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13 rider

Back in spring 2014 in the days I didn't have a bike I went for a day out with my nephew to Pitsford water where I hired a bike and we did some laps of the reservoir and a bit of the Brampton trail . I think this day out gave me the idea of buying a bike . I had never been back until today as I invaded @PeteXXX land . The plan was take the hybrid in the car to Market Harborough and ride the Brampton trail to Northampton then turn off and do a loop of Pitsford water on the way back. A bit of clever parking and slightly indirect route to the start of the trail bagged me 3 extra veloviewer squares ^_^ On to the trail which was wet and muddy in parts due to overnight rain . Soon got to the first tunnel

Glad I brought lights

Inside the tunnel there was light at the end of it .
Rode the trail to its end and continued on the tarmac bit to Northampton which put me on a road with the largest pot holes (bomb craters) on it I presume it's unadopted and noone maintains it got to the end saw Northampton and turned round :tongue: . Retraced the trail until the turning for Brixworth village and the climbed up to Pitsford . On my first visit I had to walk up this hill but today with granny gear engaged I made it up it . Stopped at the cafe for coffee and a disappointing small slice of cake :sad:. Had a nosy round the bike shop . Then off round the reservoir

View off the water from the dam wall . Completed the circuit didn't seem as long as the last time I did it then back to the Brampton trail and a quick descent on a gravel road which was fun:smile:. Trail all the way back to Market Harborough legs begining to feel it 40 plus miles on gravel is hard work . Got back to the car with 48.9 miles done and couldn't be bothered to do the 50

The bike made need a wash

My fairly new Black shoes may also need a clean and a bit of mud on my legs . Did I say it was a bit muddy hard work but bloody good fun . With all the road riding I do I forgot what fun gravel roads and trails can be . A good day off work back to the commute tomorrow just need to clean the bike


Senior Member
Powys, Mid Wales
Climbed Porlock Hill this morning. Nuff said!!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
After spending much more time than intended on here this morning I got out for a quick blast this afternoon. I used the Dawes and went out on my Melverley loop, riding it anti-clockwise this time.

There was an obstacle within the first mile when I met two groups of schoolchildren out on a run on the shared path. The first group I had to just slow and wait for them to pass. The second happened to be by a drop kerb and there was a convenient gap in the traffic so I swung out into the road to pass them quickly.

I headed along the old bypass to Shelton (passing a cyclist and a couple of walkers who seemed to be having an argument) and then out of town to Montford Bridge before taking to the lanes to Great Ness. This was a good section as the wind was behind me and a nice quick pace was easy to maintain.

From Great Ness I turned west through Pentre, past The Royal Hill and on to Melverley. The south-westerley wind made itself felt along this stretch and although it didn't seem to slow me much it was harder work to ride against.

Just after Melverley I got buzzed by two helicopters practising their low flying. Most military helicopter training is now based in Shropshire so their black and yellow machines are a common sight round the area. I'd have got a photo of them but was too slow getting the 'phone out.

I'd expected to have a bit of a tailwind through Crew Green but that didn't seem to be the case and it was directly against me climbing up the bank at Prince's Oak so progress was slow up there. Here I realised that my legs felt a bit stretched when I pushed back into the saddle as I like to do on climbs so at the top I had a brief pause for a minor adjustment and a drink.

Moving on again it took about half a mile to get used to the slight change but I think it has made an improvement. I seemed to have gained a little speed and I haven't got the slightly strained feeling in my left knee that I had after the last ride on this bike.:okay:

After Westbury I had a nice long slightly downhill section to Nox. Usually the prevailing wind would be helping too on this bit but it was a crosswind today. Even so, I cruised most of the way at 18-22 mph.

There was a slight hold up at Lea Cross for temporary traffic lights, then I got baulked by a van at the foot of the climb up Shorthill (I think they were lost.) I'd hoped the wind would help past Exfords Green but it seemed to be against me on that stretch, but I got up over 30 mph into the dip at Westley :hyper:. A kind person gave way to let me onto the road to Condover and, as I left the village, I overtook a couple of touring cyclists who looked like they'd had a long day .

I finally had the wind behind me again for the last stretch to home which was very welcome and finished off the ride nicely.^_^

34.3 miles at 15mph average.


First drink stop near Little Ness. The conditions were rather better than yesterday.


Between Melverley and Crew Green, the railway bridge converted into a road bridge which is also the border crossing between England and Wales.


