Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Just a 10 mile loop into Felixstowe to drop a form off at the doctor's and on to get a loaf of bread & some milk. Thick mist or fog with the temperature at 1°C at 11am. Riding under the trees, it was like being rained on as the frost on the twigs melted.

The amount of cars driving round with no lights or just the DRLs on at the front makes me wonder if it's stupidity or lazyness (or both?) in relying on the automatic settings switching on the headlights & tail lights - which of course doesn't happen as it's misty, not dark.


Still cold, grey with added fog this morning so took the dogs for a walk first to see if it cleared up. The fog did clear enough for a ride but I decided to avoid the main roads and stick to the lanes where there shouldn’t be much traffic. Started off to Northwood, Whixall where for a change I turned to the canal crossing the Prees branch and onto the lane to avoid the muddy bit of tow path before rejoining it on the gravel section, over the Llangollen canal, bit more tow path and another bridge to rejoin the lane through Whixall, carried on to Alkington back over the canal via a swing bridge just as a boat had passed so no waiting needed, up to Fenns Wood another bridge to Hollinswood, Coton, Abbeygreen, Edstaston through a flooded bit of lane, round Paddolgreen, Highfields, Foxholes, a different bit of Northwood, down Ossage Lane finding a hedge cutter busy covering the road with bits of hedge got past that took the turning towards home and found another hedge cutter. Made it home with tyres still inflated! 21.65 wet and muddy miles. Dogs and bike needed a wash .


Two trips down to the shops, sporting my new fluorescent bicycle clips! Love cycling round the village on errands.
Simple pleasures! I've had my fluorescent (they're reflective as well) bicycle clips since sometime in the 20th century. They go further than the shops, they are quite well travelled! I've had other clips over that time period but for some reason these just fit my chunky ankles well. No maker's name, plain metal clips with a bit of tarnishing (some would call it patina or character) and what look like 3M yellow fluorescent plastic self adhesive reflective strips round 90% of the outside. They've been out in heat and cold, have been soaked numerous times, and the reflective layer has stayed stuck. Cheap simple things which do the job well, and make me smile.

I've had other bike clips over the years which did not fit as well as these, and some that didn't stay as pairs. I have several non matching clips in a drawer somewhere. Perhaps the bright colour lets you notice if it gets dropped. Anyhow, they have stayed as a pair. Perhaps, like the bicycle itself, bike clips have become a "type object", taken for granted and recognisable worldwide in many cultures? Maybe a new thread looms about bike accessories that give people pleasure

Using a bike as "proper transport" to nip to the shops, particularly when lockdown was being taken more seriously earlier this year certainly did make me feel virtuous, and still does even now, particularly as for various reasons I haven't had a decent leisure ride since 6/11/20.

Out on the tourer. A bit cold, but ok once rolling. Passed through the uphill traffic lights (no issue on an upright), down Swanlow Lane to the A54 roundabout, then to the garage on Delamere St. Locked up, masked up, went in, came out, unmasked and unlocked again. Strapped goodies onto the front carrier, back across the roundabout. I thought I was going at a reasonable pace, notably in a higher gear than on the recumbent for a similar impression of speed. Hard to tell as since the Sigma computer on this bike conked out I have no objective comparison.

A strange dark shape approached in the mirror, hard to make out the sihouette, definitely someone on a bike. An impression of the Grim Reaper on wheels. As it steamed past me I saw two dark clad youths in hoodies on a mountain bike, one sitting on the bars with his legs hanging over the front, the other standing and pedalling. A squeak of brakes, and they disappeared sharp right up the pavement to a traffic barriered road leaving me to trundle steadily on home. Probably they speed up to pass anyone on a bike, particularly as they turned off straight away (I tried to convince myself). Suitably chastised, I continued on my now slothful way home. Well, I enjoyed my ride, so sucks yah boo to anyone who says different. About 3 miles.

Alternatively sunny then looming grey clouds, I had considered going for a decent ride earlier but was delayed. Later it was definitely cooler out of the sun which was discouraging. I decided to go to the Post Office to collect a loaf of bread. I took an indirect route and the ride was pleasant and uneventful though only about 2 1/2 miles. It was pleasant enough to make it worth dragging the recumbent out of the garage and riding the same route again to keep myself in tune with it and to have a back to back comparison. Another 2 1/2 miles of mild uphills and downhills.

Cold and damp but today I had to collect the car from the garage after some work. Feeling pretty unfit as I pedalled out on the folder but a long pleasant zizz down to the River Weaver wasn’t too demanding. Getting up the other side I didn't exactly give a stellar performance but I got there without too much drama, feeling better for the last mile or so. Folded the bike and returned in the car. About 3 miles.

Hoping for the great escape before Xmas for a longer ride!

