Bin Men - stupid? or following process?

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I think you mean SBIDSY and I wasn't driving the wife was. If I'd have been driving I would have driven past the bin and swung in just past next doors drive so the vehicles behind wouldn't have been inconvenienced. I then would have moved the bin and then reversed back into my drive. My wife is a women so I know her attention to obstacles she's not expecting is poor, her reactions are poor, her evasive action non existent and I was surprised she didn't just plough into the bin so I'm thankful for that. I love her though but women never expect the unexpected when driving it seems to me. Next.


...or Mayor of Salford?
Hey Moss. I used to play tennis with the Mayor, he lives around the corner. A few years ago he could have sorted this out for me - he got the local courts where we played re-surfaced by the council and he got one of the lads on the tennis team a top council house. Mind you, he was a Labour councillor.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Err, one out of 4 - I am neither positive or negative about myself, we have 2 cars, we have a driveway and you are correct about the busy road. Meet the wife, who I attracted 23 years ago (or is it the decide). She's 40 in this picture but 23 years ago she was a stunner.:girl:
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It could have just been pillow talk but she told me you were useless between the sheets.
Almost, but not quite

I imagine he aspires to Hollins Green


Played a lot of footy down there on Lord Street. There was always a bit of an edge in games between Eccles teams and Irlam/Cadishead teams. The Irlam refs were cheating buggers and I'm sure they thought same about Eccles refs. Had some good games against Tiger Moth, Catholic Club and Hollins back in the day.


What’s the point
I don't quite understand your interest in my road and vehicle and speed limit when the issue is a bin man causing an obstruction not just to my drive - which could quite easily have caused an accident, and also to pedestrians who might be coming by. As it's been left there from 7am until 6pm, it's been an obstruction for 11 hours. Imagine if I lived in London....people are not so patient there and there could have been a bad accident or perhaps an altercation because people were held up by my car. I am in the process of composing a letter of complaint to the local authority....I'm only sending it in English though !

most streets in London don't have driveways , certainly over here in Leytonstone its 90% terraces. Bin men leave the bins just outside the gate we have to leave the bins out from 6am on the day of collection which menas leaving them out overnight. thats 3 bins one for recycling (always full) one for green compostable waste and one for non recyclable or non compostable waste.

you really ought to get out more if thats all you really have to complain about.
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