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Perhaps This One.....
After Monday nights ride home from work, where 9mph was considered good going into the very gusty headwind, I had decided not to ride in yesterday. Until I got up, and rode in:rolleyes: Really fast run into work, and the same, though slightly less gusty, headwind home. Had a chap beep at me on the way home, I figure he liked my lycra^_^
Looking forward to some days off so I can do some 'nice' rides. Might even remember some photo's for @CarlP

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Yesterday's ride now:-

Got the tyre levers out to dislodge me from the settee this morning. Glad I did as the sun shone although we still have that horrid wind. So it was a bit of a grind over the common but once on the Marsh road I put the chain up onto my massive (46 tooth) big ring and got that turning fairly well, albeit on the larger sprockets.

Redwings are still here even tho' the temps are fairly mild. That's brought more daffs out into full bloom while the snowdrops are running through their flowering quite quickly. Brotheridge Green was a bit of a struggle but I got it together again on the run back by Hanley Swan. Nice brisk one today despite that wind.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Decided on a brisk 18 miler before my weekly endurance at my part-time job. Turned for home at Falkenham, looked to the horizon and saw what was heading towards me. Five minutes later I was on the receiving end of face-splats of snow - the big, chunky flakes that you can feel hitting you.
Bizarrely, I enjoyed myself. :smile:


Decided to chuck the bike in the van and head over to fineshade ,wakerley..park at Kings Cliffe and ride into the woods..
pretty dry for this area and only odd mud fest after a week of drying wind..
a large tree down across the trail so the wind was indeed strong...
2hrs and sweat soaked ..fantastic ride out id guess around 15miles.

the cafe at fineshade, quick coffee and a flapjack..sorted..


bike now cleaned ,new hugger worked a treat..

Old jon

A good one. All the weather nasties have gone somewhere else, yeah, OK it is still cold and there is a bit of breeze, but rideable. Of course, I am totally out of practice with route planning, but off I went. Oakwood Clock, up the hill to the Boot pub, turn left for Shadwell, left again for Slaid Hill and then

Followed by East Keswick. There is a house in East Keswick with a Potts clock where most houses would have a bedroom window, I took pictures, but they need resampling before I post them, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, with the Oakwood Clock being a Potts I have done a two Potts ride today, as if it matters. Must search out more of their clocks though. East Keswick to Collingham, the road to Linton is still shut to through traffic, so Wetherby and a sandwich stop in the Wilderness car park. Silly name, north bank of the river downstream of the bridge. Last week I was told that the part collapsed bridge in Tadcaster was actually built as two bridges, photos make it obvious, and from downstream it looks as if the bridge in Wetherby is also two parallel bridges. May check on that one.

Sandwich stop and bridge inspection over, I rode the A 58 home to complete 31.5 miles for the day. As I was putting the bike away something glittered on the front tyre. Yup, a bit of something stuck in there, so I extracted that and did a proper look all around the tyre, quite a few little nicks and another three larger ones, one occupied by something sharp. The tyre has been on just over 1200 miles and has not yet let anything through. Cautiously optimistic here.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Lovely bright day out there today spoiled by a strong and chilly wind. That wasn't going to stop us tho' so I met with pals in the Green and another in Upton. Newent was the call so we took to standard lanes where a Buzzard watched from a telegraph pole as we went by. For a change we went by Hillend. Always a good view over the Marsh from there. Soon we were looping by Gadfield Elm and on down the Glynch Brook for the River Leadon and then by Okle Clifford where gypsy caravans were making use of free laneside parking and horse grazing.

The cafe in Newent did us proud with refreshments. The chat had been flowing well on the ride and it kept going in the cafe. On leaving two Buzzards could be seen wheeling high above. Lots of snowdrops accompanied us on our way and we didn't seem to have much time without Buzzards appearing all about. Sara headed off homeward from Dymock but we took the standard run back by Ryton and Bromsberrow. That wind had been having a go at us all ride but the final pull up the Guarlford road was quite a struggle. Despite that it was a very enjoyable and sociable pedal. What's not to like?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
What a naff ride we had today(Whalley to Settle)! The Wednesday club run was ruined by three breakdowns. My chain got wedged in the back wheel, another rider's chain snapped and another's wheel collapsed. Not only that but my legs were aching before i set off, due to too much riding over the last 5 days. The other members of the group took turns to keep an eye on me at the back so that i didn't get left behind. I wont be doing a hilly 35 mile ride next Tuesday!


