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Banjo and Donger's Grand Day Out:
I'd been wanting to do a ride in the Rhondda Valley area of Wales for years, and I mentioned that fact on Cyclechat a while ago. Straight away, up popped @Banjo, who I'd finished an audax with last year, offering his services as a local guide and riding partner. Too good an offer to turn down. And so it was that we met up in a lay-by in Aberdulais, near Neath this morning to set off on a 43 mile circuit taking in two big mountains, the Bwllch and the Rhigos and a stretch of the upper Rhondda near Treorchy. After Neath, the long, steady climb of the Bwllch started in reasonable weather of sunshine and clouds, passing rows of picturesque old miners' cottages:
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The first drinks break was taken at Blaengwynfi. This is Banjo, sporting his rather fetching "Dragon Ride Wales" jersey (I secretly wanted one, but I'm not worthy, as I've never done that ride):
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..... and me in my Black Cuillin (beer) jersey ..... I definitely qualify to wear that one, having drunk plenty of the stuff:
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We stopped for a photo op near the top of the Bwllch (pronounced like you are just seeing your lunch for the second time after your exertions), with such glorious views back down the way we had come:
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As soon as you get to the very top, you get the most breathtaking view of the road descending into the Rhondda Valley at Treorchy. It was while driving along this road earlier this year with Mrs Donger that I decided I just had to ride it. The descent was every bit as good as it looks:
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This very friendly sheep turned up wanting a fuss just before we started our descent into Treorchy:
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In football parlance, this was a "game of two halves". After fine, sometimes sunny weather on the first climb, came the wet part of the ride. After a coffee and bacon butty stop at the Cardiff Arms Park cafe in Treherbert, we set off on the second big climb up the Rhigos (pronounced Rickoss, I am reliably informed). Half way up, it started to rain, and it never actually stopped. In this shot you can see what it is supposed to look like from the top:
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Then came another great descent. I imagine @Banjo enjoyed it even more than me, as he has disc brakes ... I could be forgiven for thinking I had no brakes at all in the wet conditions. As you can see, it was steep:
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We commemorated the occasion with this very wet looking selfie:
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With place names like Glyncorrwg, Ynyswen and Cwmgwrach , it seems they are going through the Great Vowel Shortage of 2016 in these parts. I helped to redress the balance a little with a few "Weeeee!"s and "WooooHoooo!"s on my way down the two descents. Balance is restored.
@Banjo was the perfect guide and host for this ride, and a real gent too. Despite the rain in the second half of the ride, I had the time of my life. This may have been the first whole ride we have done together, but it definitely won't be the last. Thanks Banjo. Actually, it got me wondering why there are not more of these joint rides going on. I'm certainly up for guiding any of you around the very best places in my part of Gloucestershire, and in joining in more "exchange" rides like this. This had to be one of my best rides of the year, and I have two mountains to tick off the list in the "100 greatest climbs" book. A cracking day out.
Cheers, Donger.

Great write up & pics.

Have done that route as well & it's stunning ;-)

Big Andy

Über Member
My longest ride yet today. Both in terms of distance and time in the saddle. The last 15 miles were tough going. The climb up to the Cow and Calf rocks was really tough too having already got 50 miles in my legs. Was raining for most of the first half of the ride, bike has developed a very annoying squeak now too, coming from the bottom bracket. Some maintenance now required.
Feeling quite pleased with myself.
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Legendary Member
Not really the sort of evening to entice me out normally (dull, windy and drizzly - actually needed my lights on for the first time since the Spring!) but was desperate for a ride after today.

Started the week off with a funeral, which is never an easy task and then a rubbish afternoon at work, so I was pretty fed up.

There were very dark clouds about as I headed down to Meole Brace, where it poured down for a few minutes, and then into the strong gusty wind to Nobold and Radbrook, before thankfully turning out of the wind at Shelton.

There was a nice tailwind through Porthill and The Quarry, where I set a new Strava PB on the segment through the park, must be windy as I'm not fast!

