Your ride today....

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A very nice route 'Old Jon'
I know the entirety of it, up to Barwick-in-Elmet & the A64

The last time I climbed up 'Garforth Cliff' past the water-tower (or is that gone as well?. I know there's an underground reservoir there), I was surprised to see that Savills had ceased to exist
Peckfield Bar was even more important in the coaching days

Yes, the road, from the Crooked Billet, back up to Lotherton Hall gates is more of a ascent than is realised


On our ride today we came across a seat, and by it a table with complimentary cakes. We snaffled a couple and left a couple of quid. Then another cyclist turned up and we alerted him to the cakes. He said he was trying to lose weight and anyway he had no change. While we could not help with the first thing, we gave him a quid and he had a cake too. There was no suggestion that you actually had to leave anything for the cakes but somehow it seemed right. I wonder who left them? What a lovely idea! ...for the locals - Alderley Edge just across from the start of Artists Lane.



Never used Über Member
Left it late this month, but finally got my 50k qualifier in, on a lovely sunny Bank Holiday Monday.

Headed South for some hills and probably my favourite part of Shropshire for cycling. Began by heading through the estate and out onto the A458, which was very busy with traffic heading to Shrewsbury for the Steam Rally. A bit of a fraught right turn, but happier once I was on the road to Betton Abbots. Overtook a couple of fairly elderly people on bikes, the lady whom was clothed head to toe in a poncho (it's a sunny and warm day :wacko:) which must have been boiling!

Turned down Lyons Lane, through Condover and Ryton, where I paused for a shot of the hills I was aiming to cycle between.
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There are some new houses that have shot up, right next to the pub in Ryton, which with a 20 yard walk to the beer garden, would be far too tempting for me if I lived there ^_^.

Next was Longnor and then in the direction of Leebotwood, before the big climb of the day up Shoot Rough. Wound my way up and felt quite strong as I reached the top, having to avoid some errant walkers stood in the middle of the road, looking at their map, as I began the speedy descent into Cardington.

From there I rode to Gretton, the first time I'd done it in this direction, and it's lovely mostly downhill/flat cycling for a good few miles, before it climbs up to Church Preen and then Kenley, where I paused on my favourite bench for some lunch. There is a nice view of the Welsh Hills and Mountains, spoilt only by a telegraph pole, so that's why this shot has a lot of tree in it, to avoid the pole!
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A nice descent down Kenley Bank and then the short sharp climb at Evenwood, before Coundmoor and then the downhill section to Cressage. Had a bit of a moment here, as I rounded a corner only to meet a Landrover and trailer in my path. Applied the brakes quickly and went into a tankslapper, only just about avoiding sliding into the vehicle and ditch :eek:. I didn't think I was going particularly fast and so not sure if I hit a patch of fuel, gravel or my tyres have seen better days? It wasn't an enjoyable moment though!

A short stretch on the A458 again, before leaving Cressage and climbing up towards Eaton Constantine, then joining the NCN route around to Wroxeter and Norton. I had reached the 50k by now and I must admit my legs were starting to ache a bit, with 10 miles still to go. I haven't done nearly enough longer rides this year really.

Crossed the old A5 and then descended to Upton Forge, pausing on the bridge for a drink and a view of the River Tern.
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A slow uphill section to Upton Magna followed, before the road to Uffington. 3 or 4 years ago I was stung by a wasp along here, the only time I've ever been stung whilst on the bike..........until today :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:. Virtually in the same place, to the exact spot (must be good odds on that) I was descending at speed and suddenly had a searing shot of pain on the right side of my back. Straight away I knew it was a sting of some sort and so I wobbled to a stop, flinging my shirt off, and feeling sharp pains. There was no sign of a wasp, so I assume it must have landed on my back and stung me through my shirt, if it was a wasp, but it must have been that or a bee.

Feeling sorry for myself :B) I continued on home, along the old canal path, Sundorne Rd and the cycle paths, heading straight for some vinegar to put on the sting. There is a nice red lump on my back and a puncture site, so something has left its mark on me. A very enjoyable ride up until then, but that took the edge off it a bit.

