Do you have any phobia's..

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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
I've never really had a phobia, but I'm working on acquiring one. Claustrophobia has never been an issue until a couple of experiences in the last few years. When we visit a town that we are not familiar with, my wife usually heads straight for the shops, while I would rather do a bit of tourism. And so it is that I have twice found myself climbing up tight little spiral staircases in church towers to try to get some decent aerial photos.

Now anyone who knows me will vouch for the fact that I am just about the same size as Jonah Lomu. When climbing tight little spiral staircases in towers like the ones in the middle of Oxford and Ludlow, this is a bit of an issue. The other week I went up the one in Ludlow, and had the door locked behind me with a loud clunk by an old lady from the church gift shop who had already forgotten about me once while I was waiting to go up!. This was the way in (I am 6 foot 6, and the door is about 5 foot 6!!):
1 The church tower, Ludlow.JPG

It immediately became clear that my shoulders touched both walls at the same time, which was a little unnerving. I started to climb and found that the steep stone steps were little narrow slivers that my size 14 plates of meat just wouldn't fit on .... so I had to splay my right foot out to get any purchase. This was sort of OK for about 50 steps or so, but then the unnatural position made me start to cramp up. The thought did occur to me that, if I actually got into trouble, any rescue would probably involve having to be roped up to the top and evacuated by helicopter! I eventually made it to the top, scraping both walls all the way, with only a rough rope down the middle to hang on to, and had to scramble out of a shoddy wooden hatch to get out onto the roof . This then required virtually having to jump back in through the hatch and hoping to be able to land on one of the tiny steps without plunging down into the void. No grab handles or guard rails. I counted the steps on the way down .... 195 of the buggers! Let me out! My shoulders were touching both walls again all the way down, and there was barely room on each step for my heels . Then I had to fumble with the lock to let myself out at the bottom. Phew! Made it. Had actually come out in a sweat from the tension of it. (Just about worth it for the views, though):
2 Ludlow from the Tower.JPG

Had a similar experience in the middle of Oxford a couple of years ago, with the added problem of having to bend double at several points to find enough head clearance! I am pretty sure that in both instances I was the absolute biggest person who could possibly have squeezed their way in and climbed to the top. Nobody with bigger feet than size 14 and who is taller than me should ever attempt this!
This one was from the top of the tower in Oxford (featuring Mrs Donger sat under the tree down below):
June 2014 part 1.5 076.jpg

Again, the effort and the unnervingly cramped conditions were just about worth it for the views, but I'm starting to question the wisdom. One of these days I could just crack. If you don't believe me, just try it. (Wondering whether @gavgav or @Rickshaw Phil might have been up the one in Ludlow?)
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Resting in suspended Animation
When I was younger I didn't leave the house for a year pretty much and developed agoraphobia. It took about another 18 months to work on that through exposure therapy. It doesn't go away, there is a certain residual amount.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Reservoir overflows. I had nightmares about them when I was a tiny kid, and, every once in a blue moon, I still do. I always wake up just as I'm sucked in.


I cycled past that overflow once. I heard it from the other side of the wall and stopped to find out what was causing the noise. I stared at it in fascination!

The thing that worried me was that a couple of men were paddling about in canoes a bit too close to it ... :eek:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I cycled past that overflow once. I heard it from the other side of the wall and stopped to find out what was causing the noise. I stared at it in fascination!

The thing that worried me was that a couple of men were paddling about in canoes a bit too close to it ... :eek:
In the nightmare, I'm either swimming a bit too close or in a small boat too near....then it starts sucking me closer....


Legendary Member
I think my biggest phobia has been having blood drawn (don't mind heights, enclosed spaces -apparently one of the few people who find MRI chambers relaxing -creepy crawlies, spiders, snakes, birds, moths etc), though having had it done so often has helped considerably, though I'll still always look away. Apparently I'm a hard stick, and one time I made the mistake of not drinking as much water, and ended up being sticked 5-6 times -I ended just saying could we give up and I'd be in the next day.......the motto is always drink water before a blood draw.....

Funny thing about phobias is that I consider myself a fairly logical and sensible person, yet somehow I ended up with it -and until I got somewhat desensitized I couldn't seem to control it. It's amazing that I can't consciously make myself feel queasy but can subconsciously if I see my blood being drawn, even if I know logically it doesn't do any harm. Also, I don't have the same issue about receiving injections, had some interesting spinal tap experiences without issue and I can watch pretty gory surgery on tv without issue. Just weird how the mind works!.
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I have idly thought of getting help to overcome the fear because I quite like the activities that sometimes require me to be a bit better. I can just about go up three floors on a ladder, but I'm sweating with fear. BTW, The builder who encouraged me told me to keep my hands on the uprights, not the rungs. That way, you always have two hands on the ladder.
The problem with hanging on to the styles instead of the rungs is, you are far more likely to slide to the bottom if your feet slip. 3 points of contact is all you need at any one time.
Snakes. As a boy whilst out hunting with my dad and some friends, I almost stood on an adder. I froze and could only stare as it was shaped up to sink it's teeth into me. Just as it was about to strike, I heard a huge bang and the snake exploded. My dad's pal shot it at almost point blank range with a shotgun . No one batted an eye but I was devastated, and have been scared of them ever since.
I'm sorry to read that. Misguided, dangerous (to you), and illegal.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
Spiders. :eek::ph34r: The really tiny ones I don't mind too much, or the daddy long legs. But most of them just give me the heebie-jeebies.


Odontophobia - fear of the dentist.
Not just a little bit scared in that I don't like going, but full on cold sweats and panics at the thought of it. To the point where I would avoid even walking past a dentist office if at all possible. I don't like the mention of teeth either.
I'm better now than I used to be, I can take the children to the dentist and will go when I need to rather than waiting until I'm overdosing on pain killers to deal with an absess, but it's still a major ordeal.
I'm claustrophobic too. You won't get me in a small space for love nor money. I used to lug the children, pram and shopping up and down stairs rather than use the lift in the shopping centre.
I also have a fear of water, which stems from being chucked in the pool by my swimming teacher when I couldn't swim a stroke. I can swim and will go to the pool sometimes, but I get very very nervous around water, especially with the children and don't like them out on boats or near the edge of a canal. I think that's a lot to do with me not feeling as though I could fish them out if they fell in though.
My two main ones, heights (and I got dragged up to the top of the CN tower in Canada and was made to do the helicopter ride over the falls - a day that tested me to the absolute limits). I can`t even clean my upstairs windows, about 10ft up, without shaking like a jelly.

Moths, I don`t trust them and they creep me out, I will scream like a girl and run around the room if one dares to join me.

Slightly different - don`t EVER give me a sandwich with butter or spread in it, you will see last nights tea again very quicklyxx(xx(xx(
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