Your ride today....

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Had to ride over to Wolverhampton today.
First time doing more than 2 miles in a year.
Was fine on the way there, Took the roads straight into city center while it was somewhat quiet. On the way back I decided I would extend the ride and jump on the canals. Bad idea. Some little sod (only about 6 or 7) thought it was hilarious to throw a stick into my front wheel as I was going past. I now have a bent spoke and a wheel that isn't true anymore.
Disconnected the front brake so it didn't squeal like a pig and limped it home.
I've also learnt I REALLY need a bigger framed bike.
14 miles in total, Not bad for my first "proper" ride in a year.

A like for the distance you did, not for the little oink.


A day off work today, reasonable weather, no real plans, so time for an adventure! I decided to do the “3 ferries” trip around the Clyde coast.

Late-ish start - put the bike in the car and drove up the coast to Inverkip. Parked the car there and headed north for 10km to the first ferry - the Western Ferry from McInroy’s Point (near Gourock) to Hunters Quay/Dunoon.

I arrived just as the ferry was reaching the harbour, so was on board 10 minutes later, probably about 12.00.


The crossing takes about 20 minutes.

Once I got off the boat, I grabbed a bite to eat at the cafe across the road - I didn’t think there would be too many places to stop on my route.

The first part of the journey was along the shore of the Holy Loch, past where the US polaris base used to be, and up the single track road towards Loch Tarsin dam. It’s a steady slog uphill - about 150m climb over maybe 6km - and the breeze was in my face. But it was worth it when I got to the top - the descent down to Loch Striven (back down to sea level over 5k, on good roads) was great!

The sting in the tail is the road beyond Loch Striven. Climbing 150m in less than 2km, with 20% gradients. But the view from the top is incredible.


Onto the A886, and followed the main road (that’s a relative term in these parts!) and the old road to Colintraive, where I arrived just in time for ferry #2

The Colintraive-Rhubodach ferry is apparently the shortest ferry crossing in the UK. In the old days the farmers used to swim their cattle across the kyles of bute rather than use the ferry.


It was then a relatively flat 15k or so from Rhuboduch through Kames Bay, Port Bannatyne, and into Rothesay. I stopped for some soup at Port Bannatyne - very nice - and watched the world go by for a bit. Regretted it later, as when I turned the corner into Rothesay Bay, I saw the ferry. If I had been 10 mins earlier, I could have caught the 3.00 boat, but I had plenty time to explore the town for an hour and catch the 4.00

35 minute crossing, then a mile or so back to the car.

64km in total.



Proffesional Biskit Eater Upper
The Biscuit Tin
A like for the distance you did, not for the little oink.
Not even mad about it. Only a kid thinking it's funny and having a laugh. Chased him off down the towpath a little to scare him. Enough of a punishment in my eyes. I'll straighten the spoke the best I can and buy myself a spoke key, Been meaning to learn how to true wheels for years. Now I've got an excuse to.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Yet more commuting miles but the weather improved through the week so I've used a choice of bikes.

Monday: After the century on Sunday the muscles ached and I was more than a little saddle sore. I used the knockabout bike as it's easier to resist the temptation to "press on" with this one and I hoped the well broken in saddle would be easier on my sore sit bones (it wasn't :blink:).

I went for the route along Shrewsbury's inner ring road then out along the old canal to Uffington as a lot of this is on cyclepath and I wouldn't have to mix it with traffic in my tired state, which was a good thing...... The state of the surface on the canal path wasn't though. Despite that I used the same route on the way home as being as tired as this I'd rather face the rough surface than the traffic.

Tuesday. It was wet overnight so the knockabout bike got used again, as did the Uffington route. This worked well as it was quite windy but was sheltered along the ring road then I had it behind me the rest of the way to work.:okay:

By the evening the wind was still quite strong but the direction worked well for my usual route home apart from the last couple of miles. I decided to head over Lyth Hill where the section directly into the wind was downhill so it evened out.

