Your ride today....

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A bit of a mud and puddle splash down the Wirral Way Bridleway for a coffee. Great fun but it's taken me longer to clean up than ride.



Legendary Member
Gentle 15 miler to wish my folks a happy new year and to try out the new Ergon Grips that I had for Crimbo. Blinking 'eck they're comfy! Quite honesty say that was the comfiest I've been on a bike for a long time. Remains to be seen how I get on with flat bars on a longer ride though.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
My (short) ride today was to establish if my second attempt at fixing a front puncture has been successful.

Looks like it has, I've been further and out for longer than yesterday when the tyre went flat, and the tyre is still fully inflated.

Still leaves with me three/four punctures in 3,000 miles on Super Moto X tyres compared to none in 6,000 miles on the previous Marathon Pluses.

Fitting Marathon Pluses is the obvious answer, but the 650b Alex rims are very wide, may even be 'plus' size, so they need a wide tyre for the tyre to sit nicely on the rim.

The widest Marathon Plus in trekking tread flavour is 2", might not sit at all well on the rim, particularly if the sizing 'comes up small'.

One surprising thing from today's ride is the paths are still icy in patches - you may be able to see the slippery mess in the photo.

This despite no frost for several nights, and day time temperatures of up to six degrees.

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Happy New Year !

I could blame the late night or perhaps the rich food and refreshments from last night but alas no! My sluggishness is purely down to lack of time on the bike of late!

I have unfortunately only ridden once since the end of October so today was the start of the New Year and me starting as I mean to go on, hoping that I will be well enough to ride when I want to.

I decided on my "one hour route" and recognising my lack of exercise I decided that I would give myself a 20% leeway so my target was to complete the ride in 1:12 or less!

Today was a lovely crisp if somewhat blustery morning with the sun trying to break through the cloud and whilst still windy certainly not as bad as the last few days.

Heading out of the village I could tell that the legs (and lungs) were unaccustomed to the exercise but gave myself a talking to and headed on the Penistone Road/Holmfirth Road. At the Sovereign junction a lucky break in the traffic meant I could navigate this tricky junction without stopping and headed up the hill on towards Birdsedge.

A slight respite from the hills before another short climb to High Flatts then on past the reservoirs and unto Hoylandswaine Roundabout. Back on myself now and heading straight into the wind - hard work but not too bad.

Peeling off the main road I cycled up to Ingbirchworth reservoir and stopped for a quick photo of the wind turbines which were going at a fair lick.


Horn Lane was a battle up hill and into the wind - I wasn't jealous of the three road cyclists whizzing down the hill with the wind at their back - honest!

Turning right at the end and up Broadstone Road and eventually down the newly resurfaced Piper Wells which was lovely and smooth and so much in contrast to other parts of the ride.

Back home and I'll be the first to admit that it wasn't an easy ride but I wasn't expecting it to be!

14.7 miles with 1056ft of climbing. Oh and I did it in 1:11:54 - phew! :smile:

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 13.56.53.png

Dave 123

Legendary Member
My legs were a bit sore after yesterday on the velodrome, Mrs Dave's weren't. Either she's a supreme athlete or she wasn't trying hard enough!
Just before we left this morning we checked the Waresley GC website to see if they were open..... not today.
So I thought St Ives would be a good bet to get a tea stop. It was, but there would be a watery snag.

Down through Connington we saw the highland cows, then we crossed the A14 into Fenstanton. The fields approaching St Ives were flooded, as was the car park near the old bridge


In St Ives the Costa Coffee was open. Quite a few shops were open and plenty of folk were about.

We headed for the guided busway..... after not very long we encountered this

I'd forgotten that this happens. I can't understand how this design got through, I'm sure there is a way to build a cycle way that doesn't flood.

There were 4 sections flooded, one being several hundred yards long

This is the view from the busway itself. Luckily there were no busses running today

So we took full advantage.

There were mute swans, wigeon, tufted duck and cormorant about, then we heard a Cetti's Warbler calling.

The rest of the busway was uneventful. We passed the Cambridge North train station, not seen it before, it looks very nice indeed. In along the river to town. Mrs Dave said she was hungry, and she fancied a sausage roll. We couldn't manage that, but the dim sum shack was open on the market

Fried vegetable dumplings, not your everyday cycling food

They were blooming lovely!

Home via my normal commute route. We got rained on in the last 5 minutes.


