Any company you refuse to use?

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Legendary Member
The Cronk
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Legendary Member
Scottish Power, but unfortunately I’m stuck with them until the end of my contract. They have been utterly useless barstewards since I made the mistake of going for a Smart Meter installation with them. 4 months the saga has gone on for and their customer service is shocking.


Legendary Member
London, UK
.edit: stuff deleted, screen too small.

I'm sorry..........what? Seriously, are you asking me if I pay my taxes? Have you thought this through?

Mmh this is gonna get dicey. Perhaps the Google lawyers are saying the same thing that they have paid the taxes that they are supposed to according to the rules - why would they, or anyone - want to pay more?
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Legendary Member
Google lawyers are saying the same thing that they have paid the taxes that they are supposed to according to the rules - why would they, or anyone - want to pay more?

Agreed...I've never understood the ire directed at Google, Amazon et al for taxes. The issue lies with the UK Government for not closing the loopholes which allow these companies to minimise their tax liability.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)

Yep, you pay for it, they own it.


Legendary Member
Well, yes, but my objection is more mundane. A phone, computer, is just a tool. I resent paying double or more something just because it's trendy. If I started down that route I'd have to work into my 60s to pay for it all. No thanks.


Never used Über Member
Tescos, because without fail the shopping experience is appalling, and then there is the question of alleged lack of morals and ruthlessly unfair anti competition fun & games they supposedly employ.

Agreed - we spent a considerable amount of money with their Direct arm about 6 years ago and they took that as an opportunity to royally dick us about. It was genuinely like they were looking for ways to deliver ever worsening service. The in store experience is also shockingly bad.

Asda - even worse than Tesco. We used to get our shopping delivered and three weeks on the bounce they messed things up and each time they made a bigger hash of sorting it. The final time they "forgot" several key items - bread, milk, cheese - although they didn't forget to charge for them. Promised to send someone out with them, who never arrived, then denied ever speaking to us. Took a week to sort the refund out and no apologies at all.
Had the misfortune to nip into a branch the other week to find huge TV screens above the self service tills emblazoned with 'DO NOT STEAL' showing you scanning your shopping in full close up HD. Hateful place. I won't be back.

I avoid ALL Virgin branded products or services. Put up with such an awful Virgin Media "experience" for year after year thanks to "loyalty" discounts each time I tried to leave but in the end you just realise life is too short to be constantly feeding so called engineers a diet of coffee and biscuits, that you just don't want to have anything to do with them any more.

They are another company who will never get a penny out of us for their simple inability to install their own phone line, and the saga that went on for months trying to sort it.

Yorkshire Bank - despite years of being a loyal customer they used a short period of extreme financial stress to abuse their position on the slimmest of technicalities and then added insult to injury in the way they dealt with the complaint.


Leg End Member
Agreed - we spent a considerable amount of money with their Direct arm about 6 years ago and they took that as an opportunity to royally dick us about. It was genuinely like they were looking for ways to deliver ever worsening service. The in store experience is also shockingly bad.

Asda - even worse than Tesco. We used to get our shopping delivered and three weeks on the bounce they messed things up and each time they made a bigger hash of sorting it. The final time they "forgot" several key items - bread, milk, cheese - although they didn't forget to charge for them. Promised to send someone out with them, who never arrived, then denied ever speaking to us. Took a week to sort the refund out and no apologies at all.
Had the misfortune to nip into a branch the other week to find huge TV screens above the self service tills emblazoned with 'DO NOT STEAL' showing you scanning your shopping in full close up HD. Hateful place. I won't be back.

They are another company who will never get a penny out of us for their simple inability to install their own phone line, and the saga that went on for months trying to sort it.

Yorkshire Bank - despite years of being a loyal customer they used a short period of extreme financial stress to abuse their position on the slimmest of technicalities and then added insult to injury in the way they dealt with the complaint.

Which branch?
I don't like to use PBK after I found out they only try to cancel and don't actually cancel an order when you try to. I ordered something years ago but realised I did it on my Mum's card instead of mine, so I cancelled (or so I thought), re ordered and emailed them instantly as per their recommendation. They responded to it saying they'd try to cancel it but processed the error order anyway. When I contacted them they denied even responding to the email. :-/
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