Facebook post blood boiling

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Legendary Member
Devon & Die
I guess I must just have an awesome lot of friends on Facebook. Some close personal friends in real life, some cycling acquaintances, some music people, groups for orchestras and cycling clubs, Facebook events for publicising concerts and races, organising social events, announcements of life events (births, engagements, marriages, deaths etc), nice photos of places I'll never go, humorous exchanges, politics, wordnerdery, and NO CCd TO ALL EMAIL CHAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lovely jubbly
I guess I must just have an awesome lot of friends on Facebook. Some close personal friends in real life, some cycling acquaintances, some music people, groups for orchestras and cycling clubs, Facebook events for publicising concerts and races, organising social events, announcements of life events (births, engagements, marriages, deaths etc), nice photos of places I'll never go, humorous exchanges, politics, wordnerdery, and NO CCd TO ALL EMAIL CHAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly, it is what you make it :okay:


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
I guess I must just have an awesome lot of friends on Facebook. Some close personal friends in real life, some cycling acquaintances, some music people, groups for orchestras and cycling clubs, Facebook events for publicising concerts and races, organising social events, announcements of life events (births, engagements, marriages, deaths etc), nice photos of places I'll never go, humorous exchanges, politics, wordnerdery, and NO CCd TO ALL EMAIL CHAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's more like my experience of it.


Lovely jubbly
Facebook is a bit of a red herring in this case, I mean why do all these people hate cyclists? They clearly have seen some less than acceptable road craft by cyclists or are just plain jealous.
It's up to us to get our house in order which is tricky as cycling is such a broad church.
Personally, as a club rider I think I ride pretty good and adhere to the Highway Code, but I have been known to ride through red lights on roadworks on country roads if no one is about :ph34r:. We do attract abuse for riding 2 abreast or riding in groups making it harder for vehicles to overtake. On Sunday I was in a group of 12 and we actually split it in half and gave a "gap" to make it easier to overtake on a particularly bendy piece of road. We mostly wear club jerseys and don't want to bring the club into disrepute, as it's pretty obvious people know where to complain.
However I don't ride in cities and understand that takes a different approach with lots of "last minute" lane changes or avoidance manoeuvres. The last time I did ride in London (final stage of TOB) was like night and day different to my normal riding :eek:.


Lovely jubbly
My latest Facebook conversation concerned a cat attacking a dog on our local village page :addict:

And I've now had this posted by a mate, how very relevant, spread the message people :gun:



Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
It's up to us to get our house in order which is tricky as cycling is such a broad church.
No, it's really not. No more than it's up to motorists to stop other motorists demolishing bus shelters with their cars before we build any new motorways. A cyclist committing a criminal act does not excuse anyone assaulting another cyclist as described in the OP - or even the criminal one, for that matter!

The problem is that you're up against the massive marketing budgets of car manufacturers who consistently sell a myth of empty roads and freedom, so the masses deny that they're being caged and strapped in behind a steering wheel, working for nothing instead of relaxing, spending lots of time sitting in traffic queues and snorting the exhaust of a fellow mug who's been conned exactly the same way - when they realise, they're angry, and they can easily take it out on an "outgroup" who they see has made a more successful travel choice.

How long can even the huge marketing budgets of King Car-nute hold back the tide of reality? And when it doesn't, how can we redirect the anger of conned motorists towards someone else, like the car manufacturers or the government?

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I guess I must just have an awesome lot of friends on Facebook. Some close personal friends in real life, some cycling acquaintances, some music people, groups for orchestras and cycling clubs, Facebook events for publicising concerts and races, organising social events, announcements of life events (births, engagements, marriages, deaths etc), nice photos of places I'll never go, humorous exchanges, politics, wordnerdery, and NO CCd TO ALL EMAIL CHAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[goes away to mercilessly spam Mr Trumpet with fake news about his brother, Donald, and miracle cures for trumpeters' bell-end]
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Lovely jubbly
The problem is that you're up against the massive marketing budgets of car manufacturers who consistently sell a myth of empty roads and freedom, so the masses deny that they're being caged and strapped in behind a steering wheel, working for nothing instead of relaxing, spending lots of time sitting in traffic queues and snorting the exhaust of a fellow mug who's been conned exactly the same way - when they realise, they're angry, and they can easily take it out on an "outgroup" who they see has made a more successful travel choice.
Bonkers, I drive and cycle but we as a family can't and won't do every journey on a bike, we are not living in the dark ages!


Smash the cistern
I remember getting into a discussion with @GrumpyGregry when I first started on this forum about the rights and wrongs of kicking someones mirror off if they close passed you. I said then (and still do) that I think it is wrong but must admit the thought has crossed my mind a couple of times when I have been on the road.
I've been chatting to this guy a bit more and he says the reason he cycles is because he realises he's an angry person and has come to the conclusion that being angry on a bike is safer than being angry in a car, where he might end up ramming someone off the road or something. So it's actually kind of a responsible attitude which we could do with more people adopting, when it's put like that...
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