Bagpuss Had It Right

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Mr Celine

... Arabs? 😀

Now I'm really confused. What have Dundee United got to do with this thread?
Wording and how we perceive them is different to everyone, at work we had a talk not so long ago about Inclusion/Language and it turned out the phrase "Scrum Master"* can be perceived as offensive due to the it's association with slavery, and some colleagues from India also said they found the term offensive due their countries colonial history with the UK.

Another site (Github) stopped using the terms Master/Slave, and Google now lists "blocklist" and "allowlist" instead of
"terms such as 'blacklist' and 'whitelist' [which] reinforce the notion that black=bad and white=good."

I think laguague is constantly evolving and though I wouldn't pretend to be a liguistics expert, I'm certainly casually interested it it.

*Scrum Master is a role in IT Development
League table post and comment about Welsh Wordle. OP is Welsh.
someone linked it above I think

Do you know this for sure? (I only know what I read in this thread)

I won't link to it again (fanning the flames etc), but I thgouth the Wordle joke was the funniest thing in 100 pages on that thread. Have plenty of welsh friends, love the Welsh language, don't see any offence intended there, nor harm. :cheers:


Legendary Member
both posts the welsh wordle joke and reference to protestant scottish football teams as huns have been removed from the thread.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Have plenty of welsh friends, love the Welsh language, don't see any offence intended there, nor harm. :cheers:
:rolleyes: Now substitute whatever race you like for "Welsh" and consider if you'd still say that these days, or if it sounds like a 70s throwback!


Legendary Member
Do you know this for sure? (I only know what I read in this thread)

I won't link to it again (fanning the flames etc), but I thgouth the Wordle joke was the funniest thing in 100 pages on that thread. Have plenty of welsh friends, love the Welsh language, don't see any offence intended there, nor harm. :cheers:

How would I know for sure, the OP neglected to actually say!
:rolleyes: Now substitute whatever race you like for "Welsh" and consider if you'd still say that these days, or if it sounds like a 70s throwback!


Plenty of jokes around about the differences between languages. They're not always denigrating.
Plenty of jokes about how crap Brits are at foreign languages - they ARE denigrating, but there's truth there, so again, pfft! And :rolleyes: back at ya.
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