Old jon

Bright and cold again here this morning, and more important, dry. I had decided on a rather unadventurous route yesterday and since it would be relatively flat the fixed was going to have its first outing this month.

A fair bit of traffic on the main road, but Holbeck was deserted. All the way through Hunslet from there, and up to John o’ Gaunts. That is the first five miles done and I am warming up, which suits me fine. Down now, Oulton has a couple of roundabouts, turn left at the second.

The road goes through a brace of Methleys before reaching Castleford, and I could feel the breeze. Cold, it was. Not helped by a couple of tedious holdups in Cas. But once I turned left onto Lock Lane, well, between there and Ledston Luck the road only rises about 68 metres ( thank you Google Maps ) but it warmed me up again.

Turn right at Peckfield Bar, and left at the next roundabout. Micklefield is this way. Stay on the same road all the way through to the crossroads with the B1217, and turn right. Because I cannot remember the last time I passed the gates at Lotherton Hall. A left turn there to zigzag through Aberford. Just at the top of the first rise on Cattle Lane I stopped to tighten a light mount. Two club members riding in the opposite direction saw me and stopped. We had a bit of a chat, short because I was not wearing my hearing aids. Bit pointless on a solo ride, unless you talk to yourself . . .

Barwick in Elmet was quiet, and so was Scholes. The right turn onto Thorner Lane from the A64 was definitely not quiet. Felt like a long time waiting for the opposing traffic to vanish. As if I was in a rush. Two more lanes to the A58 and the twiddle down Boot Hill, then suburbs, town, suburbs to home. Grin firmly in place again, a brisk ( for me ) thirty five miles and 1667 feet going up does make me happy.

The map needs arrows, anticlockwise was the way around. And up was the warm bit.




As long as I breathe, I attack.
usual commute this morning but i was cold all night at work as they had the dock doors open and no heating :sad: hands were white before i even set off and my feet were cold too so i overdressed to try and get the core warm and my hands took a good 8 miles to get any feeling and the feet were cold till i had been in bed a while.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
5 out today. Jules H, John B, Margaret PR, Pete M and me. To take a slightly different route around Bredon Hill we headed south of Tewkesbury into the lanes by Fiddington and across to Woolstone. Then a new lane for some by Alstone for Alderton. Back on well trodden roads at Beckford Margaret decided to cut it short so four of us took to the standard Bredon loop to pause at Elmley Castle church for a quick bite to eat. Then on around by the Combertons to cross the Avon at Eckington. Jules headed back from Defford while Pete left us at Upton. Not a bad outing although it was a day to keep moving in the 5 C temperature. 61 smiles

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
Another ride out on Pasty #2 The CX. I took a route past Rushmere Common that had me placed near to where one of my sisters lives. We had a five minute, outdoor socially-distanced chin-wag in which we both noted that what was once such little trifles are now rather precious.
Carried on to some extremely muddy roads in Playford, which is where I took this pic.
Suffolk in winter:

Playfford Chruch Lane 9.12.20.JPG


Legendary Member
I’d arranged to meet @Rickshaw Phil and his brother Doug, for a ride this evening, now that the rule of Six is back in play for us in Tier 2.

We met at the traffic lights and headed through the nearby estate, then along the old railway path, which was bit dicey with the wet leaf mulch.....

We then went through Reabrook, along the cycle paths to Heathgates and through Sundorne, where there were plentiful outdoor Christmas lights to brighten up the dank looking estate.

We were then away from the roads along the old canal path, before rejoining them to Uffington and Upton Magna, where it had started to rain, heavier than I was expecting from the forecast. It necessitated a stop for us to don waterproof jackets.

It continued to rain quite heavily to Berwick Wharf and Atcham, before drying off as we climbed up Chilton Lane and then up towards King St crossroads.

Final section was a nice wind assisted run through Betton Abbots and back to the traffic lights we’d met at earlier.

15.45 miles at 11.1mph avg.

My parting comment to Doug and Phil, was for them to take care on the rest of their journey.......over to you @Rickshaw Phil :ohmy:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
As above, Doug and I met up with Gav and had a meandering ride through the suburbs of town before heading out towards Upton Magna and into the rain. Doug was feeling the cold a little bit as well as the lack of miles this year so wasn't quick and Gav was getting ahead of us in places.

At Upton Magna we paused by the pub to don waterproofs, where I managed to dump most of the contents of my pannier pocket onto the floor, including the spare front lamp I'd taken which has added to the damage from it falling off the bike on a previous occasion.:sad: (It does still work alright though.)

