Asian drivers worse?

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After reading all this I remember why I moved to France. The only problems I have around here are from people who are evidently 90 plus and partially blind...oh and every French persons inability to use roundabouts.


Legendary Member
If you'd spent as much time as I have in Pakistan you'd know that people drive to close tolerances and without much regard to the rules.... in fact as I type this I remember that the only time I've really experienced terror on the road was in a bicycle rickshaw in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
@Milzy yours is not a unique feeling.
Many years ago a car driver I knew (like me he was not from the UK, so vented his feelings in a political incorrect manner) used to say about other drivers:
(insert Cypriot swearword here) Pakistani driver :ninja: for Pakistani he meant general Asian appearance
(insert Cypriot swearword here) Woman driver :cursing:
(insert Cypriot swearword here) Taxi driver :boxing:
I was in fear that one day an Asian taxi driver lady would pull out in front of him and he would have a fit!
BTW, he was not racist: he also used to say, too many foreigners in this country, they should chuck them all out, me (himself) included :laugh:

As a cyclist, I find most dangerous manouvres are by taxi drivers. Got close passed by taxis even at 6am on a Sunday morning, streets deserted :rolleyes:


pre-talced and mighty
strange to say I've not been cut up by any Asian drivers in the last fifty years. Funny thing, statistics.......

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
The problem with white drivers is ... you can't ask them if they learned to drive in bloody India!!!
Ha! Have you considered they could be of Italian origins? :laugh:
Could it just be that these forrin looking drivers can't anticipate a bad cyclist? I mean a local real Brit will know to allow for poor cycling (but obviously don't!). I see far more bad cycling than driving, pro rata.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I tend to categorise my cycling incidents by car colour and make. I'm now firmly prejudiced against black cars, especially when they've got tinted windows. The experience is pointing to a firm dislike/distrust of black cars and Audi and Golf drivers. A black Golf with tinted windows is the very, very worst. I'm generalising, of course - it might be the same guy with a concession for black Golfs with tinted windows trying to kill me.


I live north of Bradford yet have no idea what it's like in relatively local Wakefield where the OP is. But, I don't cycle in central or certain Bradford areas, the Pakistani young drivers are nuts. Stats do show that it is one (if not THE) UK hotspot for uninsured cars (an area 90%+ Pakistani), in fact, the Asian areas in Bradford provide 5 of the UK's top 20 post codes for uninsured cars! It took me till a few weeks ago to realise why they regularly drive on the wrong side of the's like wacky races in BD3.



I tend to categorise my cycling incidents by car colour and make. I'm now firmly prejudiced against black cars, especially when they've got tinted windows. The experience is pointing to a firm dislike/distrust of black cars and Audi and Golf drivers. A black Golf with tinted windows is the very, very worst. I'm generalising, of course - it might be the same guy with a concession for black Golfs with tinted windows trying to kill me.

No I agree. People with tinted windows don't have them tinted to keep the car cool from the sun. They want to be shady inside their cars & don't want to look out anymore than they want people looking in at them.


I live north of Bradford yet have no idea what it's like in relatively local Wakefield where the OP is. But, I don't cycle in central or certain Bradford areas, the Pakistani young drivers are nuts. Stats do show that it is one (if not THE) UK hotspot for uninsured cars (an area 90%+ Pakistani), in fact, the Asian areas in Bradford provide 5 of the UK's top 20 post codes for uninsured cars! It took me till a few weeks ago to realise why they regularly drive on the wrong side of the's like wacky races in BD3.


Seeing is believing, I rest my case.
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