Facebook. Others have done it. My turn now. Dumped.

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Legendary Member
I'm a reluctant user. It does have advantages and lets me know what is going on in several things I'm involved in and the messager service is handy but I basically never post anything nor do I bother reading the endless drivel some post. I don't really care if the cat vomited in your slippers or the dog ate your remote control.


Legendary Member
I use facebook way too much , but it lets me keep an eye on some of my daughters activities
:biggrin: Just last week I heard of a married woman in her 50s who had been broadcasting to her FB "friends" of holiday exploits abroad. On returning home her father felt the need to remind her that he was one of her FB friends, and there were some things he really didn't want to know about.


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
This is the same Whatsapp that is also owned by... Facebook.


I was about to say, "Never realised that", but it seems to ring a bell now.

Messenger is so strongly associated with FB having become the mobile phone version of their personal messaging function, and as far as I know you can only use it to message people who have a FB account (whether or not they are your FB friend). However, in view of @Sandra6 's post that seems to be different now and Messenger will probably have the same functionality as Whatsapp as well as also being independent of FB. You can already set Messenger as a means to show your text messages but I disabled that because every time I got a text it was duplicated via Messenger.

What I like about Whatsapp is that you can use it to communicate with any other mobile phone if the owner has the Whatsapp app on their device. Photos and files can be sent free whereas they convert texts from SMS to MMS thus incurring charges, and a lengthy text doesn't convert an SMS to MMS as it does on my mobile phone, so it is always free.

If Messenger can now be used as a standalone, I doubt Facebook will get rid of Whatsapp as it seems it allows them to cover all angles by Facebook providing an app for people who don;t like Facebook.


Rohan Man
Bugbrooke UK
I'll use it if it becomes essential but can't be bothered at the moment. I was on it briefly a few years ago and it bored me to tears. I don't even know what Whatsapp is.

Whatsapp is brilliant for keeping in touch with family for everything from achievements down to level of mundane housekeeping. We have a group comprising Me, MrsB and the two independent in their twenties junior Bromps .Problems shared, journeys monitored and re-routing suggested, cycling or motoring issues sorted, and shopping lists completed. No obvious downside.
I don't have a Facebook account and I would only open one if it was the only way of keeping up with something I was involved in, as Dan B said and as a few friends have needed to do.

Whatsapp is excellent and it is a real shame it's owned by Facebook. it does encrypt the messages but whether Facebook can read that I don't know. Recently there was a change to the terms of service to enable Facebook to target Whatsapp users with Facebook marketing on Facebook but as I don't have a Facebook acct, I don't believe I'm affected and you can turn it off in the settings anyhow.


Itching to get back on my bike's
:biggrin: Just last week I heard of a married woman in her 50s who had been broadcasting to her FB "friends" of holiday exploits abroad. On returning home her father felt the need to remind her that he was one of her FB friends, and there were some things he really didn't want to know about.

sounds about right , i never comment just look at my daughters page


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
You can even follow cyclechat on facebook



Leg End Member
I use forums for various hobbies, but use a different identity and avatar on each one.
I use several different email addresses for various reasons and use disposable addresses for a lot of things.
Don't, and never will, use Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat et al.
Most people are really far too lax in the amount of personal information they allow to be freely accessible on the Internet.
Anything to do with balloons on bikes?
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