Your ride today....

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Old jon

A ride in company today, and it started well. Outdoors was breezy and sunny, someone had said rain was due later so a short ride was in prospect. Short for some, I live eight miles from the meeting point. This is only an observation of course, if I ride in that direction that is how far it takes me to leave Leeds anyway, company or not.

But, it is time to pedal. Mostly downhill at first in the direction of Shadwell. A bit of a bump then down more, then cross the A58 to Carr Lane. A couple of hundred yards through Thorner, then leave by riding up Church Hill. And on to Bramham. There is that ridiculously steep left hand turn from there, on the way to Toulston, but we must have had a tailwind. The other climb on the way to the A659 was hardly noticed . . .

The cafe at the Thorp Arch trading estate is next, to fill fuel tanks and have a natter, after which we went to Boston Spa, via Thorp Arch, the village. Boston was doing a fair imitation of busy, so we left and went to Clifford. Which was not busy, we rode through anyway and found our way back to Bramham. Took the right fork onto Thorner Lane, a bit more uphill, and when Holme Farm Lane was reached, turned left. Milner Lane goes into Thorner, we did not. A different right fork and Scarcroft is next.

Two turned right, four turned left, up the hill to Ling Lane. A different way back to Slaid Hill where we went our almost separate ways. My way home is downhill, for which I am truly grateful. The legs were feeling the ride, forty one miles and a very surprising two thousand feet uphill. No wonder I had a grin!

A route and bumps collection,




Legendary Member
I managed to actually finish at my Tuesday early finish time, for a change and the weather was set fair, so I got out for a slightly longer early evening ride than my normal distance.

I set out with just a t-shirt on my top half, but soon pulled up in the nearby estate to don a jacket, as it was still cool in that wind. Had to wait for a learner driver to make a pigs ear of pulling away from a nearby roundabout, as she stalled 3 times, but we’ve all been there once and hoots from impatient morons behind her in the queue really didn’t help.

It was then onto the roads to Betton Abbots, Cantlop, Pitchford, Acton Burnell, Frodesley and Longnor, which were fairly quiet for this time of day and made for pleasant riding.

I then turned along the lane towards Ryton and was a bit worried it might be flooded again, with the recent incessant rains, but despite some big puddles it was ok. I crossed the A49 easier than expected during rush hour and called in at Dad’s for a 45 minute chat.

It was then back out and into the wind as far as Annscroft, which made it harder going, but then turned out of it again, along the main road. Not content with just the 1 set of traffic lights, in Annscroft, there are now 2 more sets to contend with as you enter and leave Hook a Gate, which annoyingly are both on nice downhill sections as well.

Final section was through Meole Village and home with 20.9 miles on the clock, at 12.1mph avg speed

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
First ride of the day (another one is planned for later) and I took the knockabout bike out for its first ride on some new tyres. As mentioned elsewhere I needed to order some tyres for a friend and finding Vittoria Randonneur Tech tyres for only £8 apiece thought I'd give some a go too. I was going to wait until the current Marathons are worn out but changed my mind and put them on yesterday.

The route was the Longnor, Acton Burnell, Harnage, Cross Houses one for convenience. There was loads of traffic on the A49 and I had to wait a while until a friendly lorry driver slowed to let me out. ^_^ The run to Condover was swift with a brisk tailwind but after the village it seemed to come at me from different directions so I wasn't as quick.

The run from Longnor to Acton Burnell was with a cross-headwind but progress seemed decent enough after a slow start away from the crossroads. A group of ramblers was in the road at Acton Burnell, which I don't have a problem with as they are entitled to be there, however they all went in different directions when they saw me so it was a bit of a slalom to get through the group.:laugh:

I only encountered one car, a cyclist and a chap walking his dog on the way to Cound Moor and Harnage. Flag of the day at Cound was that of Ecuador.

I headed for the main A458 to Cross Houses which wasn't too busy today. It was into the wind though so a bit plodding up the gentle incline into the village. Near Kingstreet there was a VW without any number plates being given a thorough look over by a couple of police officers - been used for something nefarious then dumped perhaps?

The wind was unexpectedly against me along Lyons Lane into Condover, then I was riding into it properly after the village as I headed back up to the A49. The traffic was much lighter than on the way out and what there was seemed to be mostly going the other way (including a very flash looking Ferrari).

24 miles this time at 14.2 mph average. I think I'm going to like the tyres. They are quiet, give a good ride and feel sure-footed in the corners. It's too early to judge if they are actually faster rolling than the Marathons but I will mention that it's been a while since I averaged more than 14mph on this bike and that was in less windy conditions. Seems promising.^_^


Drink stop in the usual spot near Longnor. New tyres on display...... as if you could actually tell any difference from the pic.:laugh:


I love how lush the countryside looks atthis time of year. Hopefully later in the week it'll actually be as warm as the photo makes it look.


