Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
With the “easing” from Wednesday, I felt able to get out for a longer ride again, today and get my May Half Century Challenge ride in, after taking the “bye” on offer for April.

It was quite sunny, when I set off and despite a keen Westerly breeze, was milder than it has been all week.

I started off by looping through Sutton Farm and out of town along Wenlock Rd, the A458 (complete with the customary idiot driver, who was 3rd in a queue of cars that were coming off the A5, first 2 had enough time to pull out safely, he didn’t and pulled out alongside me, then drove down the wrong side of the road for as far as the eye could see :wacko:) then took the Betton road. Very busy with traffic along there, including a number of camper vans and standard vans.

I then turned down Lyons Lane, to Condover and whilst passing the couple of shops in the village, came across moron number 2, who overtook the parked Post Van, coming towards me, so widely that he forced me to slam the brakes on and luckily pull into someone’s gateway. He then has the audacity to put his thumb up, didn’t have much chance did I! The postman even said what an idiot, as he was getting back into his van :okay:

Thankfully, after that, the roads were very quiet, as I continued to Wrentnall, Ryton and Longnor. It was nice to turn right, at the Longnor crossroads, for the first time since before Lockdown. There was a small bit of water in the 1 ford but the other was bone dry. Next was the long hard climb up to Comley, via the Corkscrew (as it’s known in local cycling land) but with the wind behind me it wasn’t too bad, even on the Carbon with the racing gear set up, so much so that I set a PB on the Strava segment, knocking 2 minutes off my previous best and being the quickest of 6 riders who rode it today :hyper:

The descent on the other side was great, had a longing look at The Royal Oak pub, in Cardington, one day we’ll be allowed back there, but there were lots of people parking up in the pub car park and looked to be setting out for walks.

I then continued on the pretty remote lanes, to Gretton, Church Preen, Kenley and Acton Burnell, not seeing a single car along the whole section, which must be about 10 miles long, bliss!! I was riding into the wind now though and so that slowed things down, and the sun had gone in, due to the thickening cloud.

I turned onto the roads to Pitchford and Cantlop, passing the Motorcross track, which was in use, with what sounded like quite a few bikes running......

I wasn’t sure the mileage would quite hit the 50k, as I got back near home, so I looped through the Business Park, to make sure.

32.26 miles at 12.9 mph avg and 1825 ft of climbing.
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bury, lancs
With the “easing” from Wednesday, I felt able to get out for a longer ride again, today and get my May Half Century Challenge ride in, after taking the “bye” on offer for April.

It was quite sunny, when I set off and despite a keen Westerly breeze, was milder than it has been all week.

I started off by looping through Sutton Farm and out of town along Wenlock Rd, the A458 (complete with the customary idiot driver, who was 3rd in a queue of cars that were coming off the A5, first 2 had enough time to pull out safely, he didn’t and pulled out alongside me, then drove down the wrong side of the road for as far as the eye could see :wacko:) then took the Betton road. Very busy with traffic along there, including a number of camper vans and standard vans.

I then turned down Lyons Lane, to Condover and whilst passing the couple of shops in the village, came across moron number 2, who overtook the parked Post Van, coming towards me, so widely that he forced me to slam the brakes on and luckily pull into someone’s gateway. He then has the audacity to put his thumb up, didn’t have much chance did I! The postman even said what an idiot, as he was getting back into his van :okay:

Thankfully, after that, the roads were very quiet, as I continued to Wrentnall, Ryton and Longnor. It was nice to turn right, at the Longnor crossroads, for the first time since before Lockdown. There was a small bit of water in the 1 ford but the other was bone dry. Next was the long hard climb up to Comley, via the Corkscrew (as it’s known in local cycling land) but with the wind behind me it wasn’t too bad, even on the Carbon with the racing gear set up, so much so that I set a PB on the Strava segment, knocking 2 minutes off my previous best and being the quickest of 6 riders who rode it today :hyper:

The descent on the other side was great, had a longing look at The Royal Oak pub, in Cardington, one day we’ll be allowed back there, but there were lots of people parking up in the pub car park and looked to be setting out for walks.

I then continued on the pretty remote lanes, to Gretton, Church Preen, Kenley and Acton Burnell, not seeing a single car along the whole section, which must be about 10 miles long, bliss!! I was riding into the wind now though and so that slowed things down, and the sun had gone in, due to the thickening cloud.

I turned onto the roads to Pitchford and Cantlop, passing the Motorcross track, which was in use, with what sounded like quite a few bikes running......

I wasn’t sure the mileage would quite hit the 50k, as I got back near home, so I looped through the Business Park, to make sure.

