Attacks on Brussels

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Legendary Member
What special measures are those?

That is way beyond my pay packet. But if it has been done in the past I am sure it could be done again. Maybe you think it is best to do nothing and just sit and watch them. Other people would like to exterminate all ISIS supporters. My choice would be something inbetween.


Tell us what you would do @User ..instead of asking what others would do..
enlighten the argument..


Failed Tech Bro
That is way beyond my pay packet. But if it has been done in the past I am sure it could be done again. Maybe you think it is best to do nothing and just sit and watch them. Other people would like to exterminate all ISIS supporters. My choice would be something inbetween.
But you brought up "special measures", so you must know what it means. Don't hide behind euphemisms.


[QUOTE 4205134, member: 45"]I have, and don't appear to have come to the same prediction as you. Which is why I'm asking.....[/QUOTE]

you did, but i thought you would side step..its the SCP way


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Just to reiterate something I saw on Twitter. (Speaking of the aftermath).

"Much depends on there being a difference between Islam and Islamism, wherever it doesn't exist, we must create it."

I think that's pretty accurate. The two are often conflated (and that's not necessarily a hugely difficult thing to do - meaning it is relatively easy to arrive at such conclusions), but the difference is that one is a religion (all encompassing all kinds of people), and the other is the desire to impose Islam over society. In the case of ISIS, their Islamist objective also follows an ideological path - away from the political side of things. The ideology of Salafism/Wahabism (sp?), Saudi Arabia is also a Wahabi state.

ISIS' are using militant jihadism to execute that objective. The Muslim Brotherhood, as I understand it - used democracy to make the change they sought... To give a juxtaposing method.

In fact, one of their stated goals is the fulfillment of prophesy, as I understand it, that the Sunni Islamic armies will engage with the armies of the West in a final battle... (The place name escapes me, I think it began with a 'D')

Pretty scary stuff when you think of it. The terrorism seeks only to goad the West into further military intervention (which some might say is inevitable - I'm on the fence) thereby fulfilling said prophesy.

You can't bomb the ideology out of existence... Just as Nazism still exists today (and we bombed the sh*t out of Hitler!) - it is, however, wildly unpopular - the same thing must happen with the Islamist ideology (whether by natural progression out of theocracy in countries in which theocratic, authoritarianism rules), or by Western intervention. Though I think a true eradication, or de-popularisation of Islamism must come from within the faith and the region - lest it be seen as Western imperialism.

Actually Islam is incredibly varied, there are some groups that other groups would consider it their duty to destroy. Indeed, Muslims have been the main victims of the militant, whatever they choose to call themselves.


I think what she is trying to say is that being out of the EU gives us back control of our borders, and who enters the country, and without the EU human rights laws which have undermined security in the past. Obviously radicalisation is at the core of these atrocities, but that is a bigger challenge.

How would this help? The London bombers were born and raised in the UK, same in France and likely those involved in Belgium have lived their entire lives in Belgium. These are the sort of people that the vast majority of refugees trying to get into Europe are fleeing from.

One issue in Belgium seems to be the fractured nature of the various law enforcement agencies there, such that intelligence sharing is compromised. I'd have thought that more cooperation between such organizations both locally and across Europe is needed. Withdrawing from the EU could potentially cut off UK access to European intelligence.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
How would this help? The London bombers were born and raised in the UK, same in France and likely those involved in Belgium have lived their entire lives in Belgium. These are the sort of people that the vast majority of refugees trying to get into Europe are fleeing from.

One issue in Belgium seems to be the fractured nature of the various law enforcement agencies there, such that intelligence sharing is compromised. I'd have thought that more cooperation between such organizations both locally and across Europe is needed. Withdrawing from the EU could potentially cut off UK access to European intelligence.

Sounds like Belgium is a bit like the EU in miniature, multiple languages and fractured organisations with a bureaucracy trying to do its own thing. Would make sense to leave the EU on that basis.
One issue in Belgium seems to be the fractured nature of the various law enforcement agencies there, such that intelligence sharing is compromised. I'd have thought that more cooperation between such organizations both locally and across Europe is needed. Withdrawing from the EU could potentially cut off UK access to European intelligence.
In a similar vein, most experts consider the UK well ahead of much of Europe in community relations and co-operation between agencies, whereas, it's said, Belgium police have virtually no community relations in Molenbeek and are struggling with intelligence over the recent attacks.

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Or make it work better?
I'd love to think that was possible but I don't, which is why my vote is for a Brexit.

This place is getting more like SCP every day, isn't it? :rolleyes:


Here for rides.
Sounds like Belgium is a bit like the EU in miniature, multiple languages and fractured organisations with a bureaucracy trying to do its own thing. Would make sense to leave the EU on that basis.
Sounds like the UK is like Belgium which is a bit like the EU in miniature, multiple languages and fractured organisations with a bureaucracy trying to do its own thing. Would make sense to disband the UK on that basis?


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 4206022, member: 45"]Why do you think that nobody is doing anything?[/QUOTE]

I am sure someone must be doing something but at all the Pro ISIS demonstrations the same faces turn up again and again. The same supporters are being interviewed on the TV.

It seems if I shout and swear by myself on the street. I can be arrested. But it also appears that these ISIS supporters can unful the black flag and show their support for ISIS with impunity.

There are people who believe that this is freedom of speech and they should have it. I disagree. I believe in freedom of speech, but not when it potentially threatens other people. If that is the aim then the freedom of speech should be removed.

Bollo...I would not object to a Gitmo on European soil. But not on the fishing expedition theme that the Americans did it. Just look at the news and youtube and you see the same faces turning up supporting ISIS on the TV and rallies all over Europe.

There is whisperings that an internment camp already being built.


Openly Marxist
I am sure someone must be doing something but at all the Pro ISIS demonstrations the same faces turn up again and again. The same supporters are being interviewed on the TV.

It seems if I shout and swear by myself on the street. I can be arrested. But it also appears that these ISIS supporters can unful the black flag and show their support for ISIS with impunity.

There are people who believe that this is freedom of speech and they should have it. I disagree. I believe in freedom of speech, but not when it potentially threatens other people. If that is the aim then the freedom of speech should be removed.

Bollo...I would not object to a Gitmo on European soil. But not on the fishing expedition theme that the Americans did it. Just look at the news and youtube and you see the same faces turning up supporting ISIS on the TV and rallies all over Europe.

There is whisperings that an internment camp already being built.

Thankfully, there's been some good news on that front.
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