Your ride today....

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A run over to East Kilbride today for a family visit.
Great weather for it.
Used the Kelvin and Clyde paths then up to Rutherglen , Burnside , and onto EK road for the long slow climb.
I wouldn't recommend the signposted route from Rutherglen up to Cathkin.
Goes up a few really steep hills. I used Stonelaw road instead.
From Cathkin on the cycle route is signposted as shared, but in resreal there are no pedestrians.
Couple of badly laid out junctions and kerbs, but overall it's ok.
Staying on the road isn't a great option, motorway speed traffic while you are climbing for a few miles doesn't appeal.
30 mile round trip, for a cuppa with my daughter.


Re member eR
First ride for a couple of weeks. That's two weeks of sore throats, croaky voice, coughs, congested chest and sinuses and high temperatures. Nothing so very drastic in fact and I generally felt OK but I just couldn't shake off the sore throat.
Yesterday I felt better and at last the throat felt more or less normal and so this morning I set off for a small ride out, not so far at to be too testing, beacuse I didn't want a relapse.
I fitted some new tyres last week, tubeless no less. They seemed to be holding air but I thought I would keep it local 'just in case' I had a problem.

So it was a shortish local ride with lots of ups and downs. 20 miles with 2200ft of up.

The throat is good, chest is clear (-ish) and the tyres are fine.

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13 rider

After yesterdays Imperial ton effort today was going to be a relaxed 50km ride .Out the door at 0930 and an hour later I'm 17 miles from home including the 4 mile climb of Paudy Lane out of Barrow so much for a relaxed ride. Did slow a bit coming home 33.9 miles at 16.6 mph just one of those days the legs worked really well . I just need a recovery ride from this recovery ride


Legendary Member
I’ve been away in sunny warm La Palma, for a week, with @Rickshaw Phil and so after 2 weeks without a ride I dragged myself out into the cold and grey day. Hard to motivate myself after the week away.

I headed up the cycle paths to Sundorne and then down the old canal path (tarmac section only) to Uffington. Out onto the roads to Upton Magna, up East Haughmond, then down to Somerwood and Rodington, where a housing estate has sprung up from nowhere!

Followed the very wet and muddy lanes back to Upton Magna and then to Berwick Wharf, Atcham, Betton Abbots and home.

21.9 muddy miles


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Another 42 miles on a club ride out to Stroud and back, taking in a nice climb from Kings Stanley to Selsley via Middleyard. I say "nice climb" because it is one with rewarding views all the way up and a couple of flatter bits that give you just enough respite before it kicks up again. Came across several other club rides - all heading the other way. Everyone was very friendly. A good coffee break at the Upper Lock Café by the canal in Stroud ... the service made the cafes in Frampton and Saul look very slow by comparison. Was a bit overdressed for the weather, Fine and sunny ... a joy to be out there on the bike. My sister in law phoned to say that my brother drove past me near Eastington today. There were no complaints about my riding, so I must have been on my best behaviour.
Cheers, Donger.


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire

A very steady 26 Miles today. Heading out from home to Ulleskelf and onto Cawood where I crossed the Ouse via the old swing bridge. Continued on to Stillingfleet and then to Naburn where I hopped on to the Sustrans cycle path for a couple of hundred yards to cross the Ouse again. Onto the lovely village of Acaster Malbis and then Appleton Roebuck via the old airfield. Up and over to Bolton Percy where it’s pretty exposed, I’m sure it was supposed to be warmer this afternoon!
I continued on to Tadcaster then up the hill to Home.
Not so warm but it stayed dry, lovely spin out.
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Old jon

A Sunday ride, most unusual for me. Being a wimp is not unusual, I allowed yesterday morning’s rain to put me off riding, on the assumption that the weather forecast for today was accurate. It was pretty close.

Another wander through the delights of Holbeck to start the ride off, with a detour towards Office Lock on the Leeds and Liverpool canal. The towpath is a great shortcut, misses loads of traffic lights and is often fairly quiet at ten a.m. Of course it was not quiet this morning, it is the only chance some folk have for a wander along there. Viaduct Road is the point I leave the towpath, down across the Aire then start the climbing. Cardigan Road to Headingley, from there to Lawnswood School and across the Ring Road. Then the bike took the left fork for the rest of the way up to the water tower at Cookridge. I think that is about as high as Leeds ever reaches, a spot height of 189 metres is reported by Garmin, but the Ordnance Survey ( thank you Oliver Cromwell ) says a few metres lower.

No left turn to stay on Otley Old Road, just straight on to Bramhope and then the lights at the Dyneley Arms for a rather good pedal down Pool Bank. I was on the geared bike, so could have freewheeled. I wanted to go faster, and I was catching the red Audi TT with its brake lights on. Honest. Turn left on the way out of Pool to ride along the valley bottom road to Otley. There seemed to be a very light breeze this morning, pleasant indeed along the road there. I stopped for a munch by the maypole, a passerby had a chat for a few minutes, ‘Are those saddles as painful as some folk say?’ ‘Nope, KLM airline seats are instruments of torture, a Brooks just works.’ Off I went. Leeds Road from Otley is still a long way up, contributing to the 1400 feet the bike climbed on the ride. Through Bramhope on the A 660 and left onto King’s Road at the roundabout for some more increased elevation to Arthington Road. Turn right, Adel dam is downhill from there but the church is up yet again. A convenient right turn back to the A 660 and along to the right turn for Kirkstall and the return to the towpath. A slightly busier ride back to Office Lock took me to Hunslet’s border, Great Wilson Street took me into what was once a hive of industry and Leathley Road back to the A 653 for the last stretch to home. Thirty miles after leaving, the grin that riding gives was well in place.