32.26 miles at 12.9 mph avg and 1825 ft of climbing.

great write up and congrats on completing the 50k. Shame about the idiots on the road, amazes me how bad some drivers are at times.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
A nice ride to Bigbury on sea this morning. On the au there I went through all t quiet, narrow lanes. I was nearly squished by a DPD van.

It was nice to see people enjoying the sea, but they couldn’t get an ice cream......

31 lovely miles.











Legendary Member
I was going to do a longish ride on the Trek Domane today, but in the end couldn’t be bothered putting all the kit on.

I needed to get some fuel for the lawnmower, so I dragged the Kingpin out of the shed put a can in the rear pannier and had a gentle pootle down to Blewbury garage, got my fuel and a Magnum, rode to where the Llamas are ate, my ice cream took some photos.

Rather than come straight home I cycled further along the A417 towards Aston Tyrrold, up a blumen great hill where some thick twunt in a black Audi close passed before the brow, what a dick.

At the top I turned left into the Astons, down the hill and another close pass by another tit in another Audi. Ffs!

A lovely ride around the quiet lanes of the village enjoying the weather and the simplicity of riding a 53 year old bike, wearing jeans, trainers and a shirt.

After half an hour or so I made my way back home . I noticed today that there weren’t nearly as many other cyclists out and about, maybe the novelty has gone.
I had time for a few photos today.
9.12 miles.

The Ridgeway in the distance.

You wouldn’t know from this photo that this house is in the middle of some rather unattractive 80’s social housing.

Llammas or summat.



The bike is older than the car.
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bury, lancs
I was going to do a longish ride on the Trek Domane today, but in the end couldn’t be bothered putting all the kit on.

I needed to get some fuel for the lawnmower, so I dragged the Kingpin out of the shed put a can in the rear pannier and had a gentle pootle down to Blewbury garage, got my fuel and a Magnum, rode to where the Llamas are ate my ice cream took some photos.

Rather than come straight home I cycled further along the A417 towards Aston Tyrrold, up a blumen great hill where some thick twunt in a black Audi close passed before the brow, what a dick.

At the top I tuned left into the Astons down the hill and another close pass by another tit in another Audi. Ffs!

A lovely ride around the quiet lanes of the village enjoying the weather and the simplicity of riding a 53 year old bike, wearing jeans, trainers and a shirt.

After half an hour or so I made my way back home . I noticed today that there weren’t nearly as many other cyclists out today. Maybe the novelty has gone. I had time for a few photos today.
9.12 miles today. View attachment 522743
The Ridgeway in the distance.
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You wouldn’t know from this photo that this house is in the middle of some rather unattractive 80’s social housing.
View attachment 522745
Llammas or summat.
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View attachment 522747
The bike is older than the car.
View attachment 522748

great write up 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Legendary Member
32 enjoyable miles heading north west banking upwind miles. From home down to the Ribble bridge at De Tabley then up Gallows Lane to Jeffrey Hill, Beacon Fell, bonus takeaway coffee and cake in Chipping, loads of cyclists out enjoying the fresh breeze and bright sun. From Chipping back up the northerly side of Jeffrey Hill, short, brutish and nasty, then a fast descent on twisty roads back to the Ribble bridge at De Tabley. 3300 feet climbed, legs tired, face sunburned.

I noticed that there were lots of motorcyclists out on the back lanes and guess that's because their traditional gathering spots like Settle market place have been closed.


A late morning outing on the Defy today, eastwards despite the westerly. Initially played safe and rat ran off the main roads just in case they had picked up to anything like a normal Saturday and as a consequence found myself on what I had been avoiding

One cyclist passed in the opposite direction and I finally joined the A59 at Forest Lane Head for a new PR on the decent to Knaresborough

The cyclist has come off the very narrow Beyl Buryton cycleway hopefully not having passed someone struggling up the wall of that cycleway at very less than social distancing with only the merest gap between handlebars. North to Farnham and then east via Ferrensby to

An ABC challenge can start at last. Beyond the village I got overtaken only then to catch the rider up, socially distanced of course, on the subsequent climbs of the lumpy edges of the Vale of York. Not fancying a game of cat and mouse decided which ever way he went subsequent to us both turning north on the A168 I would do the opposite, so continuing on the A168 was the answer with consequential respect to the cyclist who was killed along here last week:sad:

Like buses no sooner that one turned up than came along another A – Aldborough which is on the site of the Roman town of Isurium Brigantum. More readily evident is the “cross” commemorating the 1322 Battle of Boroughbridge.