41.7 miles at 11.4mph avg and 1593ft of climbing.

That's a like for the ride / report, not the sting. What are the odds, eh? Maybe it was the same wasp and it's been waiting for you...;)


A Human Being
Only had time for a short 57.5km this morning with 760m of going up (enforced DIY in the afternoon:sad:).
Lots of other cyclists about(because of the bank holiday), shame all them were wearing helmets:whistle:.
Perfect weather for cycling, not too warm, dry and a light breeze:okay:.
Lots of road gravel and mud today after the heavy showers last night.

My best ride of the year, according to the numbers, more importantly felt great and still feel good:smile:.
Today I was powered by liquorice:wacko:.

Good ride up Red Barn cat 4 climb, due to thinking I was being pursued by a couple of roadies:eek:.

Chapeau to this guy climbing Snap hill, a local "hill climb" climb, 17% at this point:sweat:.

Started recovery with remaining apple and blackcurrant pies wash down with a mini can of coke^_^.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
On our ride today we came across a seat, and by it a table with complimentary cakes. We snaffled a couple and left a couple of quid. Then another cyclist turned up and we alerted him to the cakes. He said he was trying to lose weight and anyway he had no change. While we could not help with the first thing, we gave him a quid and he had a cake too. There was no suggestion that you actually had to leave anything for the cakes but somehow it seemed right. I wonder who left them? What a lovely idea! ...for the locals - Alderley Edge just across from the start of Artists Lane.

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They're running a pilot scheme for Great Budworth
'Poison a cyclist with glyphosate cake'
They knew cyclists couldn't resist. Soon you'll feel sleepy....


How far can I go?
First 50 miler today with a local club I've just started riding with on the weekends. Nice ride with a pub stop for some lunch 30 miles in. Over 2300 feet of climbing and 12.7mph average pace. I felt good the entire ride and it was a nice prep ride for the 60 mile charity ride I have in 3 weeks time.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Managed to get out for a ride yesterday evening. Just over to my View attachment 141748 mothers and back, a nice ride mostly on greenways. Was really enjoying it too, until about a mile from home when I had a bit of a spill, bit of a freak fall, round a corner on the flat at about 10mph, back end skidded out on a slippy patch, was clipped in and couldnt get my foot down quick enough, heavy fall on my back left side, and a heavy knock to the head, along with some cuts and bruises. Managed to gingerly cycle the last mile home, about an hour later breathing was a struggle so it was off to AnE. No cracked ribs, just soft tissue damage very painful when moving but hopefully will ease before too long.

Most importantly the bike seems to have got away with no damage apart from scuffed handlebar tape. Helmets buggered though so will be getting another.

Hopefully ok by Friday as Im supposed to be doing a 70 mile charity ride and I don't want to let them down.
Ouch! Have a like for the report. I'm glad the injuries weren't worse and hope you're okay for the charity ride.:okay:
Left it late this month, but finally got my 50k qualifier in, on a lovely sunny Bank Holiday Monday.

Headed South for some hills and probably my favourite part of Shropshire for cycling. Began by heading through the estate and out onto the A458, which was very busy with traffic heading to Shrewsbury for the Steam Rally. A bit of a fraught right turn, but happier once I was on the road to Betton Abbots. Overtook a couple of fairly elderly people on bikes, the lady whom was clothed head to toe in a poncho (it's a sunny and warm day :wacko:) which must have been boiling!

Turned down Lyons Lane, through Condover and Ryton, where I paused for a shot of the hills I was aiming to cycle between.
View attachment 141759

There are some new houses that have shot up, right next to the pub in Ryton, which with a 20 yard walk to the beer garden, would be far too tempting for me if I lived there ^_^.

Next was Longnor and then in the direction of Leebotwood, before the big climb of the day up Shoot Rough. Wound my way up and felt quite strong as I reached the top, having to avoid some errant walkers stood in the middle of the road, looking at their map, as I began the speedy descent into Cardington.

