Dun Running? Try Dun Run II - 1st October 2010

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New Member
Hurrah! Ok, as long as the weather behaves I'll be there. I might even dye my hair an extra-alarming colour just for the ride.
We did the dd this year, but were nearly 12 hours from park to beach.

Lightweight! I think we took the best part of 15 hours.... although that did include one stop to buy milk, a pub stop, a few cake stops, a fairly lengthy pause at the feed stop and a stop to brew up :biggrin:


New Member
[QUOTE 1142604"]
Lightweight! I think we took the best part of 15 hours.... although that did include one stop to buy milk, a pub stop, a few cake stops, a fairly lengthy pause at the feed stop and a stop to brew up :biggrin:

Yeahbut, you people were carrying your entire houses on your bikes, like little roaming cycling snails. I would still be in Essex if I'd tried that.


New Member
What's the plan for getting home? It's not 'cycle', btw. I have a gig to be at on Saturday night, and also my legs would object.


What's the plan for getting home? It's not 'cycle', btw. I have a gig to be at on Saturday night, and also my legs would object.
Train from Darsham to Liverpool St. About 6 miles from the beach. Only one train every 2 hrs. A tenner if you book your tix now. Be aware at least 3 people are already booked on the 13.38 service.

Or a (more frequent) train from Diss, Stowmarket or Ipswich - all of which involve a longer (about 27 miles) ride.


New Member
Train from Darsham to Liverpool St. About 6 mies from the beach. Only one train every 2 hrs. A tenner if you book your tix now. Be aware at least 3 people are already booked on the 13.38 service.

Or a (more frequent) train from Diss, Stowmarket or Ipswich - all of which involve a longer (about 27 miles) ride.

I like the Darsham option! I'm not sure that I fancy trekking sleep-deprived all the way back to Ipswich. Now! Do I book myself onto the 13:38 despite it being out of bike spaces, or do I go for a later one? I'm not sure I want to spend all afternoon sitting alone in Dunwich.

If it's the train that goes right through to Lpoo Street, then it'll have one of those toilet/foldyseat setups, which will cheerfully fit more than three bikes. I've seen those trains with seven or eight bikes on, before.


New Member
Well, a few days ago, I booked this iron horse 13.38, for a trip backwards and I saw no option to reserve a bike space.
I will not bother if I have to meander through jobsworths fields to get this sorted out.:rolleyes:

You can book bike spaces if you go to http://tickets.eastcoast.co.uk/ - but I bet there are max. two of them, if any at all. I'm just going to book that train, too. I've seen LOADS of bikes cram into that train in the past.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I'm hatching a plan, as yet untested in the war office dept, of cycling back to Brighton over the course of a few days on a circuitous route.


Hello there
Is anyone planning on cycling back?

once was enough thanks
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