View from the bridge looking at the confluence of the rivers Severn and Vyrnwy.


A stop for another drink and to adjust my saddle. The Briedden hills are the backdrop.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Back in spring 2014 in the days I didn't have a bike I went for a day out with my nephew to Pitsford water where I hired a bike and we did some laps of the reservoir and a bit of the Brampton trail . I think this day out gave me the idea of buying a bike . I had never been back until today as I invaded @PeteXXX land . The plan was take the hybrid in the car to Market Harborough and ride the Brampton trail to Northampton then turn off and do a loop of Pitsford water on the way back. A bit of clever parking and slightly indirect route to the start of the trail bagged me 3 extra veloviewer squares ^_^ On to the trail which was wet and muddy in parts due to overnight rain . Soon got to the first tunnel
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Glad I brought lights
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Inside the tunnel there was light at the end of it .
Rode the trail to its end and continued on the tarmac bit to Northampton which put me on a road with the largest pot holes (bomb craters) on it I presume it's unadopted and noone maintains it got to the end saw Northampton and turned round :tongue: . Retraced the trail until the turning for Brixworth village and the climbed up to Pitsford . On my first visit I had to walk up this hill but today with granny gear engaged I made it up it . Stopped at the cafe for coffee and a disappointing small slice of cake :sad:. Had a nosy round the bike shop . Then off round the reservoir
View attachment 375918
View off the water from the dam wall . Completed the circuit didn't seem as long as the last time I did it then back to the Brampton trail and a quick descent on a gravel road which was fun:smile:. Trail all the way back to Market Harborough legs begining to feel it 40 plus miles on gravel is hard work . Got back to the car with 48.9 miles done and couldn't be bothered to do the 50
View attachment 375919
The bike made need a wash
View attachment 375920
My fairly new Black shoes may also need a clean and a bit of mud on my legs . Did I say it was a bit muddy hard work but bloody good fun . With all the road riding I do I forgot what fun gravel roads and trails can be . A good day off work back to the commute tomorrow just need to clean the bike
It can get a bit messy on the BVW!
The Breadline, in Brixworth, is better for a bite to eat. That's where I met Tom on his travels a while back.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
A fun ride for me this evening, setting off at 6.30ish in shorts and short sleeves.
Slithering across the muddy fields at the bottom of the village, heading toward a setting sun


I ended up along the Wimpole ridge in the darkness, distant car and city lights twinkling. I thought I heard partridge call, but it wasn't.... a big old flock of geese honked more and more until they exploded into a dusky sky. I could just about make out the ones to my left, the other half to my right.
Rabbits were shooting back and forth in my light beam. It was lovely and warm up there.
I dropped down to the Eversdens, it were chilly! I stopped get a pic of the church, but my phone dislike the low light, so I tried to get my bike in a lit shot

That didn't work either!

In Toft a fox darted away through someone's garden, so I pedalled up the hill to Hardwick without him.

15 muddy and fun miles.



The great trip round Arran.
Train from Glasgow to Ardrossan. Boat over to Brodick on Arran. £20 return.

Out the ferry terminal , turned left for a clockwise circuit. You hit a brutal hill straight away.
Few more climbs then around 20 miles of fairly flat stuff.
After Lochranza there's only 15 miles to go but a long , long climb , then downhill and turn towards Brodick, into a brutal headwind.
Five hours to get round. A few bits at 15- 20 MPH with a few more at 5 or 6 mph.

Smashing day .
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Well due to forecast was uncertain whether I would make it out.
After walking the dog, and some rain, it seemed to clear.

Siezed the opportunity
Took the Koan Roadhouse which I have 'winterised' with mudguards black on and Conti GP 4 seasons tyres

Did one of my regular loops, start and finish of these often varies a bit

Outward I went via Addlestone, cut across at Church lane and took Philpotss Lane and Sandhills Lane into Chobham
Then per normal loop up the red road to Frimley and Turn left to Deepcut
In Pribright seemed to be a rattlining from the mudguards
A nut and bolt holding front in place (at end of the wire fixing) had gone awol
tyre was now rubbing so needed a temporary fix
Rooted around for string, wire etc
In the end outside a chippy found a plastic drinking straw, flattened it, folded it and inserted and knotted it, seemed to hold the guards in place.