Drawing pictures with a bike . . .



Über Member
Norn Iron
14.5km little figure of eight loop locally at 0830 this morning. About 250 m of climbing. All done in 40 mins! My steed is a hardtail Specialized Rock Hopper 29 Expert with some 700 x 38 road tyres fitted. A chilly 6C and breezy.
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Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
checking out mileage distance of the e-bikes battery first ride popped over to see my mate walter in darlo as docs still have him under a no cycling order :sad: ..did a 20 loop
second ride just to see how battery would fair :-) had coffee and cake at Eppleby café ,just in time as a load of cyclist`s landed 5 mins after :biggrin: then off to barny where I had a nice pork sarnie and a few roast tatties ^_^...43 today ..and still poss enough for 15-20 we used my old barny route but in reverse so as karon could see how she coped will going up the hills and not down :laugh::laugh: really enjoyed the day






Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Well, looking at @Mr Celine 's post above. We couldn't of had any more different weather. It was glorious in the Garden of Englandshire today, I was out of the door before sunrise to meet @rb58 as we were off to Whitstable for a good old full English.
The temperatures were hovering just over 0° when I left home, but the sun was just starting to make itself known to the world. It made for a most beautiful sunrise.

With the cold temperatures it made for very misty countryside in places.


But with the sun in all it's glory and very little wind to talk about, it soon warmed up a little. It was 23 miles to Rochester where I was meeting Ross. With a fair bit of morning climbing to do, so I was never cold.
A quick coffee at Rochester station and we were on our way. Following roads we know very well. Either on our own rides or those with The Fridays.
With the lovely weather it did seem the whole cycling fraternity decided to get their bikes out of the shed today. I soon lost count of the number of riders out. It was great to see as always.
It was 30 flattish miles to Whitstable of which were knocked out quite quickly. We were going to brekkie at the Wetherspoons but seeing as it was so nice we carried on to The Fridays fave destination 'The Waterfront'. Where big brekkie we served and soon demolished.

We reversed the route back, once again following the Fridays route back to Rochester, were I said goodbye to Ross. Taking a pic whilst admiring my bike Rochester Castle.

With the afternoon sun starting to disappear behind some clouds it was starting to get a little chilly so it was time to head home. By now I had the mileage I wanted to make the imperial ton.

An absolute wonderful day for cycling. Long may this glorious weather continue... though don't count yer chickens.
So scores on the doors, 108 miles for the day. 4th Imperial Century of the year and 232nd over all.
Sometimes, cycling doesn't get better.

The ride out

...and the ride back
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Perhaps This One.....
Early start for me today so I could get my imperial century challenge ride in. Alarm set for 0530hrs, but I didn't sleep well so up at 5, out the door at 0540. A misty and cold (1 degree C) start as I headed North into new territory (grabbing Explorer squares again), up through Wraysbury, then on into Langley before heading back to known roads through Eton & Windsor. The mist cleared as I approached Windsor Great Park, with the sun making a very brief appearance, before it went all horrible again and started raining. A brief pause for malt loaf and a photo at 35 miles or so, Dukes Lane
18 Feb 2018 WGP.jpg

Onwards through Ascot, Lightwater before climbing steadily along Red Road to new roads again around Camberley. Plans of grabbing a stray square in Pirbright were scuppered due to live firing exercises with the red flags out, but I did find a little underpass that found me on the Basingstoke Canal at 62 miles
18 Feb 2018 Bisley Lock.jpg

Warming up a bit by now, and I headed towards Chobham where I had planned to stop at Pasha for breakfast, but decided against it. Instead I opted for another cereal bar and slogging on. The last 30 miles on known roads were hard, the wind had picked up and I'd had enough.
Home to 2 slices of eggs on beans on cheese on toast:hungry::hungry:

101.6 miles in 7hrs and 6 minutes with 3,478ft of climbing. Only the metric century left to do this month...
Before riding into Sheepstor I took the lane to Nattor. It's a rough, stony track that rises steadily to the top of the tor. I picked my way through the loose, lumpy rocks until you find the abandoned settlement at Nattor
The track flattens out here before dropping away steadily toward vast open moorland.
There were some big, deep puddles, full width of the track. I went through a few and bumped off a few hefty rocks that were submerged. Then came the mega puddle. Between the puddle and open soaking moorland was a raised ridge, that's where I went. I wasn't going quick, but not slow enough to stop when I noticed the drop..... it was a down and up about 3' in length. As my wheel went down I started to laugh, I knew the punchline already! It was a big, deep hole full of what appeared to be cake mix. I watched the end of my fork disappear, and watched the ground get closer and closer to my face. I'd managed to unclip so going over the bars was totally effortless. My right hand went right in the puddle along with my left foot, other than that it was all good. I was killing myself laughing! 2 offs in a day, result!

Oh I know that path and those ridges but I did it in summer and have a very similar view


Legendary Member
I had planned on having a day off the bike, or a slow afternoon short ride at the most, but having seen the amount of cyclists out and about when I drove up to my sister's this morning and a cold, misty morning turning into a beautiful sunny afternoon changed that.

I ended up getting out my Spa Elan and doing a run up to Martlesham via Falkenham, Kirton, Newbourne & Waldringfield, then cutting across to Claydon via Rushmere St. Andrew , Westerfield and a rough track near Akenham. Then it was down to Ipswich via Bramford...
River Gipping at Bramford (1).jpg

Sproughton and under the A14 to Hadleigh Road into Ipswich and out again via Bucklesham, and Falkenham (again) with a bit of faffing around at the end of the ride to make up the mileage to a fraction over 50.
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