Dunwich Dynamo 24th July 2010

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What's wrong with the camper van in a secret location leyton?

Assuming the gracious Steve is happy with that, the list of CC riders looks surprisingly short at the moment

I recall that a great deal of the attraction of the halfway stop last year was somewhere indoors with a seat, table, lights and a hot cup of tea, sadly all rather difficult to carry on a bike


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Leyton message back in

Signs will start from Coddenham ish. Wont miss … the waft of Bacon will draw a few in !!

What's wrong with the camper van in a secret location leyton?

Assuming the gracious Steve is happy with that, the list of CC riders looks surprisingly short at the moment

I recall that a great deal of the attraction of the halfway stop last year was somewhere indoors with a seat, table, lights and a hot cup of tea, sadly all rather difficult to carry on a bike

Have no problem with the camper , but I am with 3 others who are not members, if the list is short and there is room at the inn it would be appreciated. No offence taken otherwise though.

Glad to hear you got your bike sorted.


Have no problem with the camper , but I am with 3 others who are not members, if the list is short and there is room at the inn it would be appreciated. No offence taken otherwise though.

I'm also going to be with others who are not CC members, so wouldn't want to impose. Looks like I'm the only one of my group to be riding back though.
Will look out for you all - hard as i don't know what any of you look like other than those I've met on the FNRttC.



oooo oooo rb

I do my best riding following someone else that knows the way, me and you should talk about the return trip

we'll be the ones looking very pleased with ourselves around a camper van in the Dunwich car park, In cc clobber depending on the temperature

there was talk of a cc flag last year but i suspect that's not be managed


Legendary Member
Yeah, I shall be in full CC clobber. Makes for easy ID. Nervously excited now. I think the adrenalin will keep me going for the first 50 easy. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Well...some of you anyway. :-)


indeed it does, if there is a hard section it's the small hours in the second half roundabout the 80 mile mark

and the last 20 seem to be very hard, the route suggest you're getting there, rolling gradient, the countryside changes, and it just goe on and on with more (gentle) hills than the rest of the route put together

my hot tip from my first ride two years ago is don't be doing that section solo, find someone sociable, it makes it a great deal easier and more pleasant

and plenty of cream applied generously and early


my hot tip from my first ride two years ago is don't be doing that section solo, find someone sociable, it makes it a great deal easier and more pleasant

and plenty of cream applied generously and early

Blimey I may do that section solo if you are planning applying cream to your ride partners. :ohmy:


Here for rides.
Scrubbed. Doctor's orders pending blood tests.

ball locks and other expletives.


Interpreting that plain sentence in that way had never occurred to me Steve

boo greg, I wonder how many of us would get the thumbs up if we checked with our doctors, I strongly suspect mine might say no


looks like i will have to do my first dun run. there and back... after a night's ride to brighton. there and back...

i'll carry my own food, but stevevw - can i also reserve a plate of soup at your secret restaurant?

quite looking forward to this weekend


looks like i will have to do my first dun run. there and back... after a night's ride to brighton. there and back...

i'll carry my own food, but stevevw - can i also reserve a plate of soup at your secret restaurant?

quite looking forward to this weekend

Very brave!

I'm doing Brighton but am planning to get the train back to stock up on some sleep before the main event. I am up for the ride back from Dunwich though!

I did a little sharpener today to blow off the cobwebs - 150 miles to Cambridge and back. I did it on my racing bike and the main thing I learned from it was not to use that bike for Dunwich as the last 30 were quite painful! So I'll be on the Galaxy with steel, 32mm tyres and Brooks saddle. And lots of cream!

Bad luck, Greg - sorry you can't make it.



can the ride back types add their mobiles to Steve's CC riders' list, if they want to

the more the merrier on the ride back I assume? (and that way I might actually get home)


Über Member
In my usual optimistic manner, I've worked out a route back to London which goes via many train stations - Click Here

This does not guarantee that I will be joining you, but I would like to get as far as possible.

The route goes past a good looking pub called The Beehive Inn just before Colchester which looks perfect (and they have Adnams on tap :tongue:, I may have to make it this far :biggrin:)
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