Zwift Chat

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** Full Time Pro **
Photo Winner
I find ZP times are consistently higher than Zwift times on these events (mine are below)

1 Z 01:13:22 ZP 01:14:18
2 Z 01:45:52 ZP 01:46:53
3 Z 00:57:42 ZP 00:58:21
4 Z 00:46:09 ZP 00:46:50
Yes Alex, the Zwiftpower timer starts counting as soon the event starts, whereas the Zwift timer only starts when you cross the start line. So for these big events you can be pedalling for a good 40 seconds in the pens before reaching the start line. The later you join the pen and the bigger the number of other riders the further back you find yourself in the pen. It’s a bit of a pain and confusing but it seemed Zwiftpower was the most consistent place for getting the times for our league.

PS worth signing up to the cyclechat Zwiftpower team


@Norry1 what are your race targets for this season? Don’t suppose you’ll be at Thruxton in June??


** Full Time Pro **
Photo Winner
Times so far for stage 4. One more day before we’re off to Richmond.



Yes Alex, the Zwiftpower timer starts counting as soon the event starts, whereas the Zwift timer only starts when you cross the start line. So for these big events you can be pedalling for a good 40 seconds in the pens before reaching the start line. The later you join the pen and the bigger the number of other riders the further back you find yourself in the pen. It’s a bit of a pain and confusing but it seemed Zwiftpower was the most consistent place for getting the times for our league.

PS worth signing up to the cyclechat Zwiftpower team
That's all fine. So in actual fact if you arrive early in the pens it might save a couple of seconds because you don't have to go quite as far? I normally rock up about 5 minutes before the start.

I've now signed up to the team. :okay:


The “join event” prompt appears 30 minutes before the start of any event @alex_cycles and once you enter the pen your place is reserved so you can leave then return to the same spot.

When racing ZRL I always have Zwift running on my phone indoors and join as soon as the prompt appears. Then quit Zwift, get kitted up and head to the garage for a warmup. When joining the pen from AppleTV in the garage I’m in exactly the same spot as when first joining in the house 👍


The “join event” prompt appears 30 minutes before the start of any event @alex_cycles and once you enter the pen your place is reserved so you can leave then return to the same spot.

When racing ZRL I always have Zwift running on my phone indoors and join as soon as the prompt appears. Then quit Zwift, get kitted up and head to the garage for a warmup. When joining the pen from AppleTV in the garage I’m in exactly the same spot as when first joining in the house 👍

That's far too organised, I'm usually still trying to find a shoe with 5 minutes to go, the I recall the water bottle is still in the kitchen with 60 seconds.....


With talk of blogs on the previous page I have just finished my boring blog for week 3 of my training that includes a meltdown and a nice bacon butty:

The photos of me are terrible. Feel free to mock.
I can empathise with the weight thing. They say cyclists can obsess about weight and I'm starting to understand that.
From March to 2nd week of December my weight reduced slowly but steadily and I was very happy about it. Recently it's been more of a battle and I've lost a bit of ground. It's hard not to let your mood be affected by it if it matters to you.
I have to keep telling myself that seasonal swings do happen and it's not really a large amount. The more upset I get about it, the more likely I'll hit the chocolate or the wine, so that makes it worse. I just try to keep activity levels high which helps both the body and mind.
Hang in there :okay:




** Full Time Pro **
Photo Winner
With talk of blogs on the previous page I have just finished my boring blog for week 3 of my training that includes a meltdown and a nice bacon butty:

The photos of me are terrible. Feel free to mock.
Great read Joffey- good on you for keeping going after the set back of a bad workout. I've had that before and it really messed up my plans and I ended up more or less giving up the training plan as I was so down on what I thought I could / should've been able to do. Sorry to hear about that cyclist. I've hardly been out on the road since October and I definitely feel more vulnerable out there than I once did.

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
With talk of blogs on the previous page I have just finished my boring blog for week 3 of my training that includes a meltdown and a nice bacon butty:

The photos of me are terrible. Feel free to mock.
Like you say: The goal was to find the limits and now you know where they are. Kind of like I did with the knee, but without my stupidity. Be happy that you're still going and don't have to sit on your arse doing hardly anything for the past 3 weeks.
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