Best Star Trek characters

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Also, today we have fire-and-forget weapons that can engage targets that are out of sight, yet in the 24th century they’ve gone back to close-quarter dog-fighting.

And despite space being 3D, spacecraft always move and meet in the same plane and in the same orientation.
"He's intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking."


That's the only time I can think of where the third axis was used tactically in combat. Even then it kept its orientation and slid "downwards".
Crossover alert:

For someone who’s not a big fan, I’ve watched an awful lot of Star Trek.

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Not sure I have a favourite… Quark from DS9 would be on my list of those who are fun to watch, which makes sense, as he was cast as comic relief. I also liked Michael on Discovery, though lost interest in the series after a while.

Who do you like?
Is a skin tight onesie compulsory uniform for all crew members?
Just trying not to think about Kirk ( of TJHooker era) so dressed.
Pass the mind bleach please.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
The best characters are probably Spock & Picard although I quite liked Dr Phlox from Enterprise with the running gag about manually feeding his 'pets' and almost losing a finger.

BTW, any 'class M' planet in ST TNG or Voyager always looks like a nice sunny day in California:okay:.

In Blakes 7 & Dr Who, planets across the galaxy:

1. Resemble a slate or chalk quarry.
2. A dull & overcast wet autumnal day in the English countryside (although in season 3, they went up to Alnwick).

I'd never take a shuttle craft in Voyager, always crashing them:blush:
He's very versatile. I don't recognise him at all.

Even on a clip I watched of that episode there was only a fleeting glimpse of "oh yeah it is him" for a couple of frames - all in the eyes.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
I know they don't discuss it with outsiders, but the Klingons have had some rapid evolutionary developments if you compare those from TOS to the TNG/DS9 era and then the new ones in Discovery.

The difference is 'explained' in an episode of Enterprise.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Others to think about?

1. Garak?
Does anyone else remember him as the psychopathic Scorpio. in Dirty Harry??
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2. Martok
Chancellorship thrust upon him, when Worf killed Gowron

Episodes, as I'm mentioning DS9 charactors
In The Pale Moonlight (Sisko trying to influence the Romulans to join the war against the Dominion)
Far Beyond The Stars (most of the cast without prosthetics/make-up, producing a sci-fi magazine, in 1950s America)

Agreed, a wonderful role model for women, not matter what race/creed/colour
And on record, as considering leaving, until Martin Luther King spoke to her:notworthy:

Likewise Whoopi Goldberg is on record, as stating as seeing Nichell Nicols, as Uhura was a pivotal point her life, seeing her in the role
She is meant to shouted to her mother
"Mom, there's a black lady on TV. & she's not a maid!!"
She had the Guinan role at the same time as films like Sister Act

Yes, Jadzia suited that uniform
And as for Julians thoughts that he was lusting after his great-grandmother:laugh:

In an interview, Andrew Robinson said that even to this day, people he meets quote that Dirty Harry line to him. Also, when Whoopi Goldberg was given a tour of the ST TNG sets, one of the first people she met was...Nichelle who was making one of the ST movies at the time.
In an interview, Andrew Robinson said that even to this day, people he meets quote that Dirty Harry line to him. Also, when Whoopi Goldberg was given a tour of the ST TNG sets, one of the first people she met was...Nichelle who was making one of the ST movies at the time.

Or would some ask Andrew Robinson, nowadays, if he was just a simple tailor?


Far East Sussex
I know they don't discuss it with outsiders, but the Klingons have had some rapid evolutionary developments if you compare those from TOS to the TNG/DS9 era and then the new ones in Discovery.

I either never saw or don't remember that episode – thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Jadzia Dax puckering up for her fan club

Is a skin tight onesie compulsory uniform for all crew members?

Just the ones who please Nielsen.

Just trying not to think about Kirk ( of TJHooker era) so dressed. Pass the mind bleach please.


Star Trek videos are so moreish.



Bringing this up to date:whistle:

Over the past few months, we've had cause to go to York a few times
Whilst wandering around, I found this shop on StoneGate...........

During browsings in the shop, I noticed certain items, Aragorns sword (Anduril) amongst others
And, something else, but even though I'd pointed it out, I'd not have bought it for myself, as I'd be in the bad-books!!

However, Amelia (daughter) took wife today (Joanne) as it's her birthday this week, for afternoon tea at 'Bettys'

On their arrival home, they came into the house with a big box:wacko:
(my birthday next week)

Sorry for the lighting, but with the flash, it reflects too much!!


Now, where I can (safely!) put it is another matter!!!
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