Wednesday: Sunny, not too windy, time to bring out the Galaxy for its first proper ride of the year.^_^ I went for the extended version of the commute, heading down to Acton Burnell and Cressage then north again through Wroxeter to work. I do like this bike as it's so easy and comfortable to ride. I knew I had a tailwind but even so seemed to make terrific progress. A detour was needed on the way to Cressage due to the closure of Shore Lane (added 1.5 miles) then I turned north and faced a strong and gusty headwind for the rest of the way to work which hardly seemed to slow progress once I got down on the drops. (Met office says it was a 9mph tailwind but 14 mph gusting to 25 by the time I turned into it...... typical!:rolleyes:)

After a surprising day at work :wacko: I took the same route home as Tuesday, doing it somewhat faster than I would manage on the knockabout bike.^_^

Thursday: The Raleigh came out today despite being still mucky from the century at the weekend. I went over Lyth Hill and through Condover and Atcham on the way to work in light winds at a very pleasing average speed.

Work was quiet yet oddly distracting, then it was time to head home again: My usual route without going over Lyth Hill which allowed a good pace to be set and reminded me how much I like this underrated bike.

Today: A beautiful morning with light winds so the Dawes came out again. I started out doing the same route as yesterday but added a loop through Attingham Park as there was time.

A very slow day at work and some mischief may have been made to liven things up slightly :evil:. I made an adjustment to the angle of the handlebars which felt better on the ride home and with very light winds I thought I'd make very good progress, but in the end was a little slower than I managed with the Raleigh yesterday. That may be slightly skewed though by more traffic rat-running down the roads I use as they try to get away for the weekend.

123.3 miles for the week which added to the distance done on Sunday gives 231.5 in the last six days. A rest over the weekend seems like a nice idea.:heat:

A couple of snaps from today:


An up to date portrait of the Galaxy with Attingham Hall as a backdrop.


Minding the cattle as I leave the estate.


Legendary Member
I've had the week off work so it's been mornings of gardening, housework, car cleaning and bike maintenance followed by afternoons out as the weather has been lovely here.
Monday - An early April metric 100 which was almost the same as the previous Monday's ride out to Debenham, but with a slight change of route due to time limitations as I had to get home in time for a meal and shower before heading out to Cambridge in the evening.
Tuesday - Just a quick shopping trip on the Giant hybrid to top off the freezer - 30 miles.
Wednesday - Finished the set-up of by Boardman into a single speed and took it out for a test ride to the far side if Ipswich and back for a metric 50.
Thursday - A ride out to the west of Ipswich where it was a case of "I wonder where this road goes" as routing before heading homewards and riding around for another metric 100.
Friday - A much more relaxed ride on the 13 Hybrid just to enjoy the sunshine & warmth before going back to work tomorrow.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
An afternoon/ evening ride back to north Norfolk here today.


My local patch, Burwell Fen in the sunshine.


it's the UK folks, so it doesn't take long for a rare lovely bit of cycle path to end in this sort of $hite. Still, I'm used to this wretched bridge at Burwell Lode, and no muscles pulled lifting one heavy bike over it this time at least.


Ely Cathedral appearing along the riverside path.

A short train ride from Ely to Kings Lynn followed. Here's a top tip, if you don't like crowds or body odour, don't ever try to get the 17:57 from Ely to King's Lynn. Anyway I managed to squeeze me and the bike onto the train although somewhere there's a rather posh west Norfolk chap with Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres imprinted on his nice yellow trousers.


Away from the crowds on the way out of King's Lynn, this is the route out of Castle Rising.


Into the woods around Sandringham.


Sunset above West Newton.

Near Anmer a short eared owl was hunting the heathland and at Houghton a barn owl flew right past me. Deer and hares everywhere but an early swallow near Syderstone was the highlight.


Close to Syderstone in the failing light. Just 5 miles to go. Tawny owls calling from all around, a magical spot. Getting chilly though, the Garmin registering 40 degrees f (around 4c ish for you young trendy folks).

38 miles on a perfect spring evening.
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Touch it up and ride it
43 miles this morning very nice ride across to Wymington , Knotting, Sharnbrook and Pavenham by which time feet had gone numb due to cold.


So headed home through the mist via Carlton,Bozeat ,Grendon,Mears Ashby and the mad mile.


The rb2 went well and even claimed a couple of roadie scalps en route.

