Your ride today....

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On holiday in Devon this week, so a ride on The Tarka Trail from Biddeford to Barnstaple and back
Free afternoon, so set out toward Plymouth. Got to Marsh Mills, went down the wrong path, and went down the Embankment. So down that to Laira Bridge, then back round through Saltram House. Another error, and I'm on the back road into Plympton, down Cot Hill. Quick loop back to Marsh Mills and begin the long steady grind all the way up to Yelverton. Literally downhill most of the way from there, I even let it rip over Gem Bridge as no one was about. 37.88 miles, avg of 10.0 mph, not bad for me!
PS: will stop for some pictures next time!
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Perhaps This One.....
Not many days off work this month, and since the weather forecast was half decent I decided to use my sole day off this week to get the metric century challenge ride done. My rides tend to be planned around gaining explorer squares on Veloviewer, or linking bits together. About 3 years ago I was on a work course at Lane End and got some early morning rides in, so figured I'd link those squares into my 'big' square (of squares..). Nabbed a fair bit of the route from one of @Stonechat s H&DW rides, with a few minor changes to gain some extra squares just North of the A4.
Set of about 0845hrs and went through WGP, going around Deer Park as they were filming so round the Royal School route instead. Down to Windsor and across the river into Eton then Northwards through Eton Dorney to the A4. Minor tweak No.1 took me across into Burnham then up to Littlewood Common before re-joining the H&DW route through Little Marlow and onwards to Marlow. A nice steady climb along Frieth Road with a pause for the view as I reached the top
16 Oct 2018 Frieth Road.jpg

Onwards and before long I was at the conference centre in Lane End. A largely OK and fast run down (and up, and down) the B482 past Marlow Bottom and back into Marlow where I crossed the river via the rather nice bridge. Minor tweak No. 2 saw me pop through Bisham and over the A404 to grab 2 squares, nobody told me it was all uphill, bottom cog all the way. This time I stopped for a breather at the top
16 Oct 2018 Marlow Road.jpg

Before going back down the road I'd just come up. No danger of a high speed descent, wet, and lots of leaves left me hanging on the brakes all the way down. Back on the H&DW route, and over the same ridge again, this time on Quarry Road, the 10% warning signs should have given it away that it was gonna be a slog. Got up OK, and only 15 seconds slower than @Stonechat which I'm quite pleased with:smile:
Cookham and Taplow saw me back at the A4, and I more or less retraced my steps home, opting for the flat route along the Runneymede, preferring headwind over hills by this point.
Home with 64 miles done.
Back on the commute tomorrow.


Re member eR
After dealing with a few work chores Mrs Colly being out for the morning I decided it was time to get out for a spin.
It was dry but cool and the air was damp so I wrapped up well. I didn't want to be out for too long and I reckoned a couple of hours would be about right.
So it was north via Moortown and Shadwell and out to East Keswick. Down into Collingham and across the Wharfe at Linton.
Up through Sicklinghall and Clap Gate and then down to Netherby via Chapel Hill.

I took a bunch of photos while I was out but as per usual they were absolutely dire ( I must get a proper camera)

These are bad but I'll post them anyway because they show the curiosity of cows. Which I always find engaging:






From Netherby I thought I would test a new cassette I fitted the other day. Up Barrowby Hill it was then. It's a sharp little climb of just over a half mile. Average of 8% but the steep bits come out around 14%. I am please to report the new cassette missed not a beat.
From the top of the climb it was through Kirkby Overblow and down to the A61 harrogate Road to cross the Wharfe again at Harewood Bridge.
Around the edges of the Harewood Estate and a left onto Weardley Lane and the climb through Weardley, followed by the steeper climb up Eccup Lane to Burden Head Farm.
Past The New Inn and eventually around the reservoir of Eccup and onto Harrogate Road and back home via Moortown Corner.

I was in trouble when I got back (again :sad:) It seems I was told Mrs Colly's friend was bringing her dog round to be looked after at 1pm or so.
Yours truely was out and so other arrangements were made so it worked out ok anyway. Not only that but I had gone out and left the keys in the unlocked back door.:eek:

I'll hold my hands up to the unlocked door but I swear I never heard anything about the bloody dog. The damn thing is still here, farting and stinking the place out. xx( I like dogs, but I'm buggered if I'm going to forgo a ride in nice weather to look after someone elses. ( but don't tell Mrs Colly I said that)

All in all it was 30 miles and 2100 ft of upwards.

