Bad manners

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Well-Known Member
Is it me, or are some folk just downright rude?

Poodling around the quiet Fen lanes, some cyclists WILL insist on riding up silently behind me and then overtaking at speed, disappearing into the distance without a word.

Personally I think this is rude. A simple 'Hi there' or 'Hello' would be nice. They may be riding expensive bikes and be uber fit, but a little common curtesy and friendliness would brighten my day.

Just saying :-(
i wouldnt overtake anyone at speed like that (because im slow) without making my presence known , from a safety point of view if nothing else.


Sounds like a case of egotism. They are actually saying something and it's, Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Is it me, or are some folk just downright rude?

Poodling around the quiet Fen lanes, some cyclists WILL insist on riding up silently behind me and then overtaking at speed, disappearing into the distance without a word.

Personally I think this is rude. A simple 'Hi there' or 'Hello' would be nice. They may be riding expensive bikes and be uber fit, but a little common curtesy and friendliness would brighten my day.

Just saying :-(

If every pedestrian greeted you as they walk past you'd soon complain.

Other cyclists are strangers and not kindred spirits or friends. Expect nothing and bathe in the warm feeling gained from the rare unexpected pleasantry.

There's no egotism or elitism involved in the silence. It's just folk minding their own business.


The Glue that binds us together.
Should keep account of how many times this comes up, but i can't be bothered.:whistle:
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