Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Haven’t posted here for a while, but feel today’s ride should be marked, as it means the completion of the Half Century Challenge for 2018 (4 years done now).

Woke to heavy rain and howling winds, but the forecast suggested it would at least dry up, mostly, from 11:30 and so I was ready to head out on the dot.

It was still very windy, but I knew that it would mostly be behind or to the side of me for a good proportion of my planned route.

Set out towards Acton Burnell, including an encounter with the, thankfully, only nobber of the ride, who pulled out from the A5 slip road, into my path, forcing me to swerve to avoid him, as he ended up along side me! Idiot was on his phone!!

There is quite a bit of climbing to Cantlop, Pitchford and Acton Burnell, where I was passed by one of my team from work, heading to her sister’s, and she gave me a nice wide pass :okay:.

I turned towards Coundmoor and started to find the water and mud on the roads, which was to get generally worse as the ride went on!

The wind helped me along here and down Shore Lane, to Cressage, where I nipped across the busy A458 and climbed up to Eaton Constantine. I felt the first drops of rain, on the ride, along here and could see a big shower over The Wrekin and around to Ironbridge, but I appeared to have missed the worst of it and continued along its edge thankfully.

From Eaton Constantine I followed the road to Acton Village and Rushton, with it feeling quite a pull, at times, and Strava suggests a 350 ft climb in a couple of miles, which surprised me.

It was continuing to rain, fairly lightly and so I resisted donning the waterproofs, but it had gone much colder with the damp air.

I crossed the old A5 and headed up to Wrockwardine, before following the lane down to Charlton. It was rather interesting, along there, as I encountered no less than 5 deep floods across the road, which all necessitated a freewheel with legs in the air, to avoid getting wet feet!! The road was thick with mud, as well and the bike was plastered by the time I got to the end of the road.

I dropped down to Walcot and paused on the bridge for some lunch, before turning into the headwind, that I knew would be there for the final 10 miles and boy was it hard work!!

It felt like a wall, at times, as I crawled to Withington and Upton Magna. I started to get knee pain along here, as well, in the same place that I frequently seem to get it, when moving back onto the Cube, at this time of year :sad:.

Struggled on to Uffington and along the very muddy, slippy, old canal path to the gate, where I decided to head up to Sundorne Rd, as I knew the next section of path would be even worse.

The final few miles were along cycle paths and I arrived home feeling happy that I’d completed the challenge for another year.

31.7 miles at a slow 11.2mph avg


Never used Über Member
For some reason I'm really not feeling it at the moment, so I had to half force myself out this morning despite the glorious (if blooming cold) sunshine

Anyhow, out just before 10 due to the lack of light early on and after fleetingly toying with the idea of a ride to Otley, I decided I couldn't be doing with the volumes of traffic on the A660 at that time of morning, as @colly has already mentioned above.

So off up Coal Road, then Skeltons Lane and the descent into Thorner for some quieter roads. For the first time in a while I tackled Church Hill out of the village and it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. Once crested, there is a long gently downhill run all the way to Bramham Park, spoilt only by the ropey road surfaces in a few spots. The long drop into the Wothersome Dip saw me topping 30mph, although the climb up the other side was considerably slower. Again, while it got the heart pumping it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated, so there must be a degree of fitness in me somewhere.
Left at the top onto Thorner Lane, avoiding some huge puddles and slightly climbing into the wind now, before dropping through the lesser Wothersome Dip and up the other side. The road here looks fairly flat, but it's actually a steady incline all the way up to the Jewitt Lane junction, where I took a right and headed north towards Compton on the singletrack.
About half way along I could hear an engine revving up behind me and the car got very close before backing off - I think it was simply poor driving rather than an attempt to chivvy me out of the way, but it was a few hundred yards before I could find a field entrance to let them through and to be fair I got a big thank you from the driver. I was about to set off I could hear another engine approaching, so stayed put until they came through rather than having to start and stop again.
Down the first 50 yards or so of the descent into Collingham before taking a tight left onto Compton Lane for the steady climb to regain the altitude I'd just lost, then more single track lane heading towards East Rigton. Stopped again to let a car heading in the opposite direction though and then continued on into Rigton Green and left, through the dip and up onto Holme Farm Lane.
Another cyclist drew alongside for a short chat on here, then it was onto Milner Lane as he accelerated off.
More horses on here, with a group of 4, which combined with a few motor vehicles arriving at the same time almost caused a traffic jam. Still, we were all soon through and along the ridge, before the plunge down back into Thorner.
Onto Carr Lane for the climb back out and as I reached the top of the first climb I could hear a siren - nothing unusual in that, it's only a mile from the A58 and there are often ambulances up and down there.
However as I started descending down towards the S-bends the siren was getting much louder, so not wanting to round a blind corner on what is effectively a single track lane I stopped where I had decent sight lines in front and behind just as Trumpton came round the corner with blues and twos going, so I waved them through.
Those fire engines are quite big up close. ^_^