As Gav has said, the rain was heavy for a bit but eased after Atcham and had pretty much stopped before we got back to Weeping Cross. We parted from Gav and headed back past the football ground. There is an awkward crossing of the exit from the golf course - Doug had gone across and having checked over my shoulder to see the slip-road was clear I looked ahead again just in time to see Doug's wheels slide out from under him on leaf mulch before he thumped into the floor.:ohmy: Fortunately he's not badly hurt - a grazed knee and elbow - but was shaken up. I suspect there will be some aches and bruises in the morning. The bike seems to have got away with a scraped RH bar end but I'll do a proper checkover for him in the light.

19.3 miles at 11 mph average by the time I got back.


Legendary Member
As above, Doug and I met up with Gav and had a meandering ride through the suburbs of town before heading out towards Upton Magna and into the rain. Doug was feeling the cold a little bit as well as the lack of miles this year so wasn't quick and Gav was getting ahead of us in places.

At Upton Magna we paused by the pub to don waterproofs, where I managed to dump most of the contents of my pannier pocket onto the floor, including the spare front lamp I'd taken which has added to the damage from dropping it on a previous occasion.:sad: (It does still work alright though.)

As Gav has said, the rain was heavy for a bit but eased after Atcham and had pretty much stopped before we got back to Weeping Cross. We parted from Gav and headed back past the football ground. There is an awkward crossing of the exit from the golf club - Doug had gone across and having checked over my shoulder to see the slip-road was clear I looked back just in time to see Doug's wheels slide out from under him on leaf mulch before he thumped into the floor.:ohmy: Fortunately he's not badly hurt - a grazed knee and elbow - but was shaken up. I suspect there will be some aches and bruises in the morning. The bike seems to have got away with a scraped RH bar end but I'll do a proper checkover for him in the light.

19.3 miles at 11 mph average by the time I got back.
Couldn’t believe it when he told me about the crash! Glad no serious damage and hope it won’t put him off....


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Another commuting fun night :sad:
coming home and running late my 1st puncture in over 6 months was caused by a massive staple , changed the tube and got another few miles down the road and that one went too so i put my second tube in and that blew as soon as i put it in so i had to phone mrs ck to pick me up as i couldnt see what was causing the issue by streelight .
cold, hungry and tired i lay shivering in bed till i could get my feet to warm up .
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I hadn't been out on the bike for about a week and was itching to get out. The dog was I the kennels so I could lay out my stuff on the kitchen table without having to worry about him chewing it. I had got my Garmin Radar Rear light thingie in my hand just before setting off and had put it down somewhere. I couldn't find it, so decided to look for it on my return. Of course, it was on the desk, where I had looked a dozen times for it before setting off!

I had decided to repeat my 55km ride loop through Wem now that lockdown has eased and the cafe was open. There was a slight headwind on the outward part of the loop and it felt colder than the 8C that the thermometer on the Wahoo would have me believe. I had got a brand new fluorescent yellow gloves, which I had bought from Decathlon in Oxford the day before, which kept my hands nice and warm. The cafe in Wem lived up to its usual standard of great toasties and cake. The journey home was pleasant with a slight tail wind all the way. Only the occasional muddy section to clog up the front wheel. I arrived home an hour before I needed to collect Leo from the kennels, so had some time for another coffee and more cake.


Old jon

A ride out on the Spa today, did some thinking again about where to pedal and set off. Into the cold, and the breeze made the most of that.

In the three months I have had the bike, I have never ridden it into Otley. There is a much longer list of places similarly neglected, of course, but that one is still a surprise. So then, the usual ride along the towpath to Viaduct Road, cross the Aire and start up to Headingley.

Keep going, and take the left fork after crossing the Ring Road. This is Otley Old Road, and it keeps on ascending all the way to the water tower at Cookridge. By which point it is good to have a bit of downhill. Not for long, the left turn off Moor Road is still Otley Old Road. This goes between Old Bramhope and East Carlton,crossing the A658 and renaming itself East Chevin Road as it drops quite steeply into Otley.

Cross the River Wharfe and turn right onto Farnley Lane. A banana stop by the weir then ride up the hill to Farnley, and down the other side as well. After crossing the third river of the day, the Washburn, turn right to head for Pool. Through the old village and turn left onto the A659 then ride under the viaduct at Arthington. Shortly after this, turn right for the ascent of Creskeld Lane.

This goes on a bit, some bits steeper than others. It did warm me up well. It is Bramhope at the top, turn left to head for Leeds and then turn left again to ride up Kings Road. Just before reaching Arthington Lane I was overtaken by a couple of riders, from the Valley Striders club said the mudflap. The only pass today. I turned right and rode through Adel

Back on the A660 and downhill to Headingley, then a further descent to Kirkstall and the towpath. This takes me almost to Leeds centre, and the usual last stretch to home. Probably the coldest ride so far, so the smile was for the imminent hot shower. Thirty two miles and just more than 2100 feet of up. A good ride indeed.

The roads went under the wheels, a bit like this,


And the ups and downs do look impressive,

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