Your ride today....

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A little bit of an adventure yesterday. I planned a route taking in mostly new territory.

When I got up it was rather foggy and damp, so went full autumn clothing. Out at ten to seven, still night, and rather poor visibility because of the fog. Fortunately there is hardly any traffic at this time of the day.

Out via Bath Road, through town past the Cathedral. I had to take off my glasses, as the thick fog kept condensing on them. Over the bridge, round the park and out towards Hallow past the University entrance.

By the time I reached Hallow the fog had started to lift, and daylight was beginning to show. Took the left for Sinton Green, and then towards Ockeridge. There was still some fog in places, as you ca see here, where the fog bank lies just past the trees.

A bit reminiscent of the movie The Others. The sun was coming out quickly, and caught a nice view of the sunrise through the trees a bit further up the road

Onwards, taking the right for Little Witley. By the time I reached the main road at Little Witley there was full daylight, and I was now decidedly over dressed. Left on the main road, and then left again towards Witley Court. This road is quite potholed, and covered with a thin smear of mud, which makes it rather slippery. However, the view of Witley Court, coloured by the rising sun makes the ride well worth it.


And the view of the lake to the other side reminded me again of The Others

Aftet taking in the views, continued along the track, joining again the main road just before Great Witley, and then again left for Martley, up Woodbury hill, which was the only climb of note on this ride. The climb was not particularly hard, but I am not very good at hills, so took my time. Then a swift descent and a left back towards Ockeridge, to increase the miles a bit, and then a right for Wichenford. Here the bike felt a bit strange, and upon checking, noticed that the rear tire was a bit soft, hoping for the best I pumped it up and carried on past Wichenford, aiming for Elgar's birthplace.

Unfortunately, the air loss in the tire got worse, and I had to stop and have a look at it. I checked the tube for the location of the leak, but couldn't find anything there, or on the inside of the tire that might explain the problem. My money is on a dodgy valve, which I already had with another tube of the same batch. So spare tube in, pump up and continued the ride. At least it was a nice sunny morning.

Back on the road, and I got quickly to Elgar's birthplace, but no photos, as I was now running a bit late. From there follow the A44, and then the A4440 cyclepath home.

Really nice route that I aim to repeat, hopefully without incident next time. 30.9 miles at an average of 12.5, with around 1000 feet of up.


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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A quick spin this morning taking the Raleigh anti-clockwise round my Longnor, Acton Burnell, Cressage, Walcot, Upton Magna route.

A little warmer than when I was last out and the sunshine was great. The wind was fairly light. Quite a few other cyclists out which was nice to see.

No incidents to report, it was just one of those rides that makes you feel good to be alive.:smile:

35.7 miles at 15.1 mph average.


Really nice conditions for the latter half of October.:okay:

Mr Celine

Sunday's ride, first for a fortnight due to a persistent cold. I still have it, but decided to cough my way round a relatively flat circuit. None of this bib short weather up here either, it was winter longs for the first time for me. It was also very windy, which the met office had as usual completely failed to predict. Apart from being blown all over the road I was having to dodge the occasional bit of tree that had been blown down.
I took advantage of the tailwind to head east, then turned north and stopped for a breather and some more coughing at Smailholm Kirk.


The trees here appear to be in full winter mode, but a couple of miles further on they are still in autumn colours.


The lower slopes of the Black Hill still looking autumnal too.


The map -


33.5 miles, 2330 feet ascent, 1.5 pints of phlegm coughed up.
Nice ride with the better half yesterday around the various fens around Wicken.

Photos can describe things much better than words.


Back for coffee


Bit of cleaning needed afterwards ;


Bit muddy on the droves;


Coffee bean buying stop;


Bit of cleaning needed afterwards (and of other bikes in the fleet);


Old jon

I chose the bike with gears today, for no particular reason. Oh, except it is a week since my last ride, which week was spent mostly in Edinburgh without a bike. I suppose a Brompton would solve this lack of a bike but since I have an aversion to small wheels I will just have to cope without.