View to the Wrekin from the Acton Burnell to Cound Moor road.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Second ride: My brother and I rode down to meet up with @gavgav and, after greetings, took a bit of a tour round cycle paths and quieter roads to Sundorne. We were travelling at the rush hour so a few roads were snarled up and we sailed past lots of queueing traffic. It did make it a little difficult crossing the road in a couple of places though. At one point the drivers door of a parked car was flung open in front of Gav but fortunately he was keeping enough distance for it to miss him (said driver was completely oblivious to what he had done. :rolleyes:)

Getting onto the old canal path it was much nicer away from the traffic and gave more opportunity to chat as we headed out of town to Uffington then Upton Magna. The cafe at the Haughmond Inn has a new addition at the front which will give more seating space under cover.

Headed on again towards Berwick Wharf and Atcham we picked up a tailwind which made it an easier run. The road past the Attingham Estate was busyish but everyone seemed to be behaving okay today. We would have crossed the river on the old bridge but a pickup was behaving oddly and blocking the entrance to the Mytton and Mermaid (where the bridge is accessed from) and we weren't sure what they were about to do.

The road to Cross Houses was pretty quiet, which suited us fine and by this time the rush on the A458 had died down too. It would be nice not to have had the headwind back to Weeping Cross but that was the only niggle as we headed back and parted from Gav. Seeing a green light and a good gap in the traffic I accidentally left Doug behind at the lights coz he wasn't quite ready.:shy:

20.1 miles at 11.6 mph average.


A pause by the cafe at The Haughmond.


Legendary Member
Second ride: My brother and I rode down to meet up with @gavgav and, after greetings, took a bit of a tour round cycle paths and quieter roads to Sundorne. We were travelling at the rush hour so a few roads were snarled up and we sailed past lots of queueing traffic. It did make it a little difficult crossing the road in a couple of places though. At one point the drivers door of a parked car was flung open in front of Gav but fortunately he was keeping enough distance for it to miss him (said driver was completely oblivious to what he had done. :rolleyes:)

Getting onto the old canal path it was much nicer away from the traffic and gave more opportunity to chat as we headed out of town to Uffington then Upton Magna. The cafe at the Haughmond Inn has a new addition at the front which will give more seating space under cover.

Headed on again towards Berwick Wharf and Atcham we picked up a tailwind which made it an easier run. The road past the Attingham Estate was busyish but everyone seemed to be behaving okay today. We would have crossed the river on the old bridge but a pickup was behaving oddly and blocking the entrance to the Mytton and Mermaid (where the bridge is accessed from) and we weren't sure what they were about to do.

The road to Cross Houses was pretty quiet, which suited us fine and by this time the rush on the A458 had died down too. It would be nice not to have had the headwind back to Weeping Cross but that was the only niggle as we headed back and parted from Gav. Seeing a green light and a good gap in the traffic I accidentally left Doug behind at the lights coz he wasn't quite ready.:shy:

20.1 miles at 11.6 mph average.

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A pause by the cafe at The Haughmond.

An excellent write up from @Rickshaw Phil . Enjoyed the sunshine and actually removed my jacket to just be at t-shirt level, half way round the ride! I hope that’s the last ride that will require trousers and a jacket for a good while, with the forecast looking better. 16.18 miles at 11.2mph avg speed for me.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I'm chasing Eddington numbers at the moment. I've been stuck on 113 for long enough. So was out of the door nice and early to hit the Kent lanes. 119 miles later, I was back home. Fairly knackered it has to be said. The headwind was a bind and the second half of the ride had a fair amount of climbing. It stayed dry, though rain threatened. I even saw some sun, though not much.
Another 3 long rides then I'll be at 114.



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After a few days away in Swansea exploring the Gower Peninsula on foot yesterday, the weather looked good. I set off on my Wem loop rather hoping that the library cafe would be open. It'sstil closed, so I bought some food at the Coop and set off for Prees Green. There is a short section along the A49 before turning off the rejoin the B5065. After a close shave with a Mercedes Estate overtaking me last time, I rode this section I decided to always record it using my GoPro. This time it was a large artic. that overtook me. Traffic was approaching in the opposite direction, so it somehow managed to squeeze between me and the double white lines. The whole video can be viewed at: A Close Shave I was relieved to arrive home still in one piece! I wasn't until I reviewed the video at home that I realized just how close the lorry was.


Snapshot from the video.

Old jon

Cool and bright, yet again. Be silly not to go out on a bike with a start to the day like this. And company too, with a route sorted out. I took the Spa, the route author is good at unmetalled lanes.

We were going south, or thereabouts. So I travelled northeast to the meeting point, and managed to do that one hundred yards wrong. Sometimes I despair of me, only half seriously. We set off, bits of Leeds I do not know well to start with, then Pontefract Lane, the new services at Skelton and along the towpath to Fishponds Lock. Up the hill to the top of Oulton, through Rothwell and Carlton and to the edge of Stanley via Ouzlewell Green.