Thats a crap day out @Accy cyclist ..


Never used Über Member
A good one. All the weather nasties have gone somewhere else, yeah, OK it is still cold and there is a bit of breeze, but rideable. Of course, I am totally out of practice with route planning, but off I went. Oakwood Clock, up the hill to the Boot pub, turn left for Shadwell, left again for Slaid Hill and then

Followed by East Keswick. There is a house in East Keswick with a Potts clock where most houses would have a bedroom window, I took pictures, but they need resampling before I post them, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, with the Oakwood Clock being a Potts I have done a two Potts ride today, as if it matters. Must search out more of their clocks though. East Keswick to Collingham, the road to Linton is still shut to through traffic, so Wetherby and a sandwich stop in the Wilderness car park. Silly name, north bank of the river downstream of the bridge. Last week I was told that the part collapsed bridge in Tadcaster was actually built as two bridges, photos make it obvious, and from downstream it looks as if the bridge in Wetherby is also two parallel bridges. May check on that one.

Sandwich stop and bridge inspection over, I rode the A 58 home to complete 31.5 miles for the day. As I was putting the bike away something glittered on the front tyre. Yup, a bit of something stuck in there, so I extracted that and did a proper look all around the tyre, quite a few little nicks and another three larger ones, one occupied by something sharp. The tyre has been on just over 1200 miles and has not yet let anything through. Cautiously optimistic here.

Hi @Old jon

There is a group on Flickr dedicated to photos of Potts Clocks, if you're interested:
You might even find one or two of mine on there...;)


Convoi Exceptionnel
A quick visit to the LBS in Gloucester for me today, followed by getting the hell out of that horrible traffic a.s.a.p. One of my clubmates recently had a nasty crash on the Bristol Road, and I've never liked riding there anyway.

Got back to the Kingsway estate (where my club is based) and continued on up Naas lane to Brookthorpe and then through Matson as far as the Robinswood Hill ski slope before turning for home. Quite mild and sunny today, so I had hoped to get some decent photos, but every nice view was straight into the setting sun.

On my way home, stopped off at St Margaret's Church in Whaddon, where Mrs Donger and I got hitched over 27 years ago. (Picture straight into the sun, of course):
13 St Margaret's at Whaddon.JPG

I've recently re-arranged all my handlebar furniture, as the bike was starting to look like a Phillipino Jeepney, it had so much stuff bolted to it. The problem had been the extra brake levers taking up space where you would normally mount stuff. I have now removed the wobbly gantry crane of a bar extender, and replaced it with a much neater plastic fitment (costing just £8.99) that fits easily to my existing Klick-Fix mount. It certainly helps when the LBS needs to get at the additional high level brakes for maintenance, and I've come up with an arrangement that allows me to aim my main light downwards even when I have a map holder in position. That's sorted something that has been bugging me for a while. Nicely set up now for a bit of evening/night riding in the coming months.

Back home in the twilight with all lights blazing after another quick 19.7 miles. My Ridgeback is now back in tip-top shape again and back in the garage with its Saracen stable mate.


Bring on the next ride! Cheers, Donger.
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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Just a quick 11 miler at dusk around the fen here today. Nice and light now until well after 5pm so if you are lucky enough to be able to, it's now possible to pish off early after work and go for a quick ride before proper dark.

A barn owl near Reach village made the ride worthwhile a well as thousands of starlings coming into roost on Burwell Fen forming all kinds of shapes in the sky. Three cranes were spotted there yesterday but I couldn't find them. Hopefully they'll stick around to breed here.


The bike on Reach Lode bridge. That was at about 5:15pm - Spring certainly seemed to be in the air here tonight and best of all, for the first time in weeks- the wind had completely dropped!
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Just a quick 11 miler at dusk around the fen here today. Nice and light now until well after 5pm so if you are lucky enough to be able to, it's now possible to pish off early after work and go for a quick ride before proper dark.

A barn owl near Reach village made the ride worthwhile a well as thousands of starlings coming into roost on
Burwell Fen forming all kinds of shapes in the sky. Three cranes were spotted there yesterday but I couldn't find them. Hopefully they'll stick around to breed here.

View attachment 117856

The bike on Reach Lode bridge. That was at about 5:15pm - Spring certainly seemed to be in the air here tonight and best of all, for the first time in weeks- the wind had completely dropped!
Now I like that,lovely image.
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