Back through Knaphill, Chobham and took the road past Gracious Pond back into Chertsey and then home

Initially did not feel I was going well
This could be for various reasons
1) The Kona is heavier than the Enigma
2) I have mudguards on, these may cause more wind resistance
3) Legs still stifff from gym session on Weds, it was raining so did not go for a ride
4) There was a head wind for some of the earlier ride and of course Chobham to Frimley is nearly uphill as well (almost all the way).

However still decent speed

37.79 miles @ 17.2 mph
1001 feet climbed

The bolt that came adrift had not been undone when removed from the bike, still should have checked for tightness

When I got home, putting bike back in the garage, rain started, so it held off for the full ride
Knot is at the back, that's just the loose end tucked away
last straw.jpg


Perhaps This One.....
Forced myself out today, got a cold and being male it's the end of the World:laugh:
Needed 155m of climbing to hit the Strava challenge, so straight out, up Prune Hill and 2 runs along and back Callow Hill before home. A short ride, but got in 168m of climbing so have completed the challenge.
Commute tonight will be in the van, joy of joys I get to sit in traffic, but I can't face the idea of riding home tomorrow morning after a 12hr night shift.


Survived the drudgery of my first week back at work, after holidays, but was in serious need of a ride! Hoped to get out for a long ride this Sunday, but the weather looks set to scupper that and so got out for a short ride after work.

Back on the Carbon, for the first time in September, which felt quite odd for the first mile, after a month on the Hybrid, but soon got used to it again.

Some big spots of rain came down for the first couple of miles, which didn’t set the ride off to a great start, but they ceased and so I pressed on to Heathgates. It was into the wind through Castlefields, along the river towpath, with the Severn looking Brown and quite swollen already. Could be some flooding ahead, this Winter, if the incessant rain continues like it currently is.

The Quarry was quite busy, with a fair in residence and, what interested me more, the tents starting to go up in readiness for the Oktoberfest next Saturday, which I am going to :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Headed through Porthill and then along Roman Rd to Shelton, down past the Mental Hospital, through Copthorne, Radbrook, Nobold and Meole Brace, enjoying the wind behind me for the last 4 miles.

12.7 miles at 12.3mph avg, which takes me past 200 miles for the Second month in a row.


Über Member
Today I rode through the Two Tunnels for the first time and really enjoyed it.

It was a mucky ride and I'm not convinced my Schwalbe Luganos will be up to Autumn and Winter riding so I'm planning to swap them out.


11 miles at not very fast mph. Great fun and I'm hoping to go out again tomorrow, as the weather for Sunday looks like it's going to be filthy.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Unfinished business.

In August we had to abort a ride from Burford to Bibury due to wheel issues. Today was the day to rectify this.
Setting out from Burford high street and along Sheep Street before climbing to cross the A40. I'd opted for shorts and short sleeves, it was cool but ok.
After 5 miles we'd got beyond our previous effort just along here


Through Eastleach and Quenborough and other such places. Roe deer and Red Kites spotted.

It was shaping up to be a better day than forecast, blue skies, light winds. The spits and spots had stopped.
We reached Bibury, and we had a tea cake at the trout farm

Then we did the touristy bit


On through the quiet back lanes to Coln St Aldwyns and Hatherop


The purple tinge in the above field is brassicas.
Over the A40 and in to Barrington


Thirty something miles. A great ride!


Über Member
Went for a nice ride this morning with my mate.Started from Teddington,went through Bushy Park to meet my mate in the pub car park at the bottom of Kingston bridge,then rode down to Teddington Lock,over the bridge and into Richmond park.Went through the Ham gate,and went left round the park.Stopped off at cafe for a quick drink and a natter,(saw some lovely bikes there) then went on our way round the park.I somehow made it up Sawyers Hill but it wasnt that long ago i was happy to get over a speed bump so i must be getting fitter!

We exited the park at the Kingston Gate and went our seperate ways in Kingston town.I then went back into Bushy Park then home.Just under 16 miles in total,but ive realised as much as i hate hills ive got to try going up them more often coz although i struggle with them i do feel better for it when i get home.


Legendary Member
After a bit of slippage on last weeks ride the Allez this week was treated to a new chain ring, cassette, jockey wheels, chain and cables. Picked the bike up from the LBS and had a few hours to spare so nipped up to Nice Pie cafe.

Averaged nearly 18mph for the 24 miles there, found out on the way back why, it was a bit windy! average dropped to 16.8mph by the time I got home, but that did include getting through Leicester.

Bumped into @13 rider sister at the cafe.

45 miles done and with this ride I've ridden every day this month and done a tad over 2,000 miles in the process :becool:
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