Then it was out onto the cycle paths to Sutton and home, having done 14.1 miles.
Home from work jumped into shower and off out on the MTB. This evening i did a new loop which i have borrowed from my sisters partner. He is a keen runner so i thought it would be fun to cycle it. Its a bit more hilly than i thought and after a few loops of it my knees and legs started to burn. The nice thing about it is although its a loop you never see the same person twice which is good as you dont feel like your stalking anyone. Any how with time limited i managed 7 miles which i was pleased with as i've upped my mileage by one whole mile. The hills are becoming easier. On arriving back home i had just put the bike back in the shed and entered the kitchen when my 21 month old grandson came to greet me and promptly projectile vomited in my direction . Not content with getting me once he had another go at me. So while i cleaned the kitchen floor up and his mum gave him a clean up and a change of clothes i couldn't help but think to myself ,' If only i'd done another loop i would have missed that '. It just goes to show there is NO place safer than being in the saddle and peddling .......

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
As I'm now car less I've i managed to secure a stonking deal on a apparently used mtb using it to commute around and having a blast I'm not gonna lie :smile: haven't owned one since I was a teenager and I'd never been off road until today. Been helping an old guy sort his garden out so set off up there today only just over 5 miles but it was quite a laugh blasting over a field at 15-16 mph

Decided on the way home to go into the woods up near where I was working all a bit Blair Witch tbh lots of strange wood piles why looked like a ceremonial burning area bit odd these country folk ! Closer to home thought I'd go a bit of a longer way through the woods but got completely lost and ended up further away in the wrong direction from where I started ? God bless Google maps or I think I'd still be out now :ph34r: had a brilliant time only just over 8 miles but man it's hard work with them nobbly tyres and avoiding tree stumps and dog shoot !

Happy days


I cycled to and from work, 18.5 each way, enjoyed it all too.
Cracking ride in today down the 20p road and as it was a sunny day took the Helium in to have another bash with the new wheels.

Still a bit of a head/cross wind about but a lovely sunny morning for a blast.

Second impressions of riding on tubs is you can take more liberties when cornering and like tubeless seem to roll forever.

As for the wheels,they do take a bit of getting going(have read its a usp with the hubs)but once going it's easy to keep the speed up and still no problems with sidewinds;had a little fettle adjusting the toe-in on the pads last night and the braking is now really good,can reccomend the Lifeline pads if anyone is after new ones for their carbon wheels(can't vouch for the wet though).

Only downer was dropping my nice Lazer glasses and then watching a bus drive over them:sad::cry:.

Good news is they are amazingly still useable,a few scratches but nothing broken:smile:.

Oh and a nice coffee and toast at the excellent Espresso cafe again:cuppa::hungry:;


And the rather scratched Lazers;



Perhaps This One.....
Yesterdays and todays rides, today..
Commute yesterday morning, walked out the door into a few spots of rain. By the end of the road it was lots of rain, so I put my not waterproof jacket on (it is windproof though). Funnily enough, on my extended 18 mile commute, I got really quite wet:laugh: On the plus side we have a great drying room at work, so no issues with wet clothes on the way home.
The ride home was supposed to be another steady extended commute, but due to all estate agents being tossers (and my one excelling at it), I had to do a dash home to get to solicitors before they shut. Made up for it with a brief 10 mile spin out last night whilst that fly on the wall documentary (Eastenders) was on. A scrape over 41 miles in total for the day.
This mornings ride in was a much nicer affair, though the arm warmers were needed to start with. Only 16 miles on the way in for me today, hoping to add a bit on the way home.
624 miles so far this month, not far to go to the 777 target.:bicycle::bicycle::bicycle:

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Out on the mtb again today exploring the local area which I've lived in for 15 years but never really explored to much. Wet down the local bridle path which was wet sloppy and made me realise my saddle isn't the best :cry:came out down in Holyport and headed for Bray marina down the cycle track and ran along the M4 over the Thames

Then off for a spin around Dorney Lake with the 1 million dog walkers!

The bottom end by the boat house and the start of the return lake on the left under the bridge.