And so quickly a B gathered with Boroughbridge – sign of the times with parking spaces a plenty late on a Saturday morning on the high street. There was a pavement queue for the Spar Convenience Store and another cyclist had found a bakery open.

Over the River Ure and into the riverside park where, although a number of cars were in the car park, no one was to be seen so the prime vista of Boroughbridge Weir was for once freely available.

A camera shy heron landed and then flew off whilst I was changing the battery in the Go Pro. Time now to head back, the exit from Boroughbridge seemed slow socially distancing from another cyclist until it was obvious passing cars would not be problem for an overtake, but Strava has given it a PR:ohmy:
Through Minskip and Staveley where a group of four cyclists distanced from each other passed with a fifth seemingly trying to catch up, and onto C – Copgrove where the church does its best to hide behind trees.

Through Farnham, until now the wind if anything had been a niggle but the approach to Scotton was unpleasant and then once through the village what should be a fast decent and quick approach to the following climb on the B6165 wasn’t. Turned off onto the Brearton loop to Ripley via the northern end of Nidd. I could predict the cross wind beyond Killinghall would be a problem and so it was. It all transpired into the first metric half century of the year at 53km exactly, 32.93 miles @ 14.3mph avg with 1647ft climbed.

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bury, lancs
A late morning outing on the Defy today, eastwards despite the westerly. Initially played safe and rat ran off the main roads just in case they had picked up to anything like a normal Saturday and as a consequence found myself on what I had been avoiding
View attachment 522800
One cyclist passed in the opposite direction and I finally joined the A59 at Forest Lane Head for a new PR on the decent to Knaresborough
View attachment 522799
The cyclist has come off the very narrow Beyl Buryton cycleway hopefully not having passed someone struggling up the wall of that cycleway at very less than social distancing with only the merest gap between handlebars. North to Farnham and then east via Ferrensby to
View attachment 522798
An ABC challenge can start at last. Beyond the village I got overtaken only then to catch the rider up, socially distanced of course, on the subsequent climbs of the lumpy edges of the Vale of York. Not fancying a game of cat and mouse decided which ever way he went subsequent to us both turning north on the A168 I would do the opposite, so continuing on the A168 was the answer with consequential respect to the cyclist who was killed along here last week:sad:
View attachment 522797
Like buses no sooner that one turned up than came along another A – Aldborough which is on the site of the Roman town of Isurium Brigantum. More readily evident is the “cross” commemorating the 1322 Battle of Boroughbridge.
View attachment 522796
And so quickly a B gathered with Boroughbridge – sign of the times with parking spaces a plenty late on a Saturday morning on the high street. There was a pavement queue for the Spar Convenience Store and another cyclist had found a bakery open.
View attachment 522795
Over the River Ure and into the riverside park where, although a number of cars were in the car park, no one was to be seen so the prime vista of Boroughbridge Weir was for once freely available.
View attachment 522802
A camera shy heron landed and then flew off whilst I was changing the battery in the Go Pro. Time now to head back, the exit from Boroughbridge seemed slow socially distancing from another cyclist until it was obvious passing cars would not be problem for an overtake, but Strava has given it a PR:ohmy: Through Minskip and Staveley where a group of four cyclists distanced from each other passed with a fifth seemingly trying to catch up, and onto C – Copgrove where the church does its best to hide behind trees.
View attachment 522805
Through Farnham, until now the wind if anything had been a niggle but the approach to Scotton was unpleasant and then once through the village what should be a fast decent and quick approach to the following climb on the B6165 wasn’t. Turned off onto the Brearton loop to Ripley via the northern end of Nidd. I could predict the cross wind beyond Killinghall would be a problem and so it was. It all transpired into the first metric half century of the year at 53km exactly, 32.93 miles @ 14.3mph avg with 1647ft climbed.
View attachment 522793
View attachment 522794

great pics and what a nice place Boroughbridge looks.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Felt monged today and my leg was giving my gyp so I elected to have another day off, although cabin fever and a recently-uncharacteristic craving for questionable food drove me out for a waft around town on the ofo.

I ate a Co-op sarnie on Port Meadow amongst questionably large groups of other people, then took the very long route home. Which may have involved a chip shop :whistle:


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Woo hoo! Got my No.1 bike back from the LBS today, after being without it since April due to a mangled left crank. What a joy it was to ride a bike with a full range of 27 gears, a smooth and quiet drivetrain and a different saddle from the one that has started to give me sores recently. I only went out for a test spin, and ended up doing 33.8 miles and my first big hill since March.