From there I rode to Gretton, the first time I'd done it in this direction, and it's lovely mostly downhill/flat cycling for a good few miles, before it climbs up to Church Preen and then Kenley, where I paused on my favourite bench for some lunch. There is a nice view of the Welsh Hills and Mountains, spoilt only by a telegraph pole, so that's why this shot has a lot of tree in it, to avoid the pole!
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A nice descent down Kenley Bank and then the short sharp climb at Evenwood, before Coundmoor and then the downhill section to Cressage. Had a bit of a moment here, as I rounded a corner only to meet a Landrover and trailer in my path. Applied the brakes quickly and went into a tankslapper, only just about avoiding sliding into the vehicle and ditch :eek:. I didn't think I was going particularly fast and so not sure if I hit a patch of fuel, gravel or my tyres have seen better days? It wasn't an enjoyable moment though!

A short stretch on the A458 again, before leaving Cressage and climbing up towards Eaton Constantine, then joining the NCN route around to Wroxeter and Norton. I had reached the 50k by now and I must admit my legs were starting to ache a bit, with 10 miles still to go. I haven't done nearly enough longer rides this year really.

Crossed the old A5 and then descended to Upton Forge, pausing on the bridge for a drink and a view of the River Tern.
View attachment 141763

A slow uphill section to Upton Magna followed, before the road to Uffington. 3 or 4 years ago I was stung by a wasp along here, the only time I've ever been stung whilst on the bike..........until today :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:. Virtually in the same place, to the exact spot (must be good odds on that) I was descending at speed and suddenly had a searing shot of pain on the right side of my back. Straight away I knew it was a sting of some sort and so I wobbled to a stop, flinging my shirt off, and feeling sharp pains. There was no sign of a wasp, so I assume it must have landed on my back and stung me through my shirt, if it was a wasp, but it must have been that or a bee.

Feeling sorry for myself :B) I continued on home, along the old canal path, Sundorne Rd and the cycle paths, heading straight for some vinegar to put on the sting. There is a nice red lump on my back and a puncture site, so something has left its mark on me. A very enjoyable ride up until then, but that took the edge off it a bit.

41.7 miles at 11.4mph avg and 1593ft of climbing.
Another one in the wars.:sad: Sorry to hear that. Probably was a wasp as they seem to be everywhere at the moment. I've flicked a couple off my legs on recent rides and have been lucky enough not to be stung..... so far.:ph34r:

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
I joined Andy G. for this super Welsh event. The early rain had passed in good time and the mists were to clear from the heights soon. We checked in at HQ to set off around Lake Bala to take the superb Trawsfynydd mountain road. The climbs are steep and keep coming. Sadly some were already off and walking this early in the ride. It would be a very long day for those folks. Usually Andy climbs quite well and waits for me. Not today. He was always off the back. No worries, I'd just wait on the tops. As we got higher we got closer to the mists on the tops of the mountains. Even so the views and scenery were superb. We turned away to take to the Coed Y Brenin forest with plenty of climbing to be done. Our pace was matching that of others so we had settled into seeing familiar faces. I'd tend to pass them on the ups and they would pass me as I waited for Andy. All were having fun. There were plenty of 17% climbs as we round in small lanes to cross the Afon Wnibn at Bont Newydd with more 17% before emerging onto the main road and the long climb of Blwch Oerddrws. The descent was awesome. Two PR's for me. On the first section I hit 51mph (PR by 1mph) and after backing off for a shallow bend my speed rose to 52mph(so another PR). I've only ever reached 50mph twice so more than twice on one hill is amazing. The control was at the bottom but no Andy. I was getting quite concerned when he turned up with a tale of a front wheel puncture on that fast descent. Yikes. Fortunately no harm done.