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Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
I decided on another attempt at this month's 50K challenge, today, but should had read the runes of how the week (and this morning) had already shaped up.
On Monday, my pocket watch - of immense sentimental value - stopped working when the Albert chain got caught on something and the watch was hauled out of my waistcoat and took a knock. And, this morning, the management of the company where I work part-time, demonstrated their complete inability to organise the proverbial in a brewery by not issuing the correct time (how ironic) on when to turn up for a flu-jab, that I needed a ride to calm me down.
Five minutes in and I realised I had forgotten my rain jacket and went for the gamble and rode on.
An hour later, when the weather began to wet up, I headed back for home.
Five miles to go and a rear spoke went. (I've had a go at a repair, but I think a new wheel/wheelset is in order.)
Still, I got a ride in. :okay:

Church gate/bike/Jay at Hemingstone:-

17.10.18 Coddenham.JPG

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
What a superb autumn day. Warm and sunny with no wind. Perfect. Mrs 26 and I rode over to Upton to meet Jules H, Pete M and Rich B. The plan was to ride round a favourite route in the opposite direction. Would brain nav cope? Out by Strensham and Besford saw us turn left at Drakes Broughton for a change. Mrs 26 wanted to head back early so parted here. Then we went on by Broughton Hacket for Crowle Green and Oddingley before crossing the Salt Way for Hanbury where we detoured to take in the views from the churchyard on the hill. Soon we were heading for the Fishing Lakes. As we approached a large peloton of Worcs St John's riders emerged. Martin S was leading. Hope they had left some food for us (you know what gannets cyclists are).

There was plenty left and after much refreshing and chats we took to the run by Stock Wood and Radford for Bishampton and the old airfield. At Pinvin ford a car had been stuck in the floods and had just been pulled free. Expensive mistake. Unusually for recent times we took in Pirton Church before climbing Kinnersley Bank. Jules headed home from Earl's Croome while we three took the standard run back by Hanley Swan. Rich had survived his longest ride for quite a while. Great stuff and brain nav worked. 69 smiles

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A proper hilly ride today heading over Lyth Hill to Condover, Ryton and Leebotwood then climbing up onto the Long Mynd via Woolstaston and High Park and across the top to Pole Bank. I then dropped down to Bridges and climbed up towards the Stiperstones before dropping down through The Bog, Stiperstones village and Snailbeach to Minsterley then heading back through Pontesbury, Plealey, Exfords Green and back over Lyth Hill to finish.

The roads were wet at the start so I opted for the knockabout bike since it's already mucky from the ride on Monday. The ride to Leebotwood went pretty well and the climb up High Park was a little easier with the new gearing fitted recently. The views were quite atmospheric as I made my way up to the summit, then I dropped down to the road and headed past Boiling Well and Shooting Box again on the way down to Bridges.

I haven't done the climb up to the Stiperstones from this direction before - it's fairly steep but manageable apart from losing traction in a couple of places where the surface was wet and had a shiny, smooth surface where it had melted in the summer. A friendly van driver held back on one of the steepest bits and I exchanged greetings with a couple of walkers

No stop at the cafe this time as I had to get back. The descent on the new surface to Stiperstones village was great and the rest of the descent seemed to be over very quickly - it seems a lot shorter going in this direction.

The rest of the ride back seemed to go fairly quick too. The A49 was fairly quiet but a few people were still rat-running over Lyth Hill despite the roadworks having been removed.

37.5 miles at 11.5 mph average (the long descent really upped the average) and a top speed of 34.4 mph. Really enjoyed that!

At Woolstaston on the way up the climb.


At the top of the steep bit. It's gentler across the moor from here.


Looking in the direction of Church Stretton as I cross Wild Moor.


View from the summit (Pole Bank) towards the gliding club.


Dropping down towards Ratlinghope and Bridges.


A couple of the Long Mynd residents.


Start of my second big climb.


Still climbing but a good view of the Stiperstones on the ridge now.