The starters end not a cloud in the sky and man it was hot should of had a dip.
Then followed the Jubilee river on the purpose built cycle track which was full of horse shizzle but nice just to meander along not worrying about anything down near where I turned round I spotted this chap paitently waiting for his lunch...

Turned round and headed back down the trail to Maidenhead through the town and back home. Just under 23 hot sweaty but fun miles.
Out on the mtb again today exploring the local area which I've lived in for 15 years but never really explored to much. Wet down the local bridle path which was wet sloppy and made me realise my saddle isn't the best :cry:came out down in Holyport and headed for Bray marina down the cycle track and ran along the M4 over the Thames

Then off for a spin around Dorney Lake with the 1 million dog walkers!

The bottom end by the boat house and the start of the return lake on the left under the bridge.

The starters end not a cloud in the sky and man it was hot should of had a dip.
Then followed the Jubilee river on the purpose built cycle track which was full of horse shizzle but nice just to meander along not worrying about anything down near where I turned round I spotted this chap paitently waiting for his lunch...

Turned round and headed back down the trail to Maidenhead through the town and back home. Just under 23 hot sweaty but fun miles.
Thanks great write up. Until a couple of weeks ago I hadn't really visited the Maidenhead area but dare I say it one of my friends arranged with a few of his other friends to meet there to go out on a motorcycle trip. We took in the local area and went through Marlow and I was amazed at how beautiful the area is as we made a way out via lanes to the Cotswolds. Whilst it was a great motorcycle ride as I rode along I couldn't help thinking how great it would be to cycle the area so your report as got me thinking again that I really must do that.

Deleted member 1258

Whellesbourne the destination 57 miles the journey. A cracking day day for a bike ride, cool in the morning but warming up nicely as the day went on, still a bit windy but not as bad as some recent rides, I put a light long sleeve jersey on as I left the house but didn't need it after the cafe stop, I've got a new smaller saddlebag so had nowhere to put so ended up wearing it. I also got my hydration slightly wrong this time, which is most unusual, I had a large glass of squash when I got home and a few seconds later I was dripping with sweat. I hadn't been to Whellesbourne recently so it was nice to go somewhere different, I also chose a route I hadn't done for a while, I took the right fork in Baginton towards Stoneleigh and rode through Cubbington, Offchurch and down the welsh road picking up my kinton route just before Harbury and using the private farm road to Chesterton then up over the motorway and through Lighthorn and ignored my usual left turn carried and onto Whellesbourne. On the way back I turned left down the side of Charlecote Park passed the water mill crossed the Stratford road, did a short section of the A46 then up through Norton Lindsey and on through Hatton and past the Honiley Boot to Balsall Common and on into Coventry. A very enjoyable morning out cycling.

Whellesbourne Tuesday.jpg

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Old jon

Thirty five point seven miles and two rivers crossed in the unexpected warm today. There was some breeze around, so it stayed comfortable, except when it didn’t.

Start with the usual shortcut through Holbeck to Office Lock, the last but one lock on the Leeds and Liverpool canal. Ride along the towpath to Viaduct Road, and turn right to cross the River Aire. And start that long pedal up, this time to the water tower at Cookridge, 92 feet elevation to 650, hard pedalling that was.

What goes up . . . enjoys the descent immensely. Today in the direction of Old Bramhope. From there along the A 660 to the Dyneley Arms for yet another bit of downhill travelling, thank you Pool Bank. Through Pool and turn left along the valley bottom road towards Otley, which is suffering its own roadworks rash just now, cross the River Wharfe and climb Billams Hill. At the top, turn left onto Weston Lane. I had intended riding a distance through Weston with the camera turned on, but climbing that steep little hill around the northern side of Weston Park turned on my forgettory. So I rode on to Askwith and refuelled there and remembered to turn on the camera afterwards.

I almost always ride back from Otley using the same route as I did today, the A 660 out of the town is a long relatively gentle climb. Not that gentle, the legs are telling me. Then through Lawnswood and Headingley, turn right for Kirkstall and back on the towpath for ( today ) a fairly crowded ride back to Holbeck. Another enjoyable ride.

Squiggly red lines with a message.

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