Bowie gone now

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jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Strange how death causes a change in attitude to a person.

I've just read the first page of Any Bowie fans out there? thread in which Bowie is called a 'nobber' and 'a pretentious twat'.

One of those posters is now on this thread calling for compassion, and presumably wouldn't now label Bowie as a pretentious twat, purely because he's died.

I'm not criticising @User13710 particularly, I'm sure a lot of us do it.

I had a particularly unpleasant senior manager who died from cancer in his mid-30s.

Plenty of people who disliked him as much as I did changed their tune bigstyle after his death.

I couldn't bring myself to be so dishonest, so I ducked it by keeping quiet - mostly.
Its understandable but keep in mind you don't have to like a person to feel sympathy for their passing.

I do, personally find this very shocking but as it seems that the man lived his life in an odd mix of glaring, strutting stardom and graceful modesty, I hope that the press and the nation respect his families privacy, in the same way that he did, during this time of greif.

His family, who are not famous, and chose a different life, owe the nation nothing and shouldn't feel pressure to open up their lives to satisfy the press desire to be first in line.

A national icon, a cultural phenomenon, a talent, a bloke...and for me as it turns out...a neighbour. May his on for many years.


Legendary Member
Was only just listening to his new single over the weekend which sounded pretty good. So I was shocked to learn today that it will be his last - though we do have the Darkstar album to look forward to.


Strange how death causes a change in attitude to a person...

I wasn't a massive fan, but sometimes you take people for granted and don't miss em till they're gone. I'll most likely be one of the bandwagon jumpers that contributes to his post-death album sales. Also when all the fixtures from your childhood or whatever start dropping off it does remind you time moves on and you'll not be around forever yourself. You're right ofc but I don't see it as hypocrisy, just it's natural to re-evaluate someones life once they're gone.


Rural Kent
Someone has to....

Mr G and I used to go to a bizarre little Trattoria in Folkestone in the first 2 years of our marriage (1983-4). They had one of those tape loops and for some unknown reason "Laughing Gnome" was one of the tracks. I think it's because old Luciano really had no idea what he was playing over his PA! But it means that I might be the only person in the world for whom that song is a reminder of delirious happiness and excellent cake.

(I've noticed he's still there but I'm hesitant to go back... you can't relive your past! And I bet he plays Beyonce now.)

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
I almost wore Hunky Dory out when it was released back in the early 70s. I've still got it but no record player!
Bewlay Brothers was my fave then. Still a great song

I was born the year that was released! He's always been one of my favourite artists ....he truly was a legend [a hideously overused word but he really deserved it].


Legendary Member
I was dreadfully sad to hear the news this morning. He made some of my favourite songs ever:-

Life of Mars
Ashes to Ashes
The Man Who Sold The World

The list goes on.

I'm not ashamed to say that Starman brought a tear to my eye whilst driving to work this morning. Seemed very apt to hear those words
Am I a Bowie fan?

Not per se as I did not like much of his later stuff

However did he have an effect on me... yes

I loved Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, and Diamond Dogs ... they were brilliant and had a long lasting effect on me and my musical tastes

I don't know whether this is tasteful or not, but the first track that came to mind was the lyrics:

To me (your opinion may differ) Diamond Dogs was a pivotal album in my life

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