Refreshed at the control we now had to climb over to Llanbrynmair where we turned to climb again to the Nant Yr Eira. Llanerfyl provided so late lunch and a chat before tackling more climbs on a loop to the control at Abertridwr and more refreshment. Just one more major climb ahead of us now but first a lovely bit of flat. Yes flat! Not for long tho'. It was beautifully scenic along Lake Vyrnwy before we swung away to take us up and up to the summit of the Bwlch Y Groes. It starts with some very steep stuff, gets a bit easier but finishes with a nasty sting in the tail. I felt strong on this last climb and picked off riders as I went. Andy took a while and it was getting quite cold up there. We were now on the finishing miles as we dropped away to Lake Bala and return along the back road as we had set out all those hours ago.

It's always a great day out at this event. The organisers are superb and hard working and the route is always different. We get to ride in superb quiet and scenic countryside and it is always a challenge. This one was longer than usual and had the challenging climbing as usual. 100 miles and 10500 feet of climbs. What's not to like?

13 rider

I joined Andy G. for this super Welsh event. The early rain had passed in good time and the mists were to clear from the heights soon. We checked in at HQ to set off around Lake Bala to take the superb Trawsfynydd mountain road. The climbs are steep and keep coming. Sadly some were already off and walking this early in the ride. It would be a very long day for those folks. Usually Andy climbs quite well and waits for me. Not today. He was always off the back. No worries, I'd just wait on the tops. As we got higher we got closer to the mists on the tops of the mountains. Even so the views and scenery were superb. We turned away to take to the Coed Y Brenin forest with plenty of climbing to be done. Our pace was matching that of others so we had settled into seeing familiar faces. I'd tend to pass them on the ups and they would pass me as I waited for Andy. All were having fun. There were plenty of 17% climbs as we round in small lanes to cross the Afon Wnibn at Bont Newydd with more 17% before emerging onto the main road and the long climb of Blwch Oerddrws. The descent was awesome. Two PR's for me. On the first section I hit 51mph (PR by 1mph) and after backing off for a shallow bend my speed rose to 52mph(so another PR). I've only ever reached 50mph twice so more than twice on one hill is amazing. The control was at the bottom but no Andy. I was getting quite concerned when he turned up with a tale of a front wheel puncture on that fast descent. Yikes. Fortunately no harm done.

Refreshed at the control we now had to climb over to Llanbrynmair where we turned to climb again to the Nant Yr Eira. Llanerfyl provided so late lunch and a chat before tackling more climbs on a loop to the control at Abertridwr and more refreshment. Just one more major climb ahead of us now but first a lovely bit of flat. Yes flat! Not for long tho'. It was beautifully scenic along Lake Vyrnwy before we swung away to take us up and up to the summit of the Bwlch Y Groes. It starts with some very steep stuff, gets a bit easier but finishes with a nasty sting in the tail. I felt strong on this last climb and picked off riders as I went. Andy took a while and it was getting quite cold up there. We were now on the finishing miles as we dropped away to Lake Bala and return along the back road as we had set out all those hours ago.

It's always a great day out at this event. The organisers are superb and hard working and the route is always different. We get to ride in superb quiet and scenic countryside and it is always a challenge. This one was longer than usual and had the challenging climbing as usual. 100 miles and 10500 feet of climbs. What's not to like?
:notworthy:over 10000 ft of climbing :notworthy: epic ride


Never used Über Member
After yesterdays mini-ride, I set off this morning with intentions to get a bit more distance under my wheels today.
With the Leeds Festival ending, this pretty much ruled out familiar routes around Bramham, Wetherby and Boston Spa as the normally quiet roads were likely to be chocker with muddy cars as people headed home.
So - Otley it was then. This meant heading into the wind, but it was only forecast at 10mph and at least I'd have it behind me on the way back, eh?

Up Coal Road and into the wind, which was probably nearer double the forecast but I had a word with myself and pushed on. Up Red Hall Lane and had to wait a couple of minutes for a gap in traffic on the A58 (presumably people avoiding the festival traffic), then a quick right and left onto Whin Moor Lane for the undulating road into Shadwell. Left on Main Street and the run to Slaid Hill lights, again with the wind in my face.
Right then left onto Wigton Lane, getting a welcome breather at the temporary traffic lights, before descending down to the A61 at Alwoodley Gates and climbing up Alwoodley Lane, which again was harder work than I'd anticipated.

