Your ride today....

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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
After yesterday's 9.8 miler on Bike No.2, I followed up with a 12.3 miler on Bike No.1 today ... my second post covid ride. The bike ran beautifully and silently. I puffed and wheezed loudly. But all in all a slightly easier ride than yesterday, partly along the same lanes, but this time extending the outward leg to the banks of the Severn at Epney and returning via the A38. I started out via the riverbank at Stonebench, one of my favourite spots along the Severn, shortly before it widens out and becomes a big estuary:

Next up, my turning point on the riverbank again at Epney (looking northwards towards the Anchor Inn):

On the way back I got held up at the swing bridge on the Gloucester and Sharpness canal and had to wait for 20 or so cars to cross before I carried on:

While still on Castle Lane, I called in on the wooden stags, which I hadn't seen for a while. Nice to see they have had their antlers replaced and are looking fit for the rut:

Great to be out there again. It is going to take some time getting back to normal, but the idea is to ride a slightly longer route each time for the first 6 or 7 rides, then gradually start introducing some easy hills. There will be no Metric Century-a-Month Challenge for me this year as there is absolutely no chance of me getting a qualifying ride in this month. Maybe in a month or so I might be ready for a club ride. I do hope so.


Another early Sunday start for a group ride. Cold and grey when I set off to the meeting point by the Mere in Ellesmere.
A route had been planned going back towards my house so I knew where we were going for a change. Headed into the town and over the canal to Tetchill , Hordley turning off in Bagley to Cockshutt. Crossed over the Shrewsbury road to English Frankton, Loppington and Horton where we might have taken a wrong turn past the Moatshed rather than taking Ossage Lane, didn’t really matter though it all goes to the same place! Back onto the original route into Whixall with the option of stopping at the Marina café, everyone voted to carry on as it was a bit cold. Over Dobsons bridge to Northwood ( the 2nd time for me) , Welshampton and over the big hill back to Ellesmere and coffee at The Boat House before riding back home.
Another good ride with great company and a bit faster than last week and actually stayed clean with most of the roads being dry. 43.5 miles in total.


Legendary Member
After finishing my on call stint for work, I was planning to head over to Dad’s, to see my brother, niece and nephew who were also paying a visit. I woke at 7:05 today with a Migraine, which left me feeling groggy and tired, but I decided that a bike ride would probably help with that and whilst feeling a bit lacking in energy, overall it did.

It was bitterly cold out there today, dank and grey, and so I layered up and headed out to Hook a Gate and Annscroft, then to Exfords Green and climbed up to Long Lane. The climb up to Oaks was a hard pull, having to stop for 3 cars on the narrow climb wasn’t helpful, nor the 1 prat who decided to squeeze past me and force me onto the muddy verge, idiot.

From there it was along the muddy lanes to Pulverbatch, before the nice wind assisted downhill couple of miles to Stapleton. I had some lunch with dad and then the rabble arrived, for some nice family time.

I set back out just after 4pm and followed my default route back home through Gonsal, Condover, along Lyons Lane and just as I was approaching King St crossroads, I came upon the beautiful Buzzard again, just sat on top of the hedge and not bothered in the slightest by me cycling past. Seen it a few times there and it’s always so tame…….until you try to get a camera out!!

Final section through Betton Abbots was busy with traffic for a Sunday late afternoon, but all well behaved.

21.28 miles, at 11.6mph avg speed


Weather and motivation finally were in sync, so a ride was on this morning, as it was meant to be cold, but not icy.

It was indeed cold when I got out of the door at quarter past six, but not overly so, and as it had been overcast during the night, there was no frost.

The plan was to get about forty miles going round Welland way, so out through Kempsey, Kinnersley and then Upton. Not much to see, other than the eyes of a couple of foxes reflecting my headlight. I got to Welland in good time, considering my lack of miles as of late, and stopped for a short break.

The sky was now starting to turn sort of grey, and the birds were getting on with their morning singing as I went through the Common, heading for the Tewkesbury Rd. As I turned left onti the A438 I could now see the silhouette of the Cotswolds starting to insinuate in the dull dawn light. It was almost daylight by the time I reached Mythe Bridge, and stopped there again for a short break and the only photo of the day.

Got back on the move as I was cooling down quickly. The ride continued without incident through Tewkesbury and Bredon, where I turned for Eckington.