The Glue that binds us together.
Had our first ride of the year. headed north up the A1000, the roads where really quiet, perfect day to get your head down and just ride, only two of us out today, 35 miles in near perfect weather conditions, An uneventful ride nothing really to say about it, but was a great ride no stopping and waiting for anyone, just the two of us pushing each other. looking forward to more of the same.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Got my first metric ton of the year done today. Thought I'd strike early, and take advantage of the mild weather, and leave myself the best part of two months before I have to do my next one!

I hadn't done a "Severn Bridge Loop" for a couple of years, so it seemed a good idea to take advantage of the very light traffic on New Year's Day. Headed off out just after 09:00 in mild but murky weather, and it soon proceeded to drizzle for the first 20 miles or so. Just got my head down and started grinding out the miles.
First drinks stop: Westbury Water Gardens (NB:, any non National Trust members .... this is pretty much what you'll see if you pay for entry!):
1 Westbury water Gardens, Jan 1.JPG

The weather started to clear a little, the closer I got to the Severn Bridge, and I plodded on along the hilly bit through Newnham and Blakeney. Eventually pulled over where there was a view of the bridge and helped myself to a civilised cuppa tea from the flask in my steamer trunk of a bar bag:

Managed the horrible climb up through Chepstow quite easily this time, (it used to nearly kill me), stopping only to get a shot of Chepstow Castle:
3 Chepstow Castle.JPG

.... and got myself to the middle of the Severn Bridge before my next photo stop:
4 Severn Bridge.JPG

The tide was really racing over the rocks beneath, and you could actually hear the rushing water, as the motorway was so quiet today. To anyone who has never ridden across a major suspension bridge, I really urge you to give it a go. I always find it exhilarating, and you won't believe just how much it shakes when a big truck goes by.
One last big climb up to Alveston out of the way, it was a pretty routine ride back home along the A38, which was mercifully quiet today. I did start to flounder a bit by the time I got to Frampton, and got burned off my a couple of much quicker cyclists. I'm guessing they hadn't already done 55 miles by that point, though. I could have gone straight on along the main road, but I remembered that the loop brings you back about a mile short of a metric ton that way, so I stuck to the longer route, bringing me back to finish on 65.24 miles (104.9km). I noted that I reached the 100km mark after 5 hours 34 mins, which I'm reasonably pleased with, given how I've been lately. Finished in lovely sunshine, and with a smug feeling of accomplishment. Now for a long, hot bath. Cheers, everybody .... and a Happy New Year.
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Never used Über Member
Out early(ish) on the Giant for a bash at a qualifying ride for the Half Century Challenge given the decent forecast.

The bike almost found it's own way to Coal Road, then Skeltons Lane and the descent into Thorner, which was quiet as the grave this morning. Onto Milner Lane and the sharp climb onto the ridge and along between the hedges to Thorner Lane and due east towards Bramham, passing a couple of horses and their riders - the first people I'd seen since leaving Thorner.
Through the dip and powering up the other side, a squirrel ran out about 20 yards in front of me. Then suddenly another one ran out - missing getting squished by my front wheel by millimetres :eek: - that woke me up! :laugh:
Onto Thorner Road for the gradual drop down to the A1(M) bridge and Bramham, skirting the village before turning onto Aberford Road and then Toulston Lane and back out into the countryside.
Along there through the ups and downs, crossing the county line into North Yorkshire and on to Garnett Lane, which I followed over the A659, then Moor Lane over the A64 and down to Stutton, where I took a left at the top of the village to ride down Fanny Lane for the first time this year then over a swollen Cock Beck and out to a deserted and silent A162 where it was right and up the hill to Raw Lane for the run down to Ulleskelf. Over the railway line and into the village, stopping for a photo outside the Methodist Church:

Back in the saddle and out of the village on Busk Lane, eventually passing Leeds East Airport and the skies were leaden - despite the forecast it looked like I was going to get a soaking. Into Church Fenton and at the last minute decided to take a small diversion down Church Lane for another photo:


Back on route and over the railway bridge and the straight run along Common Road to Barkston Ash, where I hit the first serious traffic of the day having to wait for 4 cars to go past before pulling out onto the A162 ;)
Along thee for a bit, then left onto Saxton Lane which took me all the way to Saxton, oddly enough. A quick wiggle along Main Street, then a slightly slower ascent of Coldhill Lane eventually led to the drop down onto Copley Lane and an uneventful run back into West Yorkshire and up to Lotherton Gates, where I stayed on the B1217 past the windfarm and under the A1(M), before taking a right onto the former Great North Road for a wind assisted push into Aberford.
Left on the ups and downs of Cattle Lane, over Cock Beck and the climb into and through Barwick, which eventually leads to the drop down to the Coronation Tree in Scholes. Onto Leeds Road and down the hill to cross Cock Beck for a final time, up the other side and then onto local roads (for local people) up to home.