Anyway, the rest of the run to the A58 passed without incident, a quick scoot along there and then up Coal Road, across the mini roundabout and the speed sign (19 mph ;)) before taking to local roads to home, with a final loop around the block.

17.17 miles (27.63 km) in 1h 29m at an average of 11.6 mph with 872 ft climbed and an average temperature of 4.7 °C

Glad I got out for a ride and they all count don't they? Just wish I could get a bit more motivated as the spark isn't there at the moment.

Sorry, no photos today but here is the map to end.

13 rider

For some reason I'm really not feeling it at the moment, so I had to half force myself out this morning despite the glorious (if blooming cold) sunshine

Anyhow, out just before 10 due to the lack of light early on and after fleetingly toying with the idea of a ride to Otley, I decided I couldn't be doing with the volumes of traffic on the A660 at that time of morning, as @colly has already mentioned above.

So off up Coal Road, then Skeltons Lane and the descent into Thorner for some quieter roads. For the first time in a while I tackled Church Hill out of the village and it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. Once crested, there is a long gently downhill run all the way to Bramham Park, spoilt only by the ropey road surfaces in a few spots. The long drop into the Wothersome Dip saw me topping 30mph, although the climb up the other side was considerably slower. Again, while it got the heart pumping it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated, so there must be a degree of fitness in me somewhere.
Left at the top onto Thorner Lane, avoiding some huge puddles and slightly climbing into the wind now, before dropping through the lesser Wothersome Dip and up the other side. The road here looks fairly flat, but it's actually a steady incline all the way up to the Jewitt Lane junction, where I took a right and headed north towards Compton on the singletrack.
About half way along I could hear an engine revving up behind me and the car got very close before backing off - I think it was simply poor driving rather than an attempt to chivvy me out of the way, but it was a few hundred yards before I could find a field entrance to let them through and to be fair I got a big thank you from the driver. I was about to set off I could hear another engine approaching, so stayed put until they came through rather than having to start and stop again.
Down the first 50 yards or so of the descent into Collingham before taking a tight left onto Compton Lane for the steady climb to regain the altitude I'd just lost, then more single track lane heading towards East Rigton. Stopped again to let a car heading in the opposite direction though and then continued on into Rigton Green and left, through the dip and up onto Holme Farm Lane.
Another cyclist drew alongside for a short chat on here, then it was onto Milner Lane as he accelerated off.
More horses on here, with a group of 4, which combined with a few motor vehicles arriving at the same time almost caused a traffic jam. Still, we were all soon through and along the ridge, before the plunge down back into Thorner.
Onto Carr Lane for the climb back out and as I reached the top of the first climb I could hear a siren - nothing unusual in that, it's only a mile from the A58 and there are often ambulances up and down there.
However as I started descending down towards the S-bends the siren was getting much louder, so not wanting to round a blind corner on what is effectively a single track lane I stopped where I had decent sight lines in front and behind just as Trumpton came round the corner with blues and twos going, so I waved them through.
Those fire engines are quite big up close. ^_^

Anyway, the rest of the run to the A58 passed without incident, a quick scoot along there and then up Coal Road, across the mini roundabout and the speed sign (19 mph ;)) before taking to local roads to home, with a final loop around the block.

17.17 miles (27.63 km) in 1h 29m at an average of 11.6 mph with 872 ft climbed and an average temperature of 4.7 °C

Glad I got out for a ride and they all count don't they? Just wish I could get a bit more motivated as the spark isn't there at the moment.

