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World class procrastinator

Another quick log on with borrowed broadband (old neighbours this time)

We went off to explore the other side of the Deben River yesterday. We had a good time, found cake and then seemed to be climing in a never ending fashion

I did take some pics but they are on my phone. Sorry. The new scenery is brilliant and I'm only 29 miles away from hitting my annual goal. Might have to extend that a bit.

Best be off.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Todays midweek sortie into the New Forest was all about the acorns, which are out in abundance this autumn & according to the farmer I spoke to on Sunday are a sign of a bad (cold) winter. You heard it here first!!

Five miles in & the forests oak tree collection starts & its the familiar crunching & pinging sound as I head up towards Furzley, until that is a large pig, who's out feeding on the acorns, decides to wander across my path & bring proceedings to an abrupt halt. With the offending hog photographed I continue my journey in the fine autumn sunshine up through Landford, Hampworth & Lover to Whiteshoot hill where I'm ashamed to say I decided, for a change, to be a strava ar**hole & try to beat my previous time set back in April 2014. :whistle: (I did by 23 seconds)

The open roads of Roger Penny Way & Stoney Cross were next as I headed towards Bolderwood & back to the acorns which were now not only under wheel but also still falling as one caught me right on the swede as I headed downhill to Emery Down & back past more feeding pigs at Bartley for home & a very pleasant 36 mile trip.

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The Hampshire breed pig (the black one) which brought todays ride to a halt!

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Looking rather stuffed full of acorns these two took to the shade for a breather I think.

Nice to see that the forest commoners still exercise their ancient right of pannage, or mast. A memorable ride !


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Yesterday I had the afternoon off, to pick my daughter up from school. I used the 2 hours between leaving work and turning up at school to fit in a nice 25-miler. The first part was boring, battling into a headwind, but then things became more interesting as I picked up the lanes. An alternative route from Charfield to Wickwar produced some startling climbs...
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I managed to grab an hour in between domestic chores and appointments this morning so off I went on my "one hour loop". Got home, quick shower, out for my appointment, now back home waiting for Mrs Buck before we head out for lunch so thought I'd pop in here and type this little update!

Again, the mornings have been damp, misty and a little chilly so the leg warmers and hi-vis jacket were the order of the day.

A quite uneventful ride only interrupted by my Lezyne pump rattling away on every bump in the road :sad: (My OCD means I'll have to try and sort that!) Up out of the village and then on the main road up through Birds Edge, Ingbirchworth and up to the roundabout at Hoylandswaine. I double back on myself and on the return leg, hung a left, leaving the main road and the traffic behind and onto the country lanes. A climb around the back of Ingbirchworth reservoir and onto the tops near the windmills where the mist had just started to lift and the sun was breaking through meant a nice return ride - you know, those where you wish you could carry on for another hour but other commitments mean it's not possible!?

Managed a joint 7th on a local sprint according to Strava before the final mile back to home and despite my hopes and aspirations, I still haven't got this particular ride below the magic one hour....maybe next time?

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Legendary Member
Another quick trip out on the hybrid today to the other side of Didcot, a quick swim in the pool at the gym and then back home via a detour to my supermarket of choice to buy some yeast. A bit blowy out but it was nice in the sunshine, On the way back I approached from behind a couple of cyclists, as I got closer it was a mum and her child, I realised that this child was very young riding a bike with no stabilizers, I rode along side for a few moments and chatted to the mum, the boy was 3 years old and riding an Isla bike and they had been to Didcot and back, that's about six miles, not bad for a three year old I think.

12.28 miles for me.

No photos today, couldn't be bothered



Legendary Member
It was only Otley 24 miles.the weather was brilliant.i spent more time in the Cafe than i did cycling there.55 mins to get there.90 mins outside the cafe.Saturday i am planning to go to Skipton via Bolton Abbey and Embsay about 32 miles in, i might get a train back from Skipton if i don't feel right.Sunny day and only 6 mph wind is forecast.


Finnished early today so squeezed in a little 8 miles of road. Came across a guy pushing his bike so stopped to offer assistance. He had a rear puncture, no pump or inner tube. My pump had the wrong valve and I felt to far away from home to offer my only spare. He was actually only a mile from home.
Stopped in one of favourite points to watch the rat race.


Legendary Member
Still not easy finding the motivation but a day off today and its really quite breezy but lovely and sunny so 27 miles and thoroughly enjoyed every one of them. Out to Whittlsea and alightly beyond then a few miles with a cross wind then 10 miles of tailwind.
One grass snake, first ive seen in some time. Nowt much else ...just a nice ride.


Legendary Member
I set out at 6.45 this morning and instead of heading north-west to work in Coventry, I headed south-east. Traces of mist hung over the fields still but it was quickly lifting as sunrise approached, and it was a crisp 5°C.

There was just a red glow on the horizon as I passed Napton-on-the-Hill, then topping a hill at Priors Marston I suddenly rode into blinding golden light, and I continued riding towards the sun down into Buckinghamshire. At Silverstone I passed the huge grounds of the racing circuit, and then did a loop south via Dadford and Chackmore, within a whisker of Buckingham and passing en route the vast landscaped grounds of Stowe House. I met another cyclist near Leckhampstead who was on the way to a group ride starting in Stoney Stratford, so he led me down the best route to get there, and I finished with a couple more miles to Wolverton station where I was in time for my 9.58 train back to Coventry and work. It was a beautiful morning to be out riding in, and was only slightly spoilt at the end by a clunking from the rear wheel that developed on the final stretch, and will give me something to look at this weekend.

Photos : Telecoms tower near Priors Marston, and the Corinthian Arch at Stowe.
20150930 (1A-C) Priors Marston tower.jpg
20150930 (2-c) Stow archway.jpg

The route


Legendary Member
Another glorious sunny (but breezy) late afternoon/early evening, so finished work an hour earlier and got out for a ride, before packing my case ready to head to Cardiff to see the rugby tomorrow with @Rickshaw Phil :hyper:

A regular route, but took the long way down to Meole, to avoid the Water Main works that have descended upon us for 9 months!!

The legs felt a bit lethargic as I climbed through Bayston Hill, but Strava tells me I did the 5 mile segment up to the top of Lyth Hill in my quickest time so far (shows you never can tell really!)

Nice descent to Exfords Green and then climbed to Ryton and Longnor, before turning into the headwind and battling back home via Acton Burnell, Pitchford and Cantlop.

Nothing much to report, other than the traffic being really well behaved. Lots of patient drivers and wide passes. Why can't it always be like that......

22.5 miles that means September is my second best month in 2015, so far, at 184.7 miles in total


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Today Ingleton to Bradford via Settle, skipton, Keighley on main A65 50 miles and relatively flat, Lovely courteous HGV drivers not a single close pass :thumbsup:
I rode that stretch of the A65 just once. The traffic was heavy on the narrow, twisty road, drivers were driving too fast and then it started raining ... Despite heavy spray thrown up by the vehicles, nobody slowed down - it was horrible and I decided never to ride that road again!

The road has a really poor safety record - e.g. the 42 km section between Long Preston and J36 of the M6 had 48 fatal or serious accidents just from 2002 to 2004! :eek:

I'm glad you had a good ride but I won't be checking out that stretch of road again any time soon!:headshake:
Cycled to Brighton yesterday in the British heart foundation's 74 mile mainly off road bike ride. Was great and amazing weather. Sadly suffering from a mild chest infection so that took its toll but managed to complete in 6hours 55mins :biggrin: View attachment 105031 View attachment 105032
Well done Sara , great effort. Is that someone sunbathing to your right in the picture or just having a nap after cycling ?
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