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Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
Had to ride over to Wolverhampton today.
First time doing more than 2 miles in a year.
Was fine on the way there, Took the roads straight into city center while it was somewhat quiet. On the way back I decided I would extend the ride and jump on the canals. Bad idea. Some little sod (only about 6 or 7) thought it was hilarious to throw a stick into my front wheel as I was going past. I now have a bent spoke and a wheel that isn't true anymore.
Disconnected the front brake so it didn't squeal like a pig and limped it home.
I've also learnt I REALLY need a bigger framed bike.
14 miles in total, Not bad for my first "proper" ride in a year.
Sorry to hear least you made it out!:okay::hugs:
I finished work yesterday afternoon in good time to get out and catch some rays of that shiny stuff:sun::dance:. After a little bit of shopping in Hawkvegas, I headed up and over Moor Top towards Grizedale and Satterthwaite:training:-once you get past the cottages near the bottom, the gradient evens out and you can roll along at a steady pace. After a pause to enjoy the views, I had a lovely fast downhill run towards my refreshment stop at the Eagle's Head in Satterthwaite:cheers:. A couple of fine ales later ( I met my second nice blonde of the week...;)), I was on my way again towards Thwaite Head and Crosslands -pedalling briskly as it was starting to get a bit Baltic by now:cold: . After that it was time for a steady uphill pull towards Green How Tarn (a lovely spot btw) and another fast downhill towards Graythwaite, managing to enjoy some quality views as the evening sun caught the eastern fells. Over the Col de Graythwaite, down along the shore of Windermere through Cunsey (where does it go from it down to the lake I fear:music:) and the final hill before Far Sawrey didn't feel to painful. Only a 1 in 6--have the guts got the glory:boxing:. My aubergine curry from t'other night had if anything improved:hungry: and went very well with some Nectar (session pale ale) from the Fell Brewery just a few miles up road. Cheers!:cheers:


Perhaps This One.....
Out early ish this morning and headed over to Swinley Forest with the MTB's on the van. First time at Swinley for my lad on his 29'er, and took a bit of time to get used to the size and disc brakes. Once he found his confidence we were away, and apart from the steeper uphills which were a challenge on the bigger bike, he was whizzing along in no time. Quick warm up round the green, then full blue before following one of the fire roads back to go do blue 14 again.
Only 8 miles covered, but great fun. Sore back now.
Fitted SPD-SL pedals to my Roubaix before lunch, so hoping to get out this afternoon for a test ride to make sure I can clip in/out OK, if it's a struggle then back to SPD's for my first ride with HDW tomorrow...


Pablo's Cycling Tours
Coín, Málaga
Not much here today...

For those that do not like to click on the link it will say 87 km and 1200 meters of elevation gained.. at 26 km/h sorry, 25.8 km/h

Now I was thinking that a few weeks ago I would have been struggling to do the same ride.. Is amazing what getting into shape does to you.

Just some more data..: Temp? average, 18 C :sun:

Dave 123

Legendary Member
It took 3 cups of tea for the mist to burn through sufficiently before going out. I was buggered if I was wearing long sleeves and legs. By the time we'd reached Comberton I was warm. Gardens were overflowing with flowers. Pear and cherry in blossom.
After 8.9 miles somebody wanted to stop at the shop for sweets. I thought of @Crackle and his inability to stop. I swore under my breath....
Onward to Harston and no traffic on the A10 for our 100 yard dash. Then it was on to Newton, Thriplow and Fowlmere before crossing back over the A10.
The road from Shepreth to Barrington is shocking, worse than any of the other crap around here. From Barrington we headed to Orwell


The picture above shows the chalky ridge that runs through this neck of the woods.

It was along here that we saw a nice red kite

It's very small as it's very far away.....

The next bird we saw was a beautiful male yellowhammer sat on a wire, he looked great in the sun.

We went to Wimpole, that was a mistake! It was packed in there. There was an Indian man Selling samosas, they were nice too!

Up Old Wimpole hill, she made it. Here she is half way there

Along the A1198 we could either turn for home as I expected, or right for a 10 mile extension to the Gransdens. That's what she chose!
She even detoured slightly toward the end of the ride to get it over 40 miles!

We also spotted Lambs, buzzards, gliders and bullfinches .A nice sunny ride!


Legendary Member
Decided to go out for a short ride this morning. The plan was to bike straight up to Nice Pies have a cup of tea and a slice of cake then ride straight home. About 40 mile round trip.

Weather was so nice and my pace was pretty good so ended up extending it to 51 miles. Glorious weather though not quite warm enough to ditch the bikesters and long sleeve jersey at 9am when I set off.
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