Bottom Boat is next, I do not know of a place called Top Boat, and then a stretch of less well surfaced lane heading to Methley Junction. And away from there to the cafe at Methley Bridge. We needed to refuel. On the way to St Aidan’s RSPB reserve we rode through both Mickletowns, and the the road started rising again on the way to Swillington. But back downhill towards Bullerthorpe Lane, turning right at Blacksmith’s Cottage just before that. We did cross Bullerthorpe Lane, on the way to Temple Newsam house.

Halton and Killingbeck next, on the way to the Wyke Beck Way, which took us to the bottom of the hill up to the tradesman’s gates at Roundhay Park. For a change, I rode through he park with the others, maybe added a mile to my total distance and quite a few feet to the elevation gain of eighteen hundred odd feet reported by my garthing. Which also told me I had ridden forty three miles, by the time I reached home. Grin on face, and wasn’t the weather great?

Competent illustrations from a sometimes unfathomable piece of kit . . .




At last – some decent cycling weather today. It looked as though it would stay (mostly) dry and it wouldn’t be too windy. I decided to try and get north of the Rance again and check out a couple of new roads, and to cycle a couple more in the opposite direction. Out through Gaël and Loscouët-sur-Meu and then onto the former Route Nationale heading west – a good road and quiet as it’s largely redundant with the N164 dual carriageway running parallel to it. I carried on heading west – past les Treizes Chênes and onto St Launeuc. I stopped for a bite to eat .. a sausage roll and some cherry tomatoes. I hadn’t even seen a sausage roll for 25 years until very recently I discovered that an Englishwoman makes and sells them at a local market. They are wonderful and make a great cycling snack.

On the bike again and I found the little link road back east to La Bruyère – it connects St Launeuc with Eréac and is much safer as it avoids the busy road full of lorries. East from Eréac to Lanrelas – over the Rance again - and then up the long hill to les Treizes Chênes (again), and down into Trémorel. On the back road into Illifaut then I decided to go all the way west to Ménéac .. perhaps a mistake as it was pretty busy in the centre but I love the descent from Ménéac past the wind turbines and down to la Corbinais. Home – as is so often the case – via Kerminy and St Brieuc-de-Mauron.

90.87km cycled today and another qualifying ride in this year’s Loony Challenge done.

A mural on a building in St Launeuc


The pretty chapelle de la Bruyère, nestling in the trees



Legendary Member
I'm chasing Eddington numbers at the moment. I've been stuck on 113 for long enough. So was out of the door nice and early to hit the Kent lanes. 119 miles later, I was back home. Fairly knackered it has to be said. The headwind was a bind and the second half of the ride had a fair amount of climbing. It stayed dry, though rain threatened. I even saw some sun, though not much.
Another 3 long rides then I'll be at 114.
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Add a bit of character to the Hovis picture Add a carrier basket to the bike:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
A friend stayed on Tuesday night, breaking her journey back home to Cornwall. So yesterday morning I guided her through Exeter to the old A30. 65km by the time I returned.
This morning I set off in cold mist to ride a DIY 200 I'd devised. So repeat yesterday's journey to the old A30 and continue to Liftondown, turn north on the A-road to Holsworthy, then head back eastwards through Hatherleigh, Bow, Crediton, and lanes back home. It was surprisingly hilly. I was pleased to finish in less than 11hrs.


footloose crow

Über Member
Cornwall. UK
27 May Procrastination

I ordered a pair of SPD winter boots last week. Ever the optimist eh? I keep getting wet, cold feet and its almost June.

They arrived this morning and I opened the box sitting outside the house in sunshine. They should be put away until winter as it is going to be sunny from now on...alternatively I may keep them out as they have made the weather change. Summer has arrived in Cornwall and it is attracting visitors like pasties attract seagulls.

I wanted to ride today. And I didn't. I was till sore after returning to the gym yesterday. I thought the cycling I was doing and the half hearted faffing with weights and exercises at home would be enough. I was wrong. The instructor is a sadist. It was like doing a 5k run and thinking you are quite fit so lets do SAS selection next. Ouch.

I set off anyway after staring at the garden for an hour. The clouds started to return but it is still warm enough for shorts. There are no excuses for not going out I thought, so why not try a 100km ride?

After 50km I had a list of reasons why it was a bad idea. Mainly around aching thighs and general lassitude. A reluctance to tackle hills. A rapid series of clicks until the lowest gear is engaged every time the road lifts slightly. Time to head for home.


40km done and I need a rest. Luckily there was a view which I could use an an excuse to stop.


Definitely a green lane


Went on for miles...a green tunnel of bluebells, wild garlic, oak and beech.

There was no plan for the route I took and it showed. A random selection of lanes. At least they were quiet unlike the main roads or the roads to the coast. It will be mad over the Bank Holiday. Very pleased to get home only to find my wife has booked us onto Total Body Pump tomorrow with the same sadist. 'Lucky you got a recovery ride today' she says 'because tomorrows' session will be hard'. Always good to have things to look forward to.

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