I started off heading down to Epney on my most common route, and hung a left down Castle Lane to head for Whitminster and the hills of the Cotswold escarpment. On the way down Castle Lane, I stopped to get a picture of these lovelies .... the best garden ornaments I've ever seen (Note to self: Might not bother getting that gnome after all):

After Whitminster and Eastington, I headed for King's Stanley to start the big climb up the escarpment via Middleyard to Selsley. On the way, I passed through Leonard Stanley for the umpteenth time. It occurred to me that I'd never stopped to explore the village, so I put that right:

In the first shot, you can see Selsley Common up above. I was headed that way. First, I detoured to look at the village centre and the church (Looks like somebody has been arranging jollies to France):

The climb up to Selsley via Middleyard is one of my favourite climbs, and the first one that I ever successfully climbed to get up into the Cotswolds many years ago. There are three distinct steps to the climb ... two of them quite brutal, but mercifully not too long. This gives you a bit of respite on the way and, even better, some tremendous views across Stroud to enjoy:

By the time I hit the top, my eyes were filling with sweat as I'd forgotten to wear my bandana. After not climbing anything worth describing as a hill during lockdown, my doubts had been that either my legs or my lungs wouldn't survive this one. I needn't have worried. I took one further shot after passing the church in the previous picture on my way down the steep descent into the Dudbridge district of Stroud:

The villages near the top opposite are probably Ruscombe, Whiteshill and/or Randwick. I shall be doing most of those climbs in the coming days and weeks now I have my lovely No.1 bike back. It feels fantastic to have extra gears again for acceleration and hill climbing.
Well, that puts me on 352 miles for May, so I should sail past my brand new all-time single-month mileage record tomorrow after just 17 days of the month. I think @Supersuperleeds and @13 rider can breathe easy, as there is no way I'm going to keep up this riding every day lark after lockdown, so their records are safe. It would be nice to complete a whole month of it though. I'm currently on course to average 22 miles per day for May and about 300 miles more than ever before in a single month if I stick with it to the end. After that, I may force myself to take a day off.
Enjoy your rides everyone. Cheers, Donger.


I was going to do a longish ride on the Trek Domane today, but in the end couldn’t be bothered putting all the kit on.

I needed to get some fuel for the lawnmower, so I dragged the Kingpin out of the shed put a can in the rear pannier and had a gentle pootle down to Blewbury garage, got my fuel and a Magnum, rode to where the Llamas are ate, my ice cream took some photos.

Rather than come straight home I cycled further along the A417 towards Aston Tyrrold, up a blumen great hill where some thick twunt in a black Audi close passed before the brow, what a dick.

At the top I turned left into the Astons, down the hill and another close pass by another tit in another Audi. Ffs!

A lovely ride around the quiet lanes of the village enjoying the weather and the simplicity of riding a 53 year old bike, wearing jeans, trainers and a shirt.

After half an hour or so I made my way back home . I noticed today that there weren’t nearly as many other cyclists out and about, maybe the novelty has gone.
I had time for a few photos today.
9.12 miles. View attachment 522743
The Ridgeway in the distance.
View attachment 522744
You wouldn’t know from this photo that this house is in the middle of some rather unattractive 80’s social housing.
View attachment 522745
Llammas or summat.
View attachment 522746

View attachment 522747
The bike is older than the car.
View attachment 522748
I reckon that if one more Audi had passed you too closely that fuel in the pannier may have been used for making some 'special' sunny day cocktails using old discarded bottles and some rags :whistle:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Sarah wanted to ride her Bampton Breakfast 100 today and, now that we're allowed out with a distanced friend, I decided to accompany her. I set off at 08.10 on a chilly morning, Was passed by a young, fellow Wheeler doing a steady 28mph (nearly sprained a lung following his wheel to the turning), and got to the start to find her waiting. We set off to find some hills and warm-up.

There's a long drag up to Silverton, then we hit the main road towards Tiverton. At which point I remembered that they had closed to road to everyone including cyclists. Wondering whether they'd be working on Saturday, we edged past the barriers and onwards, only to find road-mending in full swing.

So a retrace to Bickleigh and up and over via Butterleigh. Only two chevrons. Pointed a fellow cyclist also deviating in the right direction.

We continued along the Exe Valley road to Bampton. Loads of cyclists out.

Under the castle was a public four-sided table with bench seats. Ideal for distanced sitting. We had food.


We continued along the old link road, and then back into lanes.


Sarah was bemoaning the fact that we couldn't finish at the pub. Then a light-bulb moment, we could buy a couple of beers at a local shop. They were all shut.

But the garage was open, sold beer & cider, and so we sat in style on the edge of the forecourt swigging out of two bottles.

And then home. 144k for me and something over 100 for Sarah.
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