32.56 miles (52.40km) in a reasonable 2h 23m at an average of 13.6mph with 1,430ft climbed and a brisk average temperature of just 2.8°C

All in, happy with that. It's the qualifying ride for the challenge covered off, it was great to be out on near deserted roads for most of the ride and the rain held off until I got home. Plus, being out early on the 1st January means that no-one else had set course times on Map My Ride so for a very brief time, I'm fastest! :laugh: (Don't worry, it won't last!).
And best of all, the squirrel survived to tell the tale.

To end, the map and an update on progress towards 2018's target mileage:
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Getting old but not past it
It felt good! First ride of the year and first ride since last October. I took advantage of a bit of good weather this morning for only a 10 mile ride, to be cut short by the rain unfortunately. Don't know when the next one will be, it all depends on the weather as I am not going back to work till next Tuesday. It felt good to be on the bike again though.


Re member eR
First day of the new year and my first longish ride for quite some time.
I intended doing around 30 miles but felt OK so I pushed on and it finshed up at just under 40miles.
It's logged as around 1700ft of climbing which, given that it's a pretty flat route, is surprising.

Out to Caywood from Leeds and back via Ulleskelf, Towton, Bramham and Thorner.
Slow going to be sure and my legs will be letting me know about it by tomorrow. . Feel better for it 'now' though.



Perhaps This One.....
Best intentions of an MTB session at Swinley Forest with my lad went out the window as I was lazy and didn't get up early enough. INstead we opted for a 10 mile circuit to Chertsey and back. The towpath was muddy, and as a result so were the bikes, and his coat which was freshly washed yesterday... Mrs CB was not best pleased upon our return:whistle:
Very pleased to see mini Miss CB had her bike out of the shed when we got back (probably the first time since the Summer holidays), and a request to come into town to buy bread. Always nice to pedal with my daughter, so we extended the amble to 4 miles with a few diversions. All very nice.
Usual commute into work tonight to complete my day. Our Met Office forecaster reckons gusting to 40 knots surface wind in the morning, that'll be fun to ride into on the way home....


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Another year and another Imperial Century a month Challenge starts. My 8th.

I was out of the door at 7.45am to cycle 10 miles to meet @Trickedem at Borough Green Station. The weather wasn't too bad, not cold, nice and dry. The over night winds meant the roads were dry also. It made for a very pleasant 10 miles.

Tim turned up at 8.30am and we were on our way. The plan was for a new Kent lanes loop, but using roads that we know very well. It was all going so well with the weather, but at 9am it started to rain, and rain, and rain. For 5 hours in fact. Incessant rain, cold rain.

We crossed the Medway a few times.
At Hartlake we came across this memorial for the Hartlake Disaster of 1853.

And the bridge where it happened

We continued cycling on in the rain

Our halfway stop was at Headcorn Aerodrome. Chosen as usually they are open on New Years Day and of which we have used previously. We got there to find it closed. No matter. We decided to press on and stop and the first pub we came too. Easier said then done. The first was closed, the second was open but wasn't doing food as they were up until 3am. the 3rd, The Black Horse in Pluckley was not only open but was also serving food. A good find as we were now both over 60 miles in for the ride. It was a great choice too. A nice, friendly pub with good beer and good food. A bonus was the radiators we used to dry our cycling gear. 40 minutes of eating, drinking and drying out, it was back out into the rain again. It continued to rain 2.45pm. But we kept going. This months Imperial Century qualifying ride getting closer. Once the rain had abated, it was replaced with a little bit of glorious afternoon sunshine and blue skies, also a cheeky little headwind


Sissinghurst Penny Farthing to celebrate the passing through of the 2007 Tour de France.

Dusk in Kent

At the 80 mile mark, myself and Tim went in different directions. He had a few miles on me due to travelling further to this mornings meet. I had to do an extended loop to get the miles in to make it to the 100.

So, scores on the doors.
100 Imperial miles.
Century # 1 for 2018, and January's qualifying ride done.
The 85th month in a row,
Century # 229 over all

It wasn't a tough ride by any stretch of the imagination, but the bad weather and too many mince pies and beers conspired to make it hard work, but i'm glad I got out there to blow some cobwebs away.
Thanks Tim as always for being a great cycling companion.

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