Over the other side and well into the descent now. Stiperstones Inn


Home from work yesterday about 3. So squeezed a nice 9 miles of road n track on the Mountain Bike. Such a lovely time of the year to be out on the bike. Was enjoying it so much didn’t stop for pictures.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Out again on the Raleigh for a quick(ish) morning ride as I had to get back prompt. One of my standard routes: Lyth Hill, Condover, Cross Houses, Attingham Park, Upton Magna, Walcot, Eaton Constantine, Cressage, Acton Burnell, Longnor, Condover again then home.

There was lovely sunshine to be had but it was a bit on the nippy side (about 5C) at the start. At Lyth Hill the view was great with lots of low lying mist lit up by the sun and since I decided not to take the new camera the one on the phone hasn't done justice to it.

There were signs of a frost on the ground round Condover and as I approached Atcham there was a bank of fog hanging round the river. Fortunately it didn't quite extend onto the road as I'd only brought my rear lights (thinking about riding into the sun in the first half of the ride).

After a summer of setting pretty respectable speeds round my regular routes it is always a slight disappointment when the temperature drops and I can't keep up the pace any more. I seemed to get along fairly well in the first half of the ride but I just seemed to run out of energy as I went along.

35.8 miles this trip at 14.5 mph average.


View from the usual spot on Lyth Hill.




A selection of shots from Atcham Bridge.



Attingham Park


The Wrekin.


Looking back at the Wrekin again from near Acton Burnell.
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Legendary Member
Out again on the Raleigh for a quick(ish) morning ride as I had to get back prompt. One of my standard routes: Lyth Hill, Condover, Cross Houses, Attingham Park, Upton Magna, Walcot, Eaton Constantine, Cressage, Acton Burnell, Longnor, Condover again then home.

There was lovely sunshine to be had but it was a bit on the nippy side (about 5C) at the start. At Lyth Hill the view was great with lots of low lying mist lit up by the sun and since I decided not to take the new camera the one on the phone hasn't done justice to it.

There were signs of a frost on the ground round Condover and as I approached Atcham there was a bank of fog hanging round the river. Fortunately it didn't quite extend onto the road as I'd only brought my rear lights (thinking about riding into the sun in the first half of the ride).

After a summer of setting pretty respectable speeds round my regular routes it is always a slight disappointment when the temperature drops and I can't keep up the pace any more. I seemed to get along fairly well in the first half of the ride but I just seemed to run out of energy as I went along.

35.8 miles this trip at 14.5 mph average.

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View from the usual spot on Lyth Hill.

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A selection of shots from Atcham Bridge.

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Attingham Park

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The Wrekin.

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Looking back at the Wrekin again from near Acton Burnell.
That frost was certainly a shock, this morning, when I started the car up for work and discovered ice on the windscreen! Goodness knows here I’ve filed the scraper and so it was the Go Outdoors reward card that got some use :laugh:

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
My ride I forgot to post yesterday! :blush:
I've hardly had any day off since the end of August, the leisure rides have been few and far between.
No exception yesterday, when, on my day off, I rode to work ... again!
Retrieved Boris the ice bike from his slumber in a corner of the bike room, where he laid abandoned with a flat since the end of last March, fixed him up, changed the tyres, attached the trailer, loaded up with homemade cakes and bread, off we went.
First stop Freewheel North, the cycling hub at the Glasgow Green: I left them a mega olive bread.

Second stop, Bumped into @flyingfifi and the CamGlen Bike Town crowd, out for their Wednesday ride.
Third stop, my work, where I unloaded some goodies for the staff and picked up a couple of heavy industrial cooking pots that were about to be made redundant - I have coveted such pots for a long time, they are very expensive to buy new, also a stool left behind after an exhibition that I want to transform in a potted plants stand.
Some of the cake I delivered:
The stuff I picked up:
Ready to roll!

Loaded, I rode a couple of miles into town to meet my friend for coffee, and to give her one of the pots ... a pair of old ladies getting all excited over second hand pots we were :laugh:
Here is Boris with trailer parked up at Cafe Nero, I have no shame :tongue:

After a couple of double espressos and a wee natter, I carried on home, only a few miles but slightly uphill: I'd forgotten how heavy Boris with cargo are, so used to commute on my Genesis now, but the 26' balloon tyres are certainly more comfy than the puny 700x35!
Active travel at its finest! :laugh:
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