So, the first couple of miles my legs felt like lead. Once through Holbeck and heading through Hunslet the wind made things much easier, even the drag up to John O’ Gaunts was tolerably easy. Must have been quite a strong wind. Turn left to pass Woodlesford station and cross both the waterways, before the two climbs approaching Swillington, and keep straight on for Garforth. Straight sounds easy, but it was not that at all. Second exit from the roundabout and another stretch of hard pedalling all the way to cross the railway line on the almost hump backed bridge. Then things become flatter, cross the motorway on that enormous roundabout and ride along the B 1217 all the way to Lotherton Gates. Turn left for Aberford, ride under the A 1 and stop for a bite. And to rest the legs. Start off again, roughly north along what once was the A 1, and turn left for Barwick in Elmet. The ups and downs along here were quite an effort, I was happy to freewheel down to the bridge over Cock Beck.

Then there is the climb to Barwick. Just after things became sweaty I passed a new ( to me ) café on the left. Tina’s Tea Room or similar. Looks good and I may just call in sometime, now I know it is there. This time, I just kept on pedalling, Reach the Maypole and things are easier, but the wind has some sideways effect here and there. Kept me alert I suppose. The climbing stops, for a drop before starting to go up again through Scholes, and by now my legs are really feeling it. Slow and steady, pass the former station and reach the A 64 to ride a short stretch to Thorner Lane. The left turn onto Skeltons Lane has a spot height of 121 metres ( on my map anyway ) and when Red Hall Lane meets the A 58 the road is 15 metres higher. Why am I telling you this? At that height the wind was vicious, and hard to ride into indeed. Made me happy to turn downhill, turn right to pass the unused park gates and the Oakwood Clock. A little more downhill leads to that semi permanent tarmac chaos at the bottom of Eastgate and the road over Crown Point Bridge. This brings me happily to the last uphill slog of the day to finish 28 and a bit miles with only one thousand feet of climbing. Great!

The map, because it is there,


Dave 123

Legendary Member
On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.



I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!

Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!


Perhaps This One.....
On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.

View attachment 435123
View attachment 435124
I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!
View attachment 435125
Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!

Liked for the ride, sorry to hear about your Mum.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.

View attachment 435123
View attachment 435124
I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!
View attachment 435125
Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!

A like for your ride from me as well, and condolences on your sad newsl

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.

View attachment 435123
View attachment 435124
I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!
View attachment 435125
Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!

Another like for the ride report and my condolences to you and your family.


On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.

View attachment 435123
View attachment 435124
I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!
View attachment 435125
Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!
Same for me, the remaining ride must have been surreal. Condolences.


Legendary Member
On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.

View attachment 435123
View attachment 435124
I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!
View attachment 435125
Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!
So sorry to hear the news about your mum. Thoughts with you and the family. When I lost my mum, cycling was one of the main things that helped me come to terms with things. All the best.


On Sunday morning whilst riding in Menorca I had a phone call from my sister telling me that my mum had died. The remaining hour and a half of the ride was strange, but very enjoyable. I could have ridden for ever.
So today I went into work, did the few bits I had to do then rode home again. After doing the jobs I had to do at home I went out on my mountain bike. My legs are still tired from the weekend and a spin session last night, but it was good to be out in the fresh air.
It was windy though!
I went around the back of Hayley Wood. It was there that I saw a pair of Red Kites. They were very close, mobbed by the local crows. One of them landed 100 yds away, looking for worms.

View attachment 435123
View attachment 435124
I rode on, right round the woods, then came back along the same bridleways.
Out of a big oak flew about 40 fieldfare..... winter is coming!!!
View attachment 435125
Back through by the Red a House, over the A1198, then up to Caldecote.

On the bridleway back to Hardwick I got 2 punctures.... oh how I laughed! That’s 3 since Saturday!

18 miles in the sun, not as warm as Menorca!
I lost My Mum a few weeks ago. The bike certainly helps your down moods.
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