Sorry, no photos today but here is the map to end.
View attachment 441984
This time off year when challenges are done motivation is hard to find . Soon be time for 2019 challenges to start good on you on getting out


Set off this morning to reattempt the :bicycle: that got abandoned due to rain a week last Friday. Out through a slightly aquatic country park
Country park 2.jpg

and the P Fairy struck on the front wheel:evil: Discovered the saddle bag had no tyre levers in it:banghead:
0.7 mile with 86ft climbed
Walk back home and thorn retrieved from tyre and new inner tube fitted:pump:

Take 2 - The reason for using the country park is avoid Oaker Bank but at least its hopefully thorn free.
Oaker Bank.jpg

The Defy, obviously still sulking from soaking it got that Friday, was plainly not happy with having to tackle it and promptly threw its chain off:cursing:
Quickly decided that having lost the best part of an hour and the north westerly the tour of upper Washburn Valley was not going to happen today. So south on the B6451

and east at Norwood

to tackle Little Armscliffe, a second slower than my best time to the top - that best time, on the hybrid:eek:, was probably due to being encouraged by spectators of a cycle race. Thence Beckwithshaw, up Whinney Lane, through the Rossett area of Harrogate, in the news this week as being the place in Yorkshire where men live the longest, and along Stray Rein.
Stray Rein.jpg

Rat running my normal road bike route to the east and north of Harrogate town centre I quickly noticed, with only the odd frost so far, how many pot holes have occurred, think I missed one by a mm having swerved to miss another.
20.06 miles at an average of 13.5mph
9-12 route only.jpg

1206ft climbed
9-12 elevation.jpg
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Pablo's Cycling Tours
Coín, Málaga
Blue skies and "chilly" temps to start… Long sleeve jersey but shorts was enough for me.

First pic of the day along the 2nd climb of the day.


After that we have a few rollers before we climb into the town of Casarabonela, someone will remember this town


The group reaching the switchbak in town


Some climb faster than others.. The switchback in town


After that I took off and catch up with the group and passed them to reach another picture point, if you pay close attention and squint a bit you can see them coming down the hill..


Salvi was leading part of the group up the hill… MY HERO!


We then reached the top of the hill and came down because it was windy and cold at the top of Puerto Martinez.. I went down the hill first because I know another spot to take some pics… Love the view..!



Then it was time to eat something and refill bottles before we headed home


Just in case someone doesn’t know who I am by now.. I am the fat guy big guy at the front… Planet X jersey.

Strava said:

There is another 30 pics or so linked to the activity or at the FB page if you want to look at them.

Week is over now: 338 km, 5500 meters of climbing in 13 hours… I am going to sleep now.

Old jon

A lovely winters day in North Yorkshire. A ride from home to Cawood and Naburn where I stopped to help a chap who had a puncture, he’d replaced the tube but had forgotten his pump!
He had never seen CO2 gas before and was suitably impressed.
I crossed the river Ouse and headed on to Acaster Malbis, Bolton Percy, Tadcaster and to My work at Thorp Arch where I swapped bikes to give my new Fixie a tentative try around the industrial estate.
Back on to the winter bike and another 7 miles to home, great spin out.
36.4 miles in total with an average of 15mph.

Do it! ride the fixed. You bought it, use it.


Legendary Member
Today's ride started out as an excuse just to get out of the house for an hour having spent the morning & most of the afternoon on domestics ahead of 10 straight days of work. I had planned just to do a 15 mile loop towards Ipswich & back, but it was such a nice sunny afternoon - despite the stiff headwind on the outward leg - that I kept going and ended up doing yet another 50km ride. Thankfully I have lights permanently fitted to all of my bikes as it was almost half four by the time I got home.

Going past Trinity Park (the Suffolk Showground for us oldies) on the back road, I noticed a load of cars leaving on the internal roads with bikes on carriers - turns out round 5 of the National Trophy Cyclocross series was held there over the weekend, but I'd not seen or heard anything about it!
Screenshot_2018-12-09 Garmin Connect.png


Cycling down the lane. Crossed to climb upto Leysters the water running of the fields was a mass river. Soaked even though it wasn’t raining. Anyway soon dried out or even died out. That climb always gets me. Nice circular route only 14 miles but some amazing views. Some Sun and a lot of wind.

Old jon

Well, I keep trying to go out on a bike and this time I succeeded. A bright Monday morning in December is too good to miss, despite single figure temperature outdoors.

Gears today, and thoughts of a route involving the A 58, so after Holbeck follow the traffic diverted to miss Leeds Bridge along Great Wilson Street and Crown Point Road to the bridge of that name. The road beyond that and past the bus station is still blighted with disrupted tarmac. It is good to reach the right turn onto Regent Street. Hmm, I walked along the London one last Saturday, a big difference in every way. Anyway, the clock at Oakwood was the next landmark, then past the spare set of park gates followed by the slog up Boot Hill. It was good to reach the top and the right turn onto Red Hall Lane. Flat roads are a great rest. Skeltons Lane and left onto Thorner Lane for the whizz down Sandhills and into Thorner.

