FNRttC to Newhaven, Paris and Dieppe July 18, 19, 20 2013

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These are the same purveyors who convinced people that armwarmers were a good idea though.

Don't confuse armwarmers with the protective stockinette put upon you by the caring staff at Dieppe General, Mart...it was for your own good.
Have a splendid trip, everyone. Shame about the Saturday night restaurant..:whistle: - probably there's a bike or something like that hanging from the ceiling to give a touch of je ne sais quoi. Yeh - I'm envious, but it will pass. If you're watching the finale on Sunday, give a big shout for Richie Porte, who has played the real 'team player' role this Tour. (And don't forget the free shirts in the tent at 'Norwegian Corner'!)


Über Member
Poo! A rough week has finished with a 'day' lasting well into the evening. Even though I was only going as far as Newhaven, I'd struggle to get that far, I fear. :sad:

A message has been sent to Fearless Leader.
Already warming up in the Tropic of Newhaven...what a lovely night for a ride! Hope it is another splendid run into Paris - don't forget (I did) that the Paris stage doesn't finish until about 21:45 this Sunday, so one can get an eyeful of the sights pendant la journée!
Here's one from the archive...

...and someone 'in my thoughts' at this time - cheers, Frank.

Let's have some good tales of derring-do...and less of the derring-don't! Allez!:thumbsup:


Riding a folding bike far too much of the time...
Teef building 'Entente Cordial' bridges with locals. Sadly no policeman around to protect him on this occasion!


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Teef building 'Entente Cordial' bridges with locals. Sadly no policeman around to protect him on this occasion!
Looks a bit like Charles de G to me.......


Kilometre nibbler
I left without paying for my breakfast at Luna Rossa. I rang him and explained, and he was very nice, thanked me for my honesty and said "Haha!, next time I charge you double!". All the same I'll put a tenner in the post, as I feel bad about that. Did anyone else get collared, with irate staff saying "there were 13 breakfasts and only 12 have been paid for, bloody cyclists!"

After doing my runner from Luna Rossa Eddie and I had a very pleasant ride up to Caterham via N Chaley, Sharpwood (apple spice cake at the Sharpwood organic café!!) and Turners hill. We set a very brisk pace to start off with but the rolling hills combined with the sapping heat meant that I for one was good for nothing when we arrived in Caterham.

Home, bath, switched Le Tour on TV, watched all of two seconds of it before falling asleep and being woken by the Minder feem toon. Route here

Thanks for the ride, and have a great time everyone.

Tim Hall

Facebookage provides visual and verbal clues...

Pah. Marginalisation of part of society.Why isn't it posted here?

Anyway, leapt on a train at Gatwick (first use of Gatwick Surpise of the expedition) and spied a swishy black Thorn in the bike space. TMN was nearby, so we chatted the time away. Arr. VIC at 2320, off to West Country Pasty stall. Spicy Chickpea is the answer, although the question may vary. The usual suspects were gathering, although by the time we left HPC we were only 13 in number. No safety talk, no list. It's ever so rock'n'roll.

The speedy route was taken, so after Mitcham we had the delights of Croydon then the A23. Simon picked up a thrown gauntlet at Salfords by some yoofs, who, on being soundly beaten claimed " 'e's got a farkin motor in there". Brief loo stop and battery faffage at Horley then the second go on the Gatwick Surprise for me. Coffee and sticky bun and talking to some Spanish Scouts then out via the Schlumbereger exit. Zoomed down the Balcombe Road then down Stony Lane, which was. Agent Hilda "nearly died", although we must be thankful her wheel bearings were silky smooth. DZ shot off quickly from the re-grouping in case he got a Severe Telling Off. Over the reservoir and up into Ardingly, into the dawn and passing the farmhouse where my Dad spent some of the war. Waiting started and it became apparent that Stephen had suffered a puncture at the foot of a steep hill, caused by misaligned brake blocks. Natty self adhesive tyre boot was applied and about half the recommended quantity of air re-inserted. Zooming to Lindfield and Slugwash Lane followed, then over to Cooksbridge down my favourite sort of road, the gentle never ending downward slope.

Past Lewes prison (Great Grandfather was governor there some years ago), and onto the rather grerbie road down the right bank of the Ouse.Team Mercian soon broke away from the pack leading the charge for brekko. No revolutionary leaders, past or present, were spotted, but breakfast was found at Luna Rossa. Top notch service out in the sunshine. No toast stealing seagulls either. Halfords was located, handily near the ferry terminal, as Stephen's tyre was in need of replacement and was 27 inch, so though easier to obtain this side of La Manche. Mice and Call Me Bob arrived, so more nattering ensued. Boat Ship people went one way, Jim and I headed for Brighton. Train to Gatwick for me and a third go on the Gatwick Surprise. All good. photos later.
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