Doping in other sports

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I tend to believe in Michael Johnson, and partly that's because of his extraordinary running style and outsider status - but then I sometimes wonder if it's partly because he's an articulate and funny BBC commentator... and he just can't be a wrong 'un, can he?


Insanity Prawn Boy
I still keep the faith that Bolt is clean. It's possible, given that Michael Johnson was a similar freak of nature.

I tend to believe in Michael Johnson, and partly that's because of his extraordinary running style and outsider status

This returns to one of the big problems with doping that the dopers - or at least the Armstrongs and Gatlins - will never get. By their very nature, outstanding performances are right on the edge of the performance envelope, as are the athletes. Nothing wrong with that, and in normal circumstances no reason to disbelieve. But by performing similarly, not by extreme physical ability but by cheating, the dopers cast doubt on the validity of all performances, legitimate or not, and thereby the legitimacy of the sport.


I tend to believe in Michael Johnson, and partly that's because of his extraordinary running style and outsider status - but then I sometimes wonder if it's partly because he's an articulate and funny BBC commentator... and he just can't be a wrong 'un, can he?
I believe, and to some extent hope, that Johnson and bolt are really outliers, mainly because of their physicality being different than what is/was perceived to be the correct size of athlete and running style. Bolt is huge and lanky for your typical sprinter. Johnson runs very upright and has a very efficient gait.
Perhaps for their particular physiology, they aren't that special, it's just there's not many others who are in their cohort AND have the opportunity to consider a running career.
... it's just there's not many others who are in their cohort AND have the opportunity to consider a running career.

I coulda been a contender



For someone at the head of the highest profile Olympic sport, he's a remarkably naïve person not to be curious enough to read attachments about a subject that could bring the whole edifice (and his position) into peril. Most odd. Mr Collins MP is certainly enjoying a bit of profile himself at the moment - don't think he's looked in football and rugby yet. Which could be even more interesting.
Another doped Kenyan endurance runner. All this guff they've been spinning these last 20 years about being 'naturally gifted' because they were born at altitude. As bad as Russia.
Olympic champion as well...

I also spotted a story on the same page that another Kenyan had broken 4 world records. I clapped my hands at the great achievement...

There was also a pic of LordSeb on the BBC webpage above a headline stating that IAAF had been hacked by Fancy Bears. I could not be arsed to click on it as I am sure he'll have just been quoted saying some corporate crap about being concerned about the athletes confidentiality and saying the IAAF were doing everything they can to work to remedy security. Rather than saying something about the doping problem.
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