Half way to Eckington I tried to shift down on the rear, heard a clanck, then pedaling got harder, and pushing the shifter was doing nothing. After stopping I saw that the chain was in the smallest sprocket, and the cable was slack. I guess the cable broke inside the shifter, which I wasn't going to be able to fix in there, if nothing else because I don't carry a spare cable. Only option was to set the derailleur to an easier gear with the limit screw, and make do with front changing to get home. I had about 8 flatish miles left, and I managed to get home without having to call the rescue team.

Quite an enjoyable ride despite the mechanical, but I'm not sure the fixing of the mechanical will be as enjoyable, we'll see tomorrow.

The map


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The first of the Ride to the Sun reliability rides was today, as covered by Veloskin here - - with 148 at the start and about 15-20 extra joining in part-way round on a lumpier-than-expected ride. About £600 was raised for local charities with a £4 donation from each rider.

I did just over 60 miles on my commuter/winter Raleigh SP Race, nowhere near full pace as I'm still recovering from some sort of nasty virus I caught over the New Year:

Most were going hard, with son no. 2 riding with the front group at well over 20mph average until he'd had enough of some sketchy riding, then his RH gear cable went - - leaving him with about 30 miles on two gears. Note the suitably unimpressed-with-being -photographed teenager:


Having started steady, and kept going steady-ish, lots went past me for the first 25 miles of the ride. Then I started passing more and more as they stopped with mechanicals, slides on very greasy roads or just needing a breather having gone too hard at the start. There were many fairy visits and mechanicals, not what you'd expect on a 'reliability' ride, but I got round on a pair of the 23mm tyres I'm using up without issues.

Having done about 3/4 of the ride, with nowhere really to stop en route, I knew there was a café on the way back so stopped thinking I'd be the only one but came across a group just leaving (the 100% yellow jerseys in the photo) and, as I left, two other groups arrived. I'm somewhere in the photo below, about 2/3 back on the left - what 148 clean riders looks like:



Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
its bloody chilly out there today :cold: think i am getting soft ... but had no choice seems i was the only one available to call in and make sure my fav MIL was feed and watered. once there i had trouble opening the key safe as my fingers were like frozen sausages :laugh: still i think it did me a bit of good :whistle: 34 miles more or less straight there and back


Had some winter gloves due to arrive by 1 according to Amazon so decided to work until they arrived before going out for half an hour so. The sky got greyer and greyer and more boding. I cracked a bit after 2 and headed off with my old fingers got so cold I was fumbling with zips because I couldn't feel them. The gloves arrived ten minutes after I left :cold:. They feel a bit on the tight side in any case.
Had some winter gloves due to arrive by 1 according to Amazon so decided to work until they arrived before going out for half an hour so. The sky got greyer and greyer and more boding. I cracked a bit after 2 and headed off with my old fingers got so cold I was fumbling with zips because I couldn't feel them. The gloves arrived ten minutes after I left :cold:. They feel a bit on the tight side in any case.
awww that's a shame. also so much better trying on gloves in person. I too do not like them tight. much prefer loose over snug
its bloody chilly out there today :cold: think i am getting soft ... but had no choice seems i was the only one available to call in and make sure my fav MIL was feed and watered. once there i had trouble opening the key safe as my fingers were like frozen sausages :laugh: still i think it did me a bit of good :whistle: 34 miles more or less straight there and back
that's a noble ride! to quote former Russian neighbors: "you are Hero" interesting that your distance & elevation are in feet
First time back on the bike after breaking a rib or two (it only hurts when I laugh*). A few hours later and my ribs are really aching, so it must have done me good.*or cough, or sneeze** **that's the worst.
trip & fall at home?

reminds me of a time I was home-sick w/ back spasms. took a long time to get out of bed, just for a "pit-stop" & I sneezed. thought my head was going to explode from the sudden, sharp back pain

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Yesterday's ride: I had intended to get out on Sunday but a birthday celebration (not mine) meant I was slightly the worse for wear and didn't fancy it :shy:.

I did take the opportunity on Monday afternoon though and suitably wrapped up for the cold and misty weather I thought I'd do a route I haven't done for a while. To start with it was all pretty well trodden roads over the top of Lyth Hill, down to Exford's Green then through Plealey to Pontesbury. This was all fairly nice quiet riding. I stopped for a short while to chat with someone I know and saw more cyclists out than I'd have expected for a chilly weekday.

At Pontesbury I took the road up to Habberley then turned onto the nice quiet lane to Westcott. This is a good way to ride in the spring or summer when the scenery looks at its best but was still nice despite the weather. The serious climbing starts at Westcott and I'd forgotten quite how steep it is or how long it goes on for (or perhaps it just seems tougher in the winter?)