Eventually reached King Lane and the lumpy descent to the climb past Golden Acre Park up Arthington Lane, before taking Kings Rd for the descent down to Otley Road, where I turned right and followed my nose into the wind all the way to the traffic lights at Pool Bank.
Here it was straight on for the long descent down the A660 into Otley, where despite being into the wind I maintained good progress, only to get called a 'ducking fickhead' by some big man in the passenger seat of his mums Clio as they passed. The irony, which sadly I never got to explain to him, was that he hadn't been stuck behind me, he'd been stuck behind the driver of the 4x4 and trailer that had chosen not to pass me all the way down the hill, despite having ample room to do so if they'd wished to.
Still, I've been called worse - only the other week some lads in a Corsa mistook me for the Health Secretary (well I think they called me Jeremy Hunt as they passed..).:whistle:

Anyhow, straight on at the roundabout (not literally) and on into Otley, through the town noticing that Weegmans was shut and thinking of all the customers they'll be missing out on today. Down to the river and over the bridge, accompanied by a procession of Hogs (motorcycles, not swine), then right onto Farnley Lane, stopping at Wharfemeadows Park for a drink and a bite to eat by the weir:

Refreshed and back on the bike and up Farnley Lane for the long climb to Farnley Hall, turning left at the junction for the up, down, up to Farnley itself, taking the right hand fork for the lovely and almost secret descent down to the River Washburn, with the sharp climb up the other side, where I met a cyclist heading the opposite way - the first time I've ever seen a cyclist on here and goodness knows why as it's a great little lane. Eventually popped out onto the B6161 for the long descent into Leathley (the reward for all that climbing), then along the valley bottom to the A658.

Normally I'd head straight on here, but my legs were starting to feel empty - I'm not sure if it had been the pig of a headwind on the way out, or a hangover from last weeks 80 mile sportive, but combined with the knowledge of what was ahead on that route (Weeton Hill, then Kearby Cliff) and what the roads are Wetherby were going to be like, I turned right over the river and into Pool-in-Wharfedale, taking the left at the roundabout along the valley bottom to Arthington.

This inevitably led to the mountain that is Black Hill Rd and while I attacked it with everything I had left, it defeated me again and I had to complete the walk of shame up part of it...:surrender:
I could blame this on the higher gearing of the new bike (lowest gear is 36/28, compared to 34/28 on the old one), but the reality is that the fault lies with the power unit, not the bike.:rolleyes:
Anyway, I got back in the saddle as soon as it stopped being vertical and heading along the undulating lane back to near Golden Acre Park, then retraced my outbound route as far as Shadwell, at last with a bit of a tailwind! :wahhey:
As I reached the A58 there was standing traffic Leeds bound as far as the eye could see in both direction - not only the festival traffic, but of course Roundhay Rd would be closed for the Carnival (as @Old jon discovered). So, instead of trying to filter around that lot all the way up to Red Hall Lane, I headed away from home down the hill and eventually turned right onto Coal Road for the climb back up to civilisation.
From there it was wind assisted local roads all the way home, noticing that traffic on the A64 and the Ring Road seemed to be at a standstill too. Who'd be a car driver, eh?

32.11 miles (51.67km) in a leisurely 2hrs 17m at an average of 14.0mph with 1,853ft climbed. I'll take that when all is considered - that headwind, the climbing and my empty legs - it was good to round the month out with another metric half. Lots of cyclists out, barely a nobber driver to be seen (one Clio excepted) and glorious sunshine and blue skies.

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Ouch! Have a like for the report. I'm glad the injuries weren't worse and hope you're okay for the charity ride.:okay:
Another one in the wars.:sad: Sorry to hear that. Probably was a wasp as they seem to be everywhere at the moment. I've flicked a couple off my legs on recent rides and have been lucky enough not to be stung..... so far.:ph34r:
I've had revenge on two that flew into the house after I got back.......they didn't get chance to fly out again :laugh::evil:
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