Around here I discovered that I had left my phone at home. It is odd, there is nothing in my life that is urgent but I do not feel fully dressed without my phone. Man up and get on with it, I told myself. And so I did. Up Church Hill, it has become no easier to ascend. Maybe I should try more often as it is quite a while since I have ridden this way. The road that leads on from the top is really a great road, descending slightly for a distance before the steeper drop to Wothersome and then the payback climb towards Hope Hall. Follow the road around right and turn left onto West Woods Road. This runs more or less parallel to the A 1M all the way to Wattle Syke, turn left for Collingham. Left onto the A 58 and I stopped by the Italian restaurant for a munch. There is a bus stop with litter bin there. An articulated wagon slowly passed, left hand indicator on. No way is that going up Jewitt Lane, thought I. But it did. Only to stop when the trailer was clear of the road. Two minutes later, I was just about to move on and a flatbed passed, stopped, and indicated left also. I was not nosy enough to climb that lane to find out who needed two HGVs at once, but I bet it peeved the neighbours.

I could say that the ride was flat after that event, but there is still climbing to do, notably the long drag up to and through Scarcroft. A couple more rises, pass the end of Red Hall Lane and retrace my earlier route down the hill, past the clock and through Leeds to home. Big grin when the garmin reported 28 and a bit miles and 1100 feet of climbing, and I saw our lass crossing the road to home. She had been shopping.

The map,



Perhaps This One.....
A windy commute home this morning, makes it that much harder after a 12hr night shift. Still a couple of Christmas bits to pick up so a bimble round the high streets this afternoon saw another 11 miles added.
Only one more challenge ride to go this year, but if I'm to get to an imperial Eddington of 50 I need 3 more 50 mile rides before the end of 2018, might be a bit too much of an ask..

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Out for a bit this afternoon and I took a hilly route again. I started off with fairly flat roads through Condover, Longnor, Hollyhurst and across the A49 to Dudgley then climbed up to Walkmills, Smethcott, Wilderley and Pulverbatch where I took the fast route to Longden Common, Longden and Exfords Green before a final climb over Lyth Hill via Little Lyth.

It was a bit overcast and chilly and the roads were a mix of wet and dry - the busier roads had mostly dried but the lanes are pretty wet and muddy. Makes me wonder if it's worth cleaning the bike.

After Hollyhurst I met another rider who had been out to meet up with a few people for a ride round the north of the county and was heading home with 72 miles on the clock. We didn't stay together long as we were turning opposite ways at the next junction after the A49.

The light seemed to fade quite early this afternoon so lights were on for most of the trip. My left hand headlamp had slipped to aim too high again so I've tweaked it and hopefully it'll stay put now.

The run from Pulverbatch through to Longden is pretty good, as I've mentioned before, due to being downhill for most of it and I do quite enjoy riding fast along it in the dark (with good lights).

At Hunger Hill I had to use the A49 again for a short way just as the rush hour traffic was starting to build. I don't know what happened but there was some rather furious hooting of horns shortly after I got off the road. Glad I wasn't mixed up in that.

25.7 miles at 12.8 mph average this time and a 30.7 maximum. Quite enjoyed that.

I took some snaps with the mobile but it's not great with these light conditions:




twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
CTC Christmas Lunch (or for modernists CUK Christmas Lunch)

It's the time of year when social gatherings occur. I couldn't refuse the gathering of some old faces and some new. I rode to the Mayfly cafe for the start of the ride. Lots out - too many to list. I caught up with a lot of what has been going on and met some new friends too. Bill D was our leader and he headed us out by Monkwood. Derek picked up a thorn at Ockeridge and that took a while to fix. So no more loops as we headed for Broadwas and The Royal Oak to meet many others who hadn't joined in with the ride. Mrs 26 came by car as she has tennis-ed her elbow or something equally uncomfortable. What a crowd of cyclists! Our meal was lovely as was the beer. Graham C and I were the last to leave. Graham took his trike along the adjacent main road while I took a loop to the north before crossing the Teme and taking the Alfrick run back. Dusk was upon me so I put my lights on and did an errand whilst I was still dressed for riding. Lovely social one and a good day for mid December to be out a-pedalling. 45 smiles
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