twycross to the cafe .Food consumed and water bottle refilled . Out pass Snarestone and turned back towards Bosworth via Newton Burgoland ,Odestone ,Cartlon and back to Bosworth to start point. Then retraced route home with a bit of extension via Kirby Muxloe ,Ratby any Groby to take the milage to 62.7 for a metric century . Stats wise this ride took me past 4000 miles for the roadie ( since June 2015) and this years total past last year's total of 3505 and this months total to 550 my biggest month so far . Set off in damp and dreary conditions but believed the weather app which said improving and it turned out to be correct weather turned into glorious sunshine now I just need to remember the route for next week

and remember to tell people when a turn is coming up :tongue:

Old jon

Bright and breezy again, it would be silly to let it go by, so off went I. Holbeck and through Hunslet on a Bank Holiday Monday was as quiet as you would expect, also John O’ Gaunts and through Woodlesford. A few bikes on the Wakefield road in Swillington, along with four wheeled traffic and the first of a number of motorbikes. The drop to Garforth roundabout also demonstrated the breeze, a bit stronger than I had thought. Climb the cliff, through Peckham Bar and along the A 63 to the junction with the B 1222, turn left for Sherburn. Approaching Barkston Ash the bit of magic on the handlebars informed me I had done twenty miles or so, the stuff that holds my ears apart said “turn left now, never mind riding to Towton.” So onwards to Saxton I did pedal.

Bloody minded as I am I took the northerly road out of Saxton and turned left, gasping and panting, at the top of the hill. That leads to Lotherton Gates and my autopilot route back home via Aberford, Barwick, Scholes, oh, the A 64 East was almost solid traffic, west was empty, Thorner, Skeltons and Red Hall Lanes and the A 58 towards Leeds was at a more or less standstill. To the Ring Road and down Boot Hill was clear, pass the Oakwood Clock and down the hill to what was the Clock Cinema and Roundhay Road was closed. Turn left, the only option, and climb Easterley Road to the Amberton Road junction and ride some barely remembered roads through Burmantofts* and along Stoney Rock Lane, eventually over Crown Point Bridge and home. A total of 37.6 sunny and enjoyable miles for the day.

*Have to let you know, Burmantofts is short for Borage Men’s Tofts, or allotments. A long time ago borage men were free men, not bound in service.

And the map, with diversion

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