Having crested that climb I'd also forgotten there is a bit more to do on the main road to The Bridges before being able to enjoy a good bit of descending. Turning off towards Ratlinghope the climbing soon starts again with a short but sharp pull not long after the youth hostel, then a long but generally gentler climb to Darnford. I had this road completely to myself as far as Wild Moor Pool then only saw a couple of walkers on the way to High Park. The descent to Leebotwood was similarly devoid of vehicles. I really should have put on an extra layer before starting the descent as I got quite chilled by the time I got down to Leebotwood.

The A49 was quite busy so I had to wait a bit to get across it, but once again the lanes were quiet and with what little wind there was now behind me I got along fairly well to Longnor, Ryton and Condover. Having got chilled it took until Condover for my hands to warm up.:cold:

The direct route back seemed the most appealing this time and thankfully the A49 wasn't as busy by now. Sunset had been and gone without me seeing it and I got back as it started going dark.

30.3 miles at 11.3 mph average, which I'm fairly happy with given that it was quite a hilly one.


Crossing Lyth Hill. It's actually slightly less misty than it was in the morning.


The Mytton Arms at Habberley. A pub I haven't been in but it looks like one I'd like to try.


About to start climbing at Westcott. The photo makes it look a gentle slope - it wasn't!


At the top of the climb the countryside has a hardier, more weather-beaten feel to it than lower down.


The Shropshire Hills used to be dotted with mines and associated industrial buildings. There was the mill for a barite mine here at Cothercott.


More convivial surroundings further along the road: The Horseshoe at The Bridges.


I didn't stop for beer but carried on climbing towards Darnford.


Wildmoor Pool.


Also taken beside Wildmoor Pool.
Last edited:


Yesterday's ride: I had intended to get out on Sunday but a birthday celebration (not mine) meant I was slightly the worse for wear and didn't fancy it :shy:.

I did take the opportunity on Monday afternoon though and suitably wrapped up for the cold and misty weather I thought I'd do a route I haven't done for a while. To start with it was all pretty well trodden roads over the top of Lyth Hill, down to Exford's Green then through Plealey to Pontesbury. This was all fairly nice quiet riding. I stopped for a short while to chat with someone I know and saw more cyclists out than I'd have expected for a chilly weekday.

At Pontesbury I took the road up to Habberley then turned onto the nice quiet lane to Westcott. This is a good way to ride in the spring or summer when the scenery looks at its best but was still nice despite the weather. The serious climbing starts at Westcott and I'd forgotten quite how steep it is or how long it goes on for (or perhaps it just seems tougher in the winter?)

Having crested that climb I'd also forgotten there is a bit more to do on the main road to The Bridges before being able to enjoy a good bit of descending. Turning off towards Ratlinghope the climbing soon starts again with a short but sharp pull not long after the youth hostel, then a long but generally gentler climb to Darnford. I had this road completely to myself as far as Wild Moor Pool then only saw a couple of walkers on the way to High Park. The descent to Leebotwood was similarly devoid of vehicles. I really should have put on an extra layer before starting the descent as I got quite chilled by the time I got down to Leebotwood.

The A49 was quite busy so I had to wait a bit to get across it, but once again the lanes were quiet and with what little wind there was now behind me I got along fairly well to Longnor, Ryton and Condover. Having got chilled it took until Condover for my hands to warm up.:cold:

The direct route back seemed the most appealing this time and thankfully the A49 wasn't as busy by now. Sunset had been and gone without me seeing it and I got back as it started going dark.

30.3 miles at 11.3 mph average, which I'm fairly happy with given that it was quite a hilly one.

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Crossing Lyth Hill. It's actually slightly less misty than it was in the morning.

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The Mytton Arms at Habberley. A pub I haven't been in but it looks like one I'd like to try.

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About to start climbing at Westcott. The photo makes it look a gentle slope - it wasn't!

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At the top of the climb the countryside has a hardier, more weather-beaten feel to it than lower down.

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The Shropshire Hills used to be dotted with mines and associated industrial buildings. There was the mill for a barite mine here at Cothercott.

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More convivial surroundings further along the road: The Horseshoe at The Bridges.

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I didn't stop for beer but carried on climbing towards Darnford.

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Wildmoor Pool.

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Also taken beside Wildmoor Pool